[Marketing] Meeting Tonight, 10/1 ?


I think there a few of us who could help you solve that over on the Live
Demo email list. I've done my share of work on USB portable applications.


Bob Basques wrote:

Another item related to ease of use for newbies. I've been working on and off the last couple of weeks on a USB based Web demo.

I've gotten all component to work, now trying to get it down to a single one button startup. I'm working on it for Emergency response uses, but there are other uses I'm sure. I'm also interested in how a standalone suite like this might update itself automatically.


Alex Mandel <tech_dev@wildintellect.com> 09/30/09 9:36 PM >>>

I've been out of the loop and missed all the summer meetings, did they
even happen? What about tonight, are we having a meeting?

Agenda Items:
FOSS4G - last minute stuff
AGM in December - Tyler was invited to speak? are we going to do a booth?
Next 5 years - Bob's ideas, Live GIS project might fit

FYI- California chapter is doing a 50min demo of QGIS, PostGIS,
Mapserver, OpenLayers and OpenJump at NACIS next week.

Marketing mailing list


I’ve been experimenting mostly. Things are kind of gel-ing around portableApps (for windows) so far. I did try other combinations of things though, Portable FireFox (from Mozilla) with the POW extension, FF (packaged via portableApps) with Apache Portable, Full Apache with portable FF, Full Apache with FF from PortableApps.

I finally got FULL Apache to do what I was looking to do. I was really wanting the POW extension for FF to be workabale though, since it would make portability across OS’s much nicer. I may go back and hit that again using what I’ve learned and see if I can still make that work. The one click option seems like it might be nicer this way, since all the user would need to do is start FF from the USB. Database services may be problematic with this approach though, but I could build in a controller right into the Browser for this.

So, where am I at now. PortableApps/XAMPP seems to be the best option for Windows which is what I started working on. I intend to attack MAC and Linux as well. The end result is to have a standalone mapping service start up either automatically after insertion into the USB and/or a one click startup.


Alex Mandel tech_dev@wildintellect.com wrote:


I think there a few of us who could help you solve that over on the Live
Demo email list. I’ve done my share of work on USB portable applications.


Bob Basques wrote:

Another item related to ease of use for newbies. I’ve been working on and off the last couple of weeks on a USB based Web demo.

I’ve gotten all component to work, now trying to get it down to a single one button startup. I’m working on it for Emergency response uses, but there are other uses I’m sure. I’m also interested in how a standalone suite like this might update itself automatically.


Alex Mandel tech_dev@wildintellect.com 09/30/09 9:36 PM >>>
I’ve been out of the loop and missed all the summer meetings, did they
even happen? What about tonight, are we having a meeting?

Agenda Items:
FOSS4G - last minute stuff
AGM in December - Tyler was invited to speak? are we going to do a booth?
Next 5 years - Bob’s ideas, Live GIS project might fit

FYI- California chapter is doing a 50min demo of QGIS, PostGIS,
Mapserver, OpenLayers and OpenJump at NACIS next week.


Marketing mailing list

"Bob Basques" <Bob.Basques@ci.stpaul.mn.us> wrote:

So, where am I at now. PortableApps/XAMPP seems to be the best option for
Windows which is what I started working on. I intend to attack MAC and

Linux as

well. The end result is to have a standalone mapping service start up


automatically after insertion into the USB and/or a one click startup.

This reminded me, a lifetime ago I was using Starkits (I think)
http://www.equi4.com/starkit/ and running MapServer and PostGIS on Windows
off a CDROM. Not sure if it's still useful, but it was certainly cool at
the time.



It’s still cool (to me). And having local (usb) write options put it out there even further, since I can have background processes do things like keep the data being served up to date automagically if there is a network available.

I’m really trying to build a cascaded mapping service model (complete with database support, before you started to quote OGC spec’s), that can still run standalone if needs to in an emergency.


“Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo)” tmitchell@osgeo.org wrote:

“Bob Basques” Bob.Basques@ci.stpaul.mn.us wrote:

So, where am I at now. PortableApps/XAMPP seems to be the best option for
Windows which is what I started working on. I intend to attack MAC and
Linux as
well. The end result is to have a standalone mapping service start up
automatically after insertion into the USB and/or a one click startup.

This reminded me, a lifetime ago I was using Starkits (I think)
http://www.equi4.com/starkit/ and running MapServer and PostGIS on Windows
off a CDROM. Not sure if it’s still useful, but it was certainly cool at
the time.


Marketing mailing list

As many people will be downloading the OSGeo presentation template from SVN (http://svn.osgeo.org/osgeo/marketing/present/) for the upcoming FOSS4G conference in Australia, it's unfortunate that the map in the template does not display Australia very well. Could the template be updated so that the Australian continent is at least in view?


Jeff McKenna
FOSS4G Consulting and Training Services

As many people will be downloading the OSGeo presentation template from
SVN (http://svn.osgeo.org/osgeo/marketing/present/) for the upcoming
FOSS4G conference in Australia, it's unfortunate that the map in the
template does not display Australia very well. Could the template be
updated so that the Australian continent is at least in view?

Hmm.. it wasn't really designed to show any country well :slight_smile:

I'm afraid the background graphic is static and we don't have sources for
those figures. It would probably not be worth the cost to have designers to
consider this.

Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) wrote:

As many people will be downloading the OSGeo presentation template from SVN (http://svn.osgeo.org/osgeo/marketing/present/) for the upcoming FOSS4G conference in Australia, it's unfortunate that the map in the template does not display Australia very well. Could the template be updated so that the Australian continent is at least in view?

Hmm.. it wasn't really designed to show any country well :slight_smile:

I'm afraid the background graphic is static and we don't have sources for
those figures. It would probably not be worth the cost to have designers to
consider this.

ok, thanks for explaining. This issue was brought to my attention.
