[Marketing] Meeting Wednesday (check time)

After talking with Arnulf, we agreed that it would be worth meeting this week. I propose we meet this Wednesday at the following time (same as last meeting):

Please double-check the time for your timezone - it may have changed since the last time you attended! If you want to suggest a different meeting time, please let the list know.

I started an agenda page at:

I didn't get the minutes written up properly from last meeting, but will try to get it done from reviewing the IRC logs.


That's 2pm Seattle time, and I'll be in a training class -- I'll try to
sit in the back of the room and quietly fire up IRC.. :slight_smile:


-----Original Message-----
From: marketing-bounces@lists.osgeo.org
[mailto:marketing-bounces@lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Tyler
Mitchell (OSGeo)
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2008 10:33 AM
To: OSGeo Marketing
Subject: [Marketing] Meeting Wednesday (check time)

After talking with Arnulf, we agreed that it would be worth meeting
this week. I propose we meet this Wednesday at the following time
(same as last meeting):

Please double-check the time for your timezone - it may have changed
since the last time you attended! If you want to suggest a
meeting time, please let the list know.

I started an agenda page at:

I didn't get the minutes written up properly from last meeting, but
will try to get it done from reviewing the IRC logs.

Marketing mailing list