[Marketing] Motion Component 1 - Branding and Online Style Guide accepted

Dear all,

Herewith I happily announce that the motion Component 1 - Branding and Online Style Guide has been accepted.
From the fact that it past with a large majority I conclude that GetInteractive (under tutelage by Jody) has done a great job.

With this important part of the deliverables accepted we can scratch one more thing of the list.

Committee Members’ result:

  • Peter Batty (not voted)
  • Nicolas Bozon +0 (noted concern about “online” style guide)
  • Arnulf Christl (not voted)
  • Astrid Emde (not voted)
  • Jody Garnett +1
  • Harrison Grundy +1
  • Jeff Johnson +1
  • Alex Mandel +1
  • Peter Mooney +1
  • Cameron Shorter +0
  • Guido Stein +1
  • Marc Vloemans +1 (initial motion)

Kind regards,

Marc Vloemans

Mobile +31(0)651 844262
LinkedIn: http://nl.linkedin.com/in/marcvloemans
Twitter: http://twitter.com/marcvloemans