[Marketing] Next steps...

Hi everyone,
We have a few things on our plate and I would love to have a meeting soon, but I'm out of touch this week. It'd be great to hear any more ideas from those who experience FOSS4G too.

Here are some questions to ponder and a few things to do if you have a spare minute:

* If you saw the booth, brochure, banners or cards that we had printed at the OSGeo booth, provide some feedback on how they worked/looked. Any improvements you thought of?
* If you could spend $5,000 or $10,000 on any marketing activity for OSGeo, what do you think would have the best effect? Would it be a long term or short term effect?
* Have a read of the Marketing Communication Strategy 2008 document, then choose the top 3-4 points you think we should act on. If someone would like to summarise the document too, then we can turn it from a strategy into a work plan.
* Identify any important events coming up and letting Lorenzo know so they can be added to the osgeo.org calendar/list.

Hope you are all well, I'll be back online next Monday.
Thank you to all who helped make our booth at FOSS4G a success!


Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) wrote:

Hi everyone,
We have a few things on our plate and I would love to have a meeting
soon, but I'm out of touch this week. It'd be great to hear any more
ideas from those who experience FOSS4G too.

Here are some questions to ponder and a few things to do if you have a
spare minute:

* If you saw the booth, brochure, banners or cards that we had printed
at the OSGeo booth, provide some feedback on how they worked/looked.
Any improvements you thought of?
* If you could spend $5,000 or $10,000 on any marketing activity for
OSGeo, what do you think would have the best effect? Would it be a long
term or short term effect?
* Have a read of the Marketing Communication Strategy 2008 document,
then choose the top 3-4 points you think we should act on. If someone
would like to summarise the document too, then we can turn it from a
strategy into a work plan.
* Identify any important events coming up and letting Lorenzo know so
they can be added to the osgeo.org calendar/list.

Hope you are all well, I'll be back online next Monday.
Thank you to all who helped make our booth at FOSS4G a success!


I think I missed something, where can I find the "Marketing
Communication Strategy 2008 document"


Le dimanche 05 octobre 2008, Alex Mandel a écrit :

Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) wrote:
> [..]

I think I missed something, where can I find the "Marketing
Communication Strategy 2008 document"



You can find it here :


Yves Jacolin
"Donner la liberté aux individus ne suffit pas, il faut aussi leur donner du
pouvoir, de la puissance d'agir." M Gauchet

"Give freedom to people is not enough, we also have to give them the power
use this freedom, to act". M Gauchet