[Marketing] OGC Member Section at 2012 Smart Geospatial EXPO in Seoul between Wednesday, Oct 10 and Friday, Oct 12


As I mentioned in my earlier email around 3 or 4 months ago, OSGeo finally got free exhibition booth at OGC TC/PC meeting(in conjunction with Smart GeoSpatial Expo Korea) in Seoul just like below email.

Korean L.C. will take care of OSGeo booth there during the event. Anyway we're asked to prepare for 4~6 A0 size PPT file or Adobe Illustrator file to illustrate OSGeo's activity. So where can I get up-to-date & nice those ones? And Korean L.C. will hand out OSGeo Live DVD there at OSGeo booth there.

Thank you.


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º¸³½ »ç¶÷: "Jinsoo You" <jyou@opengeospatial.org>
Á¦¸ñ: OGC Member Section at 2012 Smart Geospatial EXPO in Seoul between Wednesday, Oct 10 and Friday, Oct 12
³¯Â¥: 2012³â 8¿ù 28ÀÏ ¿ÀÀü 2½Ã 41ºÐ 1ÃÊ GMT+10:00
¹Þ´Â »ç¶÷: <gbuehler@opengeospatial.org>, "Shin, Sanghee" <shshin@gaia3d.com>, "Carsten Roensdorf" <Carsten.Roensdorf@ordnancesurvey.co.uk>, <dburggraf@galdosinc.com>, <Andreas.Matheus@unibw.de>, <milly@gis.tw>, <isao.kojima@aist.go.jp>
ÂüÁ¶: <chobongho@gmail.com>, <carpediem.coex@gmail.com>, <jkseo@coex.co.kr>, "Mark Reichardt" <mreichardt@opengeospatial.org>, <creed@opengeospatial.org>

Dear OGC Colleagues,

I have finally received the booth design for the OGC member section at 2012 Smart Geospatial EXPO in Seoul (October 10 through 12), which will be held during the OGC Seoul Meetings in COEX. This section has been specially designed for OGC members and it looks different from others. Each unit is exactly 9 sq.meters (3m x 3m) and it¡¯s a part of approx. 4,000 sq.meters exhibition area for the EXPO. Each unit is actually sold for 2,200 US dollars by the EXPO, however MLTM donated this section to OGC members free of charge!

Currently, UK OS, Feng Chia, Galdos, AIST, Security DWG, OSGeo confirmed their participation in this section. I also hope OGC Headquarters use a unit to participate in this exhibition. Please check below your responsibilities and miscellaneous information to participate in this exhibition.

1. Because the unit size is 3m x 3m, we recommend you to prepare at least four A0 size panels (up to six A0 size panels). In order to simplify the process, you can just send Adobe Illustrator files or A0 size PPT files to COEX (Ms. Lee, COEX, carpediem.coex@gmail.com) for ¡°nice¡± display. The COEX print shop prefers AI files. COEX will print your contents and make panels in Seoul. Please send your materials by September 15 (but please no later than 23). This deadline is to give time to the print shop for corrections.
2. We can also provide 40¡± monitor, so you can connect your notebook. If you hope to use desktop PCs or any other equipment, please let us know.
3. If you have to leave the exhibition area to keep your TC/PC meeting schedule, there will be local assistants to cover your absence.
4. You can display whatever you want related to your organization; however, I hope you can prepare materials that are directly/indirectly related to OGC standards developments, implementations, testbeds development, and so forth.

Again many thanks for your participation, and please feel free to send your questions and comments.

Sincerely yours,

Jinsoo You
OGC, Director of Asian Services
