[Marketing] Ok, I'm here, what should we talk about. (5 year direction)


Well, based on the discuss list thread about five year direction . . .

I think the most important stuff/things are to make it very easy to get into using OpenSource. The easier it is, the more likely it will be tried, if it stays easy, the longer it will be tried.

My thoughts would center around building out demos/packages that are plug and play sorts of things, where the users can plug and play their own data easily and see some positive feedback very early on in the “getting acquainted with the software” phase.


Welcome Bob,
For some background, the main marketing project I had on my plate this past
year has been to develop some various material - mostly for hardcopy output

This project is 90% complete, awaiting also a final wrap-up delivery of all
contents combined and an overview guide showing off each component, likely
in the next week or so. Until then:

Then we'll get a couple things printed for distribution, and others
on-demand, e.g. for local chapters.

Once I've got all the final files, I'd like to make them customisable
through a web interface - so they can be translated and resized, but then
also output as PDF for people to print in their locale.

That's what's on my plate - we haven't discussed the idea of tech demo, etc.
on this list so far, but it is a good idea and I'd gladly add it as one of
our active projects if there is enough traction. I'm sure there are enough
of us here to give feedback :slight_smile:


"Bob Basques" <Bob.Basques@ci.stpaul.mn.us> wrote:


Well, based on the discuss list thread about five year direction . . .

I think the most important stuff/things are to make it very easy to get


using OpenSource. The easier it is, the more likely it will be tried, if


stays easy, the longer it will be tried.

My thoughts would center around building out demos/packages that are plug


play sorts of things, where the users can plug and play their own data


and see some positive feedback very early on in the "getting acquainted

with the

software" phase.
