[Marketing] OS Geo prez

Hi Shaun,
Great to hear from you.

The answer is technically yes, but logistics are a bit of challenge.

1. If I had a t-shirt handy, I'd send one to you, but I don't.

2. The OSGeo Marketing committee has mandate to process requests such as these, but suffers from a lack of a volunteer prepared to process such requests. In particular, we probably need to set an ebay shop or similar, which OSGeo material (such as shirts and OSGeo-Live USBs), which people such as yourself can order. And we need a volunteer to coordinate the allocation of marketing funds, and tracking of spending.

So if you know of someone (you?) who can help out with (2), then getting a t-shirt and other goodies shouldn't be a problem.

Feel free to CC this to the OSGeo Marketing committee marketing@lists.osgeo.org, where you might get a better answer.

On another note, with all this OSGeo Advocacy you are doing, you should register as an OSGeo Advocate:

and would be good to also add your upcoming event to:

On 21/10/2014 2:50 pm, S Kolo wrote:


Hey mate. Hows things going ?

I've been accepted to do a small presentation at GIS Day in mid November.
I'll present the QGIS version of a Wallaby counting exercise (polulation index) that our Rocky office folk did.
We also have a desk we can plonk ourselves on at QUT so I'll be able to present and talk to people as they wander by. I'll use the Open GIS software LIVE DVD and a few other bits and pieces.

I was wondering if there was any chance of getting hold of a Tshirt from OSGeo (or similar) please ?


Cameron Shorter,
Software and Data Solutions Manager
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009

P +61 2 9009 5000, W www.lisasoft.com, F +61 2 9009 5099

Hi Shaun,

I was wondering if there was any chance of getting hold of a Tshirt from
OSGeo (or similar) please ?

If you want to self fund, http://www.cafepress.com/osgeo has lots of
available options. Our local chapter put in an order for everyone so
that we could save on shipping and we all got shirts too!

Sounds like you are doing great work!

<rant>Using this a as a stepping off point, I'd like to once again
advocate for subsidized shirt, sticker, and other promotional
materials. Shaun is doing great promotional work and it could be
spread even further if, for example, he also gave out OSGeo laptop
stickers while doing it or people could enter to win an OSGeo shirt.

Best regards, Eli
