[Marketing] OSGeo at AAG 2010

Eric & Andrew,

We talked about it some last year and I know Eric is organizing some
FOSS sessions, I'd like to bring up the topic of OSGeo planned presence
at the AAG this year.

1. Eric, can we get an update on your sessions. The AAG website is being
a tad uncooperative.

2. Would either of you be willing to be in charge of the booth on site.
I can help with all the logistics and materials(Exhibition Pack can come
from California), but I'm not sure yet if I'm going to the AAG this
year. OSGeo is looking at putting money down on the early bird pricing,
today I think(We just found out last night).

I also recall Andrew mentioning that he though some local shops in DC
that use OSGeo might be interested in sponsoring, or maybe even helping
with a block of tables.

Any more thoughts on that or any other ideas?

Alex Mandel


Thanks so much for being willing to take that on. I was actually curious
about how many speakers you have so far and if we need to do some last
minute recruiting before the Abstract deadline tomorrow.
Can you list the Speakers on the wiki?


Eric Wolf wrote:


Go ahead and put me down as "in charge" of the booth.

Here's the CFP for the FOSS4G session:

-- CFP begins --
Call for Papers

AAG 2010 Organized Session: *Open Source Tools & Standards in GISc Research
and Education*

Sponsored by the *Cyberinfrastructure*, *Spatial Analysis and Modeling*,
and *Geographic Information Science and Systems* Specialty Groups

Seamless access to and the fusion of disparate geographic information
sources, geographic and scientific visualizations, and geocomputations have
been common challenges in scientific research across disciplines. To cope
with these challenges in GISc research and education, open source platforms
and tools from research communities (e.g., GRASS, Kepler, GeoTools, uDig,
PostGIS, pySAL, OpenGeoDa, R-Geo, to name a few) and open GIS standards
(e.g., OGC WMS, WFS, WCS, GML, KML standards, etc.) are gaining more
attention in building a scientific research infrastructure and introducing
more effective teaching tools. This session invites papers on
state-of-the-art applications of open source tools & standards in GISc
research, and in particular, welcomes papers on best practices in GISc
education. Potential topics for this session include, but are not limited

* State of the art developments/applications of open source tools &
standards in GISc research and education
* Case studies of open source tools & standards implementations: geographic
information sharing, energy, resource management, climate change, etc.
* Case studies on the use of open source tools & standards in GISc education

To present a paper in the session:
1. Register and submit your abstract online (http://www.aag
2. Email your presenter identification number (PIN), paper title, and
abstract to s.jang75@csuohio.edu and luc.anselin@asu.edu by *October 26,
2009*(note the AAG abstract deadline is October 28, 2009)

Sung-Gheel Jang (s.jang75@csuohio.edu)
Department of Urban Studies, Cleveland State University

Luc Anselin (luc.anselin@asu.edu)
Director, GeoDa Center for Geospatial Analysis and Computation, Arizona
State University

-- CFP ends --
Eric B. Wolf New! 720-334-7734
USGS Geographer
Center of Excellence in GIScience
PhD Student
CU-Boulder - Geography

On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 4:14 PM, Alex Mandel <tech_dev@wildintellect.com>wrote:

Eric & Andrew,

We talked about it some last year and I know Eric is organizing some
FOSS sessions, I'd like to bring up the topic of OSGeo planned presence
at the AAG this year.

1. Eric, can we get an update on your sessions. The AAG website is being
a tad uncooperative.

2. Would either of you be willing to be in charge of the booth on site.
I can help with all the logistics and materials(Exhibition Pack can come
from California), but I'm not sure yet if I'm going to the AAG this
year. OSGeo is looking at putting money down on the early bird pricing,
today I think(We just found out last night).

I also recall Andrew mentioning that he though some local shops in DC
that use OSGeo might be interested in sponsoring, or maybe even helping
with a block of tables.

Any more thoughts on that or any other ideas?

Alex Mandel