[Marketing] [OSGeo-Conf] [Board] Motion to create a youtube account FOSS4G


I collected (hopefully) all the information from the thread to the ticket:

In the board meeting we decided to make the final discission in the marketing committee. So the discussion we go on there.

Thanks everybody for the discussion.


Am 17.06.2019 21:40 schrieb Astrid Emde (OSGeo):


here are the answers to the questions:

1. We definitely publish our FOSS4G Videos at TIB AV-Portal - there is
a great team at TIB AV-Portal and the workflow and rules are defined -
FOSS for GIS video tutorials and screencasts - OSGeo

2. who administrates the youtube account?
I can administrate the account and find some more volunteers.
One volunteer already showed up.

3. Information about FOSS4G videos
There is a video section in the FOSS4G handbook already. We could add
the youtube information
FOSS4G Handbook - OSGeo

4. License
The videos neet to have the CC BY-SA 4.0 License (speaker have to agree
in advance).
At events the speaker have to agree to this license before. Else no
upload is possible (same as for TIB AV-Portal)
CC BY-SA 4.0 Deed | Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International | Creative Commons

5. Video Committee
There was an idea to create a video committee. Preparation was done here
Video Committee - OSGeo

6. workflow to bring the videos to youtube
* for FOSS4G there will be a script that automatically uploads the
videos see
voctopublish/voctopublish at master-old · voc/voctopublish · GitHub
* for other events a temporary storage on a server is needed to refer
to the videos and upload them (should work also automatically)

7. Why Youtube? pro / cons
* people search at youtube and will find FOSS4G videos here too
* pro immediate access to the videos -> TIB AV-Portal needs some weeks
* no longterm archive -> we also have TIB AV-Portal for this
* for FOSS4G 2019 it is just another place for the videos: we already
have https://av.tib.eu/ https://media.ccc.de/

8. Promote the channel
If we decide to use the channel and use it also for other events we
would promote it when we hear about upcoming OSGeo events. But no
must. If events still would like to use their own channel that would
be fine.


Am 17.06.2019 17:42 schrieb Eli Adam:

+1 to FOSS4G youtube account. Till raised a few good questions
pertaining to the logistics side.

Best regards, Eli

On Sun, Jun 16, 2019 at 11:03 PM Till Adams <till.adams@fossgis.de> wrote:

Dear Astrid,

I think this is a good idea - although personally I am not big fan of
these social stuff, I hink it's a good way to promote open Source GIS
tools, as a lot of people outside our community will not find the other
channels, where we put our video-mateirals.

I have some practical issues regarding this:

- who administers this account?

- who actually puts the videos online?

- do we need to get additional permission from the speakers?

Reagrds, Till

Am 15.06.19 um 23:02 schrieb Cameron Shorter:
> +1 Great idea to have the FOSS4G youtube channel.
> We should decide whether we want this channel to be just for the
> international FOSS4G, or can be extended so that regional and local
> events can use it too. (I'm in favour of it being open to regional
> and local FOSS4G events).
> On 15/6/19 11:19 pm, Astrid Emde (OSGeo) wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Youtube would only be a third location of our FOSS4G videos. Only an
>> offer not a must have. They have already all videos in TIB AV-Portal
>> (if the LOC provides them) and we can have them at https://media.ccc.de
>> The videos will have the CC BY-SA 4.0 License (speaker have to agree
>> in advance)
>> CC BY-SA 4.0 Deed | Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International | Creative Commons
>> He have a page that refers to the video locations:
>> http://video.foss4g.org/
>> So youtube would be a nice to have but is not necessary.
>> Astrid
>> Am 15.06.2019 14:03 schrieb María Arias de Reyna:
>>> HI,
>>> Youtube has many obvious SEO and positioning advantages, but I'm
>>> doubtful of having all our videos on a privative platform like
>>> Google/Youtube, specially if we have enough "iron" to host ourselves.
>>> (See for example [1], we may have even more iron incoming). At least,
>>> I wouldn't have it as the primary entrypoint and storage of videos
>>> with such educational and state of the art value.
>>> On a quick look I couldn't find any good explanation on the possible
>>> issues with Youtube and the license/IP. I assume you already checked
>>> for FOSSGIS and it is clear? I understand that "YOU GRANT TO YOUTUBE A
>>> NON-EXCLUSIVE, WORLDWIDE, perpetual license to freely sub-license,
>>> re-distribute, re-publish, monetize, and whatever they may want to do
>>> with your video"[2]. Would they be able to copy/paste and alter the
>>> video and then redistribute it in a way that is bad for OSGeo? (I know
>>> they have done some copy/paste to use for promotional videos, not sure
>>> if something else.)
>>> They may monetize the videos. Are we ok with that? Are we going to ask
>>> all our speakers to be ok with that?
>>> (And the answer may be that we are ok with all this, I just wanted to
>>> raise the issue.)
>>> Cheers,
>>> María
>>> [1] [SAC] University of Zaragoza offering hardware [7]
>>> [2] Tubular Labs – Tubular inspires the remarkably relevant by tracking shifting values, interests and consumer behaviors across platforms. [8]
>>> (using this link because Youtube insists on showing me the Spanish
>>> version of the license)
>>> On Sat, Jun 15, 2019 at 11:52 AM Astrid Emde (OSGeo)
>>> <astrid_emde@osgeo.org> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> FOSS4G is coming closer and we are planning to record all the
>>>> videos
>>>> from FOSS4G 2019 together with the c3voc-video team.
>>>> They will be uploaded at
>>>> * Search for "FOSS4G" - media.ccc.de [1]
>>>> * and at TIB AV-Portal TIB AV-Portal [2]
>>>> and if we want at youtube.
>>>> I would like to suggest to create a youtube account called "FOSS4G"
>>>> for
>>>> the global FOSS4G event.
>>>> This account does not exist yet.
>>>> https://www.youtube.com/user/foss4g [3]
>>>> Advantage
>>>> * with a permanent account people could subscribe
>>>> * all videos from FOSS4G are in one account
>>>> * better ranking for an active channel
>>>> There are many accounts for the individual events like:
>>>> https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=FOSS4G [4]
>>>> F.e. we have a similar accounts for FOSSGIS where we upload every
>>>> year
>>>> our FOSSGIS-conference videos here (maybe also the FOSS4G europe
>>>> and NA
>>>> videos if we want)
>>>> https://www.youtube.com/user/fossgis/videos [5]
>>>> What do you think about this idea?
>>>> Astrid
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> Board mailing list
>>>> Board@lists.osgeo.org
>>>> Board Info Page [6]
>>> Links:
>>> ------
>>> [1] Search for "FOSS4G" - media.ccc.de
>>> [2] TIB AV-Portal
>>> [3] https://www.youtube.com/user/foss4g
>>> [4] https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=FOSS4G
>>> [5] https://www.youtube.com/user/fossgis/videos
>>> [6] Board Info Page
>>> [7] [SAC] University of Zaragoza offering hardware
>>> [8] Tubular Labs – Tubular inspires the remarkably relevant by tracking shifting values, interests and consumer behaviors across platforms.
>> _______________________________________________
>> Board mailing list
>> Board@lists.osgeo.org
>> Board Info Page
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Thanks Astrid, I will make a motion for us to do this :slight_smile:


Jody Garnett