[Marketing] [OSGeo-Discuss] Proprietary GIS on our OSGeo website

Angelos - did the board reach a conclusion on this topic? The IRC seems to end without a decision or any actions

Jeff - have you formally proposed a web site management team to the systems committee? Can you share the terms of reference that you are proposing, particularly regarding content management.

My view fwiw is that we have a Marketing Committee which has several people with expertise in marketing, surely we should give them a brief re the objectives of the web site (supporting our strategic goal of outreach?) and then let them get on with developing the content. Remember the advice about too many cooks …


On 21 Sep 2017, at 20:12, Angelos Tzotsos <gcpp.kalxas@gmail.com> wrote:


The last 3 sentences of this statement make me worry for more future conflicts.

What happens when the Marketing Committee (which has the mandate to outreach for OSGeo and create the new web site) conflicts with the new Website Management Team (part of Systems Administration Committee) on the content of the web site?
Which one of these teams gets to decide if the site focuses on our community (us) or on bringing in new users (outreach)? Do-ocracy is not an option in this case, both groups are willing to act.
Going through the by-laws [1] once again, I see that the only conflict resolution process we have in place is a Board resolution.

Just to be clear: I am not against forming the “Website Management Team”, just trying to be pro-active.

I suggest discussing this matter at the next Board meeting [2]


[1] http://www.osgeo.org/content/foundation/incorporation/bylaws.html
[2] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Board_Meeting_2017-10-05

On 09/21/2017 02:25 PM, Jeff McKenna wrote:

I am setting up an OSGeo “Website Management Team” now, to help bring the focus on the OSGeo community, manage the website (and WordPress theme), security, backups, content etc, and will propose this to OSGeo’s Systems committee and OSGeo Board; for the longterm maintenance of the website. I imagine during this maintenance process we will be removing these unnecessary promotions, and focus on the OSGeo community (us). We’ll leave promotion of other things for those with the big money ha, as they have the big funding for their products, as you mentioned. We will focus on the OSGeo community.

Angelos Tzotsos, PhD
Charter Member
Open Source Geospatial Foundation

Discuss mailing list

I do not think the board was asked to reach a conclusion, the specific bug report was the result of a mistake (made sure not to check who) and has since been fixed: http://osgeo.getinteractive.nl/projects/qgis/

I will note that the website is still under active development by the contractor, and that none of our community members had access to fix the issue when it was reported - I am sorry if that made anyone feel like they were not being listened to.

In terms of responsibility for website content:

  • I feel that the project teams should have the final say on what appears on these project pages (if they do not wish to provide “migrate from” information then there is no requirement to).
  • In a similar fashion committees, initiatives, goeforall labs should have edit access and freedom to manage their respective pages.
  • the board is responsible for the partner pages, as it maintains these partner relationships
  • the marketing committee has responsibility for a few sections, branding, what is open source, and advocacy pages

With respect to the purpose of this website, the marketing committee was asked by the board to take on this project to meet a couple of our goals as an organization, that were being held up by our Drupal website (lack of participation more than appearance).

  • Outreach: To introduce members of the public to open source geospatial. I view this as a calling for all of us in this organization (ie our “Empower everyone with open source geospatial” mission statement) rather than just the calling of the board, the local chapters, the marketing committee, initiatives like GeoForAll and OSGeo, or the individual projects.
  • Celebration: To celebrate our community, especially its members (the goal is written as “celebrate excellence, openness and service within the OSGeo community”), which results in the strong focus on team photos in the design and presentation (there is of course lots more we can do as an organization - would love to see some more diverse awards and recognition).

What happened to the Drupal website? While there were limitations around presentation (a rebranding done in 2009 was never implemented), the largest one was around participation. The website committee became in active and disbanded, and the individual committees and community activities gradually migrated to the wiki. Indeed much day-to-day maintenance fell on Jeff McKenna and his dedication and perseverance has kept us online.

The key message is that everyone is need to both finish this website, and to make it a success for everyone.


On 10 October 2017 at 11:00, Steven Feldman <shfeldman@gmail.com> wrote:

Angelos - did the board reach a conclusion on this topic? The IRC seems to end without a decision or any actions

Jeff - have you formally proposed a web site management team to the systems committee? Can you share the terms of reference that you are proposing, particularly regarding content management.

My view fwiw is that we have a Marketing Committee which has several people with expertise in marketing, surely we should give them a brief re the objectives of the web site (supporting our strategic goal of outreach?) and then let them get on with developing the content. Remember the advice about too many cooks …


On 21 Sep 2017, at 20:12, Angelos Tzotsos <gcpp.kalxas@gmail.com> wrote:


The last 3 sentences of this statement make me worry for more future conflicts.

What happens when the Marketing Committee (which has the mandate to outreach for OSGeo and create the new web site) conflicts with the new Website Management Team (part of Systems Administration Committee) on the content of the web site?
Which one of these teams gets to decide if the site focuses on our community (us) or on bringing in new users (outreach)? Do-ocracy is not an option in this case, both groups are willing to act.
Going through the by-laws [1] once again, I see that the only conflict resolution process we have in place is a Board resolution.

Just to be clear: I am not against forming the “Website Management Team”, just trying to be pro-active.

I suggest discussing this matter at the next Board meeting [2]


[1] http://www.osgeo.org/content/foundation/incorporation/bylaws.html
[2] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Board_Meeting_2017-10-05

On 09/21/2017 02:25 PM, Jeff McKenna wrote:

I am setting up an OSGeo “Website Management Team” now, to help bring the focus on the OSGeo community, manage the website (and WordPress theme), security, backups, content etc, and will propose this to OSGeo’s Systems committee and OSGeo Board; for the longterm maintenance of the website. I imagine during this maintenance process we will be removing these unnecessary promotions, and focus on the OSGeo community (us). We’ll leave promotion of other things for those with the big money ha, as they have the big funding for their products, as you mentioned. We will focus on the OSGeo community.

Angelos Tzotsos, PhD
Charter Member
Open Source Geospatial Foundation

Discuss mailing list

Board mailing list

Jody Garnett