[Marketing] OSGeo Flyer future


the german language FOSSGIS e.V. uses the OSGeo flyers on conferences
and fairs.

We are using this version (german) at the moment:

Now we are running out of flyeres and I wonder whether we should print
new flyer based on this version or work updating the flyer and print
them then.

* the flyer in the svn are out of date and not complet (lot of projects
do not have flyer)
* we could go for a more modern design
* we could use the information of OSGeo-Live

What do you think?


Best regards

Astrid Emde from FOSSGIS e.V.

Hi Astrid,
Looking back over the Marketing website[1], I see that almost all our material (apart from OSGeo-Live) is out of date. (The site would benefit a lot from a bit of a clean up, archiving all the old material).

With regards to fliers, my experience at OSGeo Booths is that it is not valuable to have many fliers at a stand.
You are better to have only one flier, which contains a URL to the OSGeo website, and OSGeo-Live project, where people can find the extra information.
We did have a 2 sided A4 flier, but I can't seem to find it.

You can often do better just having a laptop running OSGeo-Live, and point people at the documentation if they ask. (The can search for OSGeo-Live on the web later).

[1] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Marketing_Committee

On 8/09/2014 5:00 pm, Astrid Emde wrote:


the german language FOSSGIS e.V. uses the OSGeo flyers on conferences
and fairs.

We are using this version (german) at the moment:

Now we are running out of flyeres and I wonder whether we should print
new flyer based on this version or work updating the flyer and print
them then.

* the flyer in the svn are out of date and not complet (lot of projects
do not have flyer)
* we could go for a more modern design
* we could use the information of OSGeo-Live

What do you think?

Cameron Shorter,
Software and Data Solutions Manager
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009

P +61 2 9009 5000, W www.lisasoft.com, F +61 2 9009 5099

Hi Astrid,

Having just 'manned' the OSGeo Booth everyday at FOSS4G-Portland, I can tell you that most people aren't looking at computer screens/monitors, most are interested in talking and taking something away (such as a flyer, or USB stick, or swag in general). So I feel that our physical marketing materials are very important for the foundation, and I'd love someone to give our materials some love (this is a virtual kick in the butt from me, to the stagnant Marketing Committee).

To answer your question, I would hope that you in fact can work on updating the flyer (in English as well).

Sorry for being direct :slight_smile:

Thanks Astrid!


On 2014-09-08 4:00 AM, Astrid Emde wrote:


the german language FOSSGIS e.V. uses the OSGeo flyers on conferences
and fairs.

We are using this version (german) at the moment:

Now we are running out of flyeres and I wonder whether we should print
new flyer based on this version or work updating the flyer and print
them then.

* the flyer in the svn are out of date and not complet (lot of projects
do not have flyer)
* we could go for a more modern design
* we could use the information of OSGeo-Live

What do you think?

Hi everyone!

I've been working on QGIS brochures for a while now. Since I continue to see
OSGeo project brochures at events, I was wondering if it makes sense to
update the QGIS OSGeo brochure. The current outdated (both in content and
style) brochures do more harm than good imho.

This is the brochure I created for QGIS 2.0:
... There's a Scribus project if you are interested.

Looking forward to hearing from you. Best wishes,

View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/OSGeo-Flyer-future-tp5160648p5200781.html
Sent from the OSGeo Marketing Committee mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

I find that some of the great books on OSGeo projects are fairly convincing to people. I regularly have the GRASS book and PostGIS in Action at booths. There are also several OpenLayers, GeoServers, GDAL, and other related books.

That is a great QGIS brochure Anita. I’ll print some for the next booth that I help staff.

Best regards, Eli


On Fri, Apr 10, 2015 at 4:21 AM, Anita Graser <anitagraser@gmx.at> wrote:

Hi everyone!

I’ve been working on QGIS brochures for a while now. Since I continue to see
OSGeo project brochures at events, I was wondering if it makes sense to
update the QGIS OSGeo brochure. The current outdated (both in content and
style) brochures do more harm than good imho.

This is the brochure I created for QGIS 2.0:
… There’s a Scribus project if you are interested.

Looking forward to hearing from you. Best wishes,

View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/OSGeo-Flyer-future-tp5160648p5200781.html
Sent from the OSGeo Marketing Committee mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Marketing mailing list

On Fri, Apr 10, 2015 at 5:45 PM, Eli Adam <eadam@co.lincoln.or.us> wrote:

I find that some of the great books on OSGeo projects are fairly
convincing to people. I regularly have the GRASS book and PostGIS in
Action at booths. There are also several OpenLayers, GeoServers, GDAL, and
other related books.

​I think books are a great idea. People like to flick through them.​

That is a great QGIS brochure Anita. I'll print some for the next booth

that I help staff.

​Thanks Eli! Please note that the Github repo contains a high-res version
for printing​:

Best wishes,