[Marketing] OSGeo in Floss weekly


An excellent suggestion from Jakob. Would anyone like to run with
this? While I follow Randal Schwartz on G+ I haven't actually
listened to the Floss Weekly podcasts.

BTW, we have been getting some excellent coverage on James Fee's
weekly hangouts.

Best regards,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jakob Worm <jakob.worm@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 2:05 AM
Subject: OSGeo in Floss weekly
To: info@osgeo.org

Hi OSGeo,

This email possibly concerns some of the more prominent persons in
OSGeo - maybe the board, but i don't know.

I'm a happy user of the software that is coming out of the OSGeo
projects and a regular listener of the Floss Weekly podcast
(http://twit.tv/show/floss-weekly). It's a show about open source
software. I have for some time been thinking that the leaders and
developers of my favorite software should be interviewed on this

As the host of the show Randal Schwartz
(http://www.stonehenge.com/merlyn/) says: The easiest way for that to
happen is by the project leader or developer to contact him:
merlyn@stonehenge.com. That's the way to get on to this list
https://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pYAJMbVobYCTro_z4LGo3ZQ and
get up where interviews are scheduled. One can see that openlayer is
on the list but i believe that more geo-stuff is needed :slight_smile:

I hope you will consider my idea to promote osgeo and the community.

Regards Jakob Worm

Peter Holms Vej 23A
2450 Kbh. SV.
tlf.: 35344425
mobil: 31221955

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