[Marketing] OSGeo legal-information many dead links to the old wiki structure


Contains many links to pages that do not exist (from old website).

Does anyone know the state of the page? is the content up-to-date? Or does it need review anyway.

Astrid Emde

Astrid Emde
OSGeo Board Member and OSGeo Secretary
Open Source Geospatial Foundation

We may need to help the board port these documents over to new branding and wiki.

The link to OSGeo Compass Logo is intended to go to our branding guideline once it was made available as HTML somewhere. I think some progress was made porting that to markdown last year and we should include it on our website.

The links to https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G#Using_the_Name_FOSS4G should probably be replaced with https://www.osgeo.org/initiatives/foss4g/

What other links are missing?

My general approach for “official” documents is to make the document on OSGeo letterhead:

And then link to it from an OSGeo wiki page:

I have also experimented with publish a the document as a resource on the webpage:

There is a migration list that identifies some work remaining to be migrated to wiki:

Site Map - Component 2 Review


Jody Garnett