[Marketing] OSGeo Live USB / Pricing / Vendors ?

Dear Board Members, dear Marketing Committee,

for FOSS4G 2014 in Portland, OSGeo Live thumbdrives were used as give-aways (superseeding OSGeo live DVDs). Where can I find information such as production costs, USB printer details, production duration, lessons learned regarding the process ? This would be very useful input for the prosposal for a upcoming OSGeo-themed EGU townhall in April 2015. For starters, a rough guestimate of the production costs for 200 OSGeo live USB drives would be great to have.



Hi Peter,
Your question is timely, as we have been discussing the process of funding OSGeo-Live USBs in our recent OSGeo-Live weekly meetings.

In particular, creating bootable USBs is non-trivial and we have found many printers get it wrong. We are thinking about setting up a favourite printer, and doing a print run of multiple USBs, then mailing out to conferences. Funding will need to be resolved, but might be something that should be covered by OSGeo Marketing budget.

Alex and Brian have more experience with printing USBs and can probably add to my comments.

At the moment, there is a bit of information here:

On 3/02/2015 8:45 am, "Peter Löwe" wrote:

Dear Board Members, dear Marketing Committee,

for FOSS4G 2014 in Portland, OSGeo Live thumbdrives were used as give-aways (superseeding OSGeo live DVDs). Where can I find information such as production costs, USB printer details, production duration, lessons learned regarding the process ? This would be very useful input for the prosposal for a upcoming OSGeo-themed EGU townhall in April 2015. For starters, a rough guestimate of the production costs for 200 OSGeo live USB drives would be great to have.


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Cameron Shorter,
Software and Data Solutions Manager
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
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P +61 2 9009 5000, W www.lisasoft.com, F +61 2 9009 5099

Dear Marketing Board,

I'm currently looking for OSGeo poster templates.

Do we have anything more recent than the material on
http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Marketing_Material_Samples which dates back to 2009 ?

I'm asking because of the ongoing preparations for the OSGeo townhall at the European Geoscience Union (EGU) General Assembly. The conference organizers have requested a digital copy of a OSGeo-Poster to advertise the session. This will a major improvement from last years last minute guerilla marketing efforts. An impressive looking OSgeo-themed poster template would be a great starting point for this.


2015-02-22 12:50 GMT+01:00 "Peter Löwe" <peter.loewe@gmx.de>:

Dear Marketing Board,

I'm currently looking for OSGeo poster templates.

Do we have anything more recent than the material on
http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Marketing_Material_Samples which dates back to 2009 ?

I'm asking because of the ongoing preparations for the OSGeo townhall at the European Geoscience Union (EGU) General Assembly. The conference organizers have requested a digital copy of a OSGeo-Poster to advertise the session. This will a major improvement from last years last minute guerilla marketing efforts. An impressive looking OSgeo-themed poster template would be a great starting point for this.


Hi Peter, take a look on the marketing SVN repo, just in case you find
something newer, or at least updated


Jorge Sanz
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