[Marketing] osgeo one-page updated with 2023 sponsors for foss4gna

There is a pull request here https://github.com/OSGeo/osgeo/pull/244 to prep content for foss4gna printing.

I reached out via social media to sponsors who did not provide a media pack with high quality logos:

Good publicity since we need to communicate anyways.


Jody Garnett

I got feedback from the internet, and a few sponsors directly (which is lovely).

The PR is updated with full logos (not logomarks now) https://github.com/OSGeo/osgeo/pull/244

  • GeoCat, camptocamp have SVG logos
  • Wherobots has been contacted for a better logo. I did take a full logo from there website and updated the sponsors page also.
  • QFieldCloud has on okay image logo, it will be fine for printing at this scale

This will be fine for printing at this scale; but we should source better logos for banner use.

Can ask that the PR be accepted prior to Vicky printing material for foss4gna :slightly_smiling_face:



Jody Garnett

Jody Garnett