[Marketing] OSGeo symbols set

Hello all,

I have finally been able to put together and publish a first version of the OSGeo symbols set.

This is a visual representation of the OSGeo projects and activities aimed at supplementing the Foundation branding material.

A preview of the OSGeo symbols set is available here:

The 48 symbols fall into four categories:

  • Foundation (OSGeo fundamentals represented by ‘Variations on the Compass’)
  • Initiatives (mostly based on the compass shape too)
  • Projects (derived OSGeo project logos)
  • Community (derived Community projects logos)

The set is made of two parts, both copyrighted OSGeo:

Important notes:

  • Some projects do not have a logotype, only logotext, and cannot be included in the set at this stage (namely PROJ, GEOS, OSSIM and Degree).
  • Some projects logos were heavily modified or redrawn, in order to ensure constistency and scalability. I’m listening to project owners feedbacks and will be glad to work towards better solutions if needed.
  • All 48 symbols are made available as black SVG. The 16 Foundation and Initiatives icons are also available in color, based on our brand guidelines.
  • This work may not be exhaustive and is subject to change.

Hope you will like it !

Reviews, comments and ideas are most welcome in the related PR:

Best regards,

Nicolas Bozon

Thanks Nicolas,

impressive work !

Nicolas Roelandt


Bien cordialement,

Nicolas Roelandt

mail: roelandtn.pro@gmail.com

mobile: +33 (0)6 42 40 42 55

twitter: @RoelandtN42

Nicolas, these symbols look very impressive!

As Kristian noticed, there are a few OSGeoLive projects which have logos which are not as creative as what you have been creating. (See https://live.osgeo.org/en/presentation.html ) I’d be happy to help point you to our OSGeoLive points of contact for each project if you would like to ask them if you’d like to draw them a logo.

What are your thoughts on logo colours? I’m guessing it would be quite a bit of work to adopt logo colours into the SVG?

Once you are done, we should probably be including your logos into the OSGeoLive documentation.

Nice work, Cameron


On 20/11/18 8:01 am, Kristian Evers wrote:


Very impressive work!

Regarding projects that doesn’t already have logo, would you be interested in coming up with logo suggestions for those projects? I can only speak for the PROJ project, but I am sure all projects without a logo would be interested in having one. At least a new logo for PROJ would be very welcome!

Good job,


On 19 Nov 2018, at 21:28, nicolas bozon <nicolas.bozon@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello all,

I have finally been able to put together and publish a first version of the OSGeo symbols set.

This is a visual representation of the OSGeo projects and activities aimed at supplementing the Foundation branding material.

A preview of the OSGeo symbols set is available here:

The 48 symbols fall into four categories:

  • Foundation (OSGeo fundamentals represented by ‘Variations on the Compass’)
  • Initiatives (mostly based on the compass shape too)
  • Projects (derived OSGeo project logos)
  • Community (derived Community projects logos)

The set is made of two parts, both copyrighted OSGeo:

Important notes:

  • Some projects do not have a logotype, only logotext, and cannot be included in the set at this stage (namely PROJ, GEOS, OSSIM and Degree).
  • Some projects logos were heavily modified or redrawn, in order to ensure constistency and scalability. I’m listening to project owners feedbacks and will be glad to work towards better solutions if needed.
  • All 48 symbols are made available as black SVG. The 16 Foundation and Initiatives icons are also available in color, based on our brand guidelines.
  • This work may not be exhaustive and is subject to change.

Hope you will like it !

Reviews, comments and ideas are most welcome in the related PR:

Best regards,

Nicolas Bozon

Discuss mailing list

Discuss mailing list
Cameron Shorter
Technology Demystifier
Open Technologies and Geospatial Consultant

M +61 (0) 419 142 254

I am a bit confused on this one - part of the point of having our mark was to use it everywhere on all the OSGeo things.

The symbol set for “board” and “local chapter” go against this direction of our style guide.

We went through one round of compromise for our style guide, for local chapters providing guidance on the creation of subbrands. I see no reason to encourage the use sub brands within our organization?

I am really enjoying the osgeo project and community project symbols :slight_smile: A couple notes:

  • The osgeo-postgis is based on boundless branding for postgis (as part of it including it in the old osgeo suite product). The dimond shape used is not part of that community’s branding (they have an elephant named “Slonik” holding the world cheerfully).
  • get-it just added themselves to the website wrong and have not yet asked to be a community project? I am trying to confirm now …
  • Loader is being added (it is approved but still has a draft web page)
  • GC2/Vidi was just added yesterday

Jody Garnett


Thank you all for the positive feedbacks !

Kristian, i already have a few ideas for a PROJ logo and will come up
with a SVG proposal soon !

Bart, thanks for noticing that mistake, the GeoExt logo has been
removed from the set. Sorry for that.

Cameron, adding colors to the project logos SVG would indeed be quite a lot of
work. Only the Foundation related logos are available in color for now.
(see: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7135374/48731563-a1696800-ec3d-11e8-9a4c-c1b5919a325a.png
or https://github.com/nbozon/osgeo/tree/OSGeo-symbols-set/marketing/branding/symbols/svg/color)
Please also note that you can already add a unique color to each
project logo using CSS). I would be glad to work on a colored version, but i would need much more free time for that !

Best regards,


Le mar. 20 nov. 2018 à 14:52, SERGIO ACOSTAYLARA <sergio.acostaylara@mtop.gub.uy> a écrit :

Big thanks to Nicolas! Really impressive!

Sergio Acosta y Lara
Departamento de Geomática
Dirección Nacional de Topografía
Ministerio de Transporte y Obras Públicas
(598)29157933 ints. 20329/20330

De: Discuss <discuss-bounces@lists.osgeo.org> en nombre de Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter@gmail.com>
Enviado: martes, 20 de noviembre de 2018 8:10
Cc: OSGeo-Marketing; OSGeo Discussions
Asunto: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo symbols set

Nicolas, these symbols look very impressive!

As Kristian noticed, there are a few OSGeoLive projects which have logos which are not as creative as what you have been creating. (See https://live.osgeo.org/en/presentation.html ) I’d be happy to help point you to our OSGeoLive points of contact for each project if you would like to ask them if you’d like to draw them a logo.

What are your thoughts on logo colours? I’m guessing it would be quite a bit of work to adopt logo colours into the SVG?

Once you are done, we should probably be including your logos into the OSGeoLive documentation.

Nice work, Cameron

On 20/11/18 8:01 am, Kristian Evers wrote:


Very impressive work!

Regarding projects that doesn’t already have logo, would you be interested in coming up with logo suggestions for those projects? I can only speak for the PROJ project, but I am sure all projects without a logo would be interested in having one. At least a new logo for PROJ would be very welcome!

Good job,


On 19 Nov 2018, at 21:28, nicolas bozon <nicolas.bozon@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello all,

I have finally been able to put together and publish a first version of the OSGeo symbols set.

This is a visual representation of the OSGeo projects and activities aimed at supplementing the Foundation branding material.

A preview of the OSGeo symbols set is available here:

The 48 symbols fall into four categories:

  • Foundation (OSGeo fundamentals represented by ‘Variations on the Compass’)
  • Initiatives (mostly based on the compass shape too)
  • Projects (derived OSGeo project logos)
  • Community (derived Community projects logos)

The set is made of two parts, both copyrighted OSGeo:

Important notes:

  • Some projects do not have a logotype, only logotext, and cannot be included in the set at this stage (namely PROJ, GEOS, OSSIM and Degree).
  • Some projects logos were heavily modified or redrawn, in order to ensure constistency and scalability. I’m listening to project owners feedbacks and will be glad to work towards better solutions if needed.
  • All 48 symbols are made available as black SVG. The 16 Foundation and Initiatives icons are also available in color, based on our brand guidelines.
  • This work may not be exhaustive and is subject to change.

Hope you will like it !

Reviews, comments and ideas are most welcome in the related PR:

Best regards,

Nicolas Bozon

Discuss mailing list

Discuss mailing list
Cameron Shorter
Technology Demystifier
Open Technologies and Geospatial Consultant

M +61 (0) 419 142 254

Discuss mailing list

Hi Jody,

Thank you for your constructive feedbacks.

I am a bit confused on this one - part of the point of having our mark was to use it everywhere on all the OSGeo things.

Our mark is our beloved compass, and these variations on the compass are meant to represent all the OSGeo things :slight_smile:
I get your point here, but i think these symbols could be great to help differenciate the many facets of OSGeo.
Imagine a new comer that could for example identify each of our activity very clearly. I think that symbols might help him to
understand the foundation and find his way, with always the compass shape in mind of course :slight_smile:

The symbol set for “board” and “local chapter” go against this direction of our style guide.

I quite disagree here, these symbols are on the contrary designed to strengthen our compass-based identity.
I imagine they would always be used along with the official mark (for example on the Board or Local chapter pages, as subtitles :slight_smile:

We went through one round of compromise for our style guide, for local chapters providing guidance on the creation of subbrands. I see no reason to encourage the use sub brands within our organization?

It would be interesting that the other Marketing Committee members express their opinion on this one.
I would of course remove every symbol that may be considered as non compliant to our guidelines.

I am really enjoying the osgeo project and community project symbols :slight_smile:

Thanks, my pleasure !

A couple notes:

  • The osgeo-postgis is based on boundless branding for postgis (as part of it including it in the old osgeo suite product). The dimond shape used is not part of that community’s branding (they have an elephant named “Slonik” holding the world cheerfully).

You are right, and i think Boundless did a great elephant design on the old OpenGeo Suite, so i got inspired :slight_smile:
Slonik is a lovely but very detailed SVG, so difficult to integrate in such a symbol set. That’s why i decided to use a simpler one.
I will try to modify it before the PostGIS folks complain :slight_smile:
That is also true for the PgRouting elephant btw, beautiful but does not scale well when used within a webfont.

  • get-it just added themselves to the website wrong and have not yet asked to be a community project? I am trying to confirm now …

Whoa, my bad, sorry ! i didn’t know one could become a Community Project so easily :slight_smile:
Yes, please confirm with the Incubation Committee about their application. I see you already removed it from the website so i will remove it from the set.

  • Loader is being added (it is approved but still has a draft web page)

Good point, will plan to integrate the Loader logo, but i can’t find it by now :frowning:

  • GC2/Vidi was just added yesterday

Yes, and the Mapcentia logo is already in the set. I understand both GC2 and Vidi use the same logotype right ?

Thanks again and talk soon



Jody Garnett

On Mon, 19 Nov 2018 at 12:28, nicolas bozon <nicolas.bozon@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello all,

I have finally been able to put together and publish a first version of the OSGeo symbols set.

This is a visual representation of the OSGeo projects and activities aimed at supplementing the Foundation branding material.

A preview of the OSGeo symbols set is available here:

The 48 symbols fall into four categories:

  • Foundation (OSGeo fundamentals represented by ‘Variations on the Compass’)
  • Initiatives (mostly based on the compass shape too)
  • Projects (derived OSGeo project logos)
  • Community (derived Community projects logos)

The set is made of two parts, both copyrighted OSGeo:

Important notes:

  • Some projects do not have a logotype, only logotext, and cannot be included in the set at this stage (namely PROJ, GEOS, OSSIM and Degree).
  • Some projects logos were heavily modified or redrawn, in order to ensure constistency and scalability. I’m listening to project owners feedbacks and will be glad to work towards better solutions if needed.
  • All 48 symbols are made available as black SVG. The 16 Foundation and Initiatives icons are also available in color, based on our brand guidelines.
  • This work may not be exhaustive and is subject to change.

Hope you will like it !

Reviews, comments and ideas are most welcome in the related PR:

Best regards,

Nicolas Bozon

Marketing mailing list

Hi Jody,

Thank you for your constructive feedbacks.

I am a bit confused on this one - part of the point of having our mark was to use it everywhere on all the OSGeo things.

Our mark is our beloved compass, and these variations on the compass are meant to represent all the OSGeo things :slight_smile:

I get your point here, but i think these symbols could be great to help differenciate the many facets of OSGeo.
Imagine a new comer that could for example identify each of our activity very clearly. I think that symbols might help him to
understand the foundation and find his way, with always the compass shape in mind of course :slight_smile:

I understand, and indeed I assumed we would go with the sub brand approach myself. As such I am not the best person to do the pros/cons between the ideas :slight_smile:

This is a case where I love your work, and want to double check our strategy.

The style guide is here: https://github.com/OSGeo/osgeo/tree/master/marketing/branding

The summary has:

Logos are as provided for OSGeo and sub-brands (all of which include the unalterned OSGeo mark). Distinct brands (such as GeoForAll and OSGeo Live) maintain their own mark.
While logos have been produced with Miriam Libre Bold and Sintony Regular the resulting shapes have been reduced to outlines for use on systems that do not have the correct fonts available. A template has been provided for the generation of additional sub-brand logos.

aside: We really need this converted to html for our website.

You are right, and i think Boundless did a great elephant design on the old OpenGeo Suite, so i got inspired :slight_smile:

Slonik is a lovely but very detailed SVG, so difficult to integrate in such a symbol set. That’s why i decided to use a simpler one.
I will try to modify it before the PostGIS folks complain :slight_smile:

Chance for collaboration rather than complaints, I think everyone can see the design limitation.

Our OSGeo compass outline does not “quite” work, since there is not much room for the project identify inside. I think we had sub branding as a priority we would of done it a little bit different.

  • get-it just added themselves to the website wrong and have not yet asked to be a community project? I am trying to confirm now …

Whoa, my bad, sorry ! i didn’t know one could become a Community Project so easily :slight_smile:

We like projects to ask, the code and project is reviewed on the incubation list, etc…

Yes, please confirm with the Incubation Committee about their application. I see you already removed it from the website so i will remove it from the set.

Yeah I may of messed up there, trying to figure it out.

  • Loader is being added (it is approved but still has a draft web page)

Good point, will plan to integrate the Loader logo, but i can’t find it by now :frowning:

To be honest I do not think they have a logo.

  • GC2/Vidi was just added yesterday

Yes, and the Mapcentia logo is already in the set. I understand both GC2 and Vidi use the same logotype right ?

Yeah and that is the logo of the company so … not the best logo for the project? Actually if you wanted to stop by the incubation list we could talk to the projects directly.

Thanks again and talk soon


Hi Vicky,

Thank you for all these interesting questions. I’ll try to answer and make things as clear as possible.

First of all, this work is one of the action of the Marketing Committee for 2018. I released it a bit late, and this is still a work in progress.

It has not been yet ‘approved’ by Mark’comm nor merged to the OSGeo Github branding repo. Some additional arrangements are needed, so better not to use it in ‘production’ for now :slight_smile:

I know the time it takes to do a design, as I do the release tweets designs for pgRouting.

Maybe I don’t understand the difference with the words symbols and logo. Can you explain your understanding?

Logo belongs to each project, has its own a story and involved most of the time specific design work by project contributors.
Symbols or glyphs are simplified shapes that everyone can remember easily and that can possibly scale at ‘any’ size.

From my perspective:

The majority of the projects symbol/logos look like their original design but they lost their color and they “look” gray (or is the gray green in the guidelines).

The goal of the symbol set is to gather all the projects logos in a symbol collection that can be used as a webfont.
One would basically import the CSS and then just write to make it appear in any web document, in any color, at any size or screen resolution.

I used one of the OSGeo grey color in the demo page you are right, but one is free to use any other.

if a project has its own logo/symbol, like, pgRouting, baby elephant playing with a compass, full with colors, is there a reason for us to have a design change, a gray elephant head with two triangles in the ear?

Once again, logo belongs to each project and i wouldn’t pretend to change any of them.

As for PostGIS Slonik, your elephant was difficult to transform as a simple symbol shape, so i decided to create a simpler one. I feel sorry if that is hurting you or your
community. Please note that i’m still at taming those two rebel elephants, so things should be much better shortly :slight_smile:

Do the projects PSC need to vote for their logo/symbol change or is the marketing committee, from now on be in charge of the logo/symbol designs of projects and the projects PSC have no vote on that?

Oh no ! Not at All ! Nobody wants to change any logo, just get a useful SVG symbols collection to represent OSGeo projects in a simpler way when needed.

As SAC member:


Can you explain where in the website the projects’s symbol/logo would be used
If applicable: where the original logos would be used?
Where/how would the OSGeo foundation symbols set would be used.
Where/how would the initiatives symbols set would be used.

I believe each symbol could be used on related page as subtitles icons, as decorative html elements, as div or page repetitive background, or as images fallback when needed on mobile, or even in the OSGeoLive submenus or docs, as Cameron suggested.

These are only ideas. You should probably see this symbol set a basic resource for websites, prints or any other media where using the official project logo is not mandatory.


In the wiki page we have badges for example:
We are still using the old logo badges, because there is no specification on the guidelines of how a badge should look like.

Good point, some of the symbols could replace some of the old badges. I didn’t think of it yet.

It is planned to integrate the symbols set in our branding assets, so its use will be eventually documented in the style guide.

I hope i answered your question and will let you know when the PgRouting symbol will be better.



Hello Nicolas,

thanks for your great work on the symbols.

Here are my comments on some project logos.

* Change name of osgeo-live to osgeo-osgeolive as we now write OSGeoLive
* PostGIS uses a wrong logo: PostGIS logo looks like this: https://postgis.net/docs/manual-2.4/images/PostGIS_logo.png
* PyWPS - should contain the text too http://pywps.org/
* mapfish - should contain the text in the logo http://www.mapfish.org/
* pgRouting logo looks like this https://pgrouting.org/

Shall we take the osgeo issue tracker to make comments?

I also agree with Jody that some OSGeo logos do not follow the style guide. But I still do like them. So we should get into discussion what we do with the logos.


Am 21.11.2018 00:29 schrieb Jody Garnett:

Hi Jody,

Thank you for your constructive feedbacks.

I am a bit confused on this one - part of the point of having our
mark was to use it everywhere on all the OSGeo things.

Our mark is our beloved compass, and these variations on the compass
are meant to represent all the OSGeo things :slight_smile:

I get your point here, but i think these symbols could be great to
help differenciate the many facets of OSGeo.
Imagine a new comer that could for example identify each of our
activity very clearly. I think that symbols might help him to
understand the foundation and find his way, with always the compass
shape in mind of course :slight_smile:

I understand, and indeed I assumed we would go with the sub brand
approach myself. As such I am not the best person to do the pros/cons
between the ideas :slight_smile:

This is a case where I love your work, and want to double check our

The style guide is here:
osgeo/marketing/branding at master · OSGeo/osgeo · GitHub [1]

The summary has:

_Logos are as provided for OSGeo and sub-brands (all of which
include the unalterned OSGeo mark). Distinct brands (such as
GeoForAll and OSGeo Live) maintain their own mark._
_While logos have been produced with Miriam Libre Bold and Sintony
Regular the resulting shapes have been reduced to outlines for use
on systems that do not have the correct fonts available. A template
has been provided for the generation of additional sub-brand logos._

aside: We really need this converted to html for our website.

You are right, and i think Boundless did a great elephant design on
the old OpenGeo Suite, so i got inspired :slight_smile:

Slonik is a lovely but very detailed SVG, so difficult to integrate
in such a symbol set. That's why i decided to use a simpler one.
I will try to modify it before the PostGIS folks complain :slight_smile:

Chance for collaboration rather than complaints, I think everyone can
see the design limitation.

Our OSGeo compass outline does not "quite" work, since there is not
much room for the project identify inside. I think we had sub branding
as a priority we would of done it a little bit different.

- get-it just added themselves to the website wrong and have not
yet asked to be a community project? I am trying to confirm now

Whoa, my bad, sorry ! i didn't know one could become a Community
Project so easily :slight_smile:

We like projects to ask, the code and project is reviewed on the
incubation list, etc..

Yes, please confirm with the Incubation Committee about their
application. I see you already removed it from the website so i will
remove it from the set.

Yeah I may of messed up there, trying to figure it out.

- Loader is being added (it is approved but still has a draft web

Good point, will plan to integrate the Loader logo, but i can't find
it by now :frowning:

To be honest I do not think they have a logo.

- GC2/Vidi was just added yesterday

Yes, and the Mapcentia logo is already in the set. I understand both
GC2 and Vidi use the same logotype right ?

Yeah and that is the logo of the company so ... not the best logo for
the project? Actually if you wanted to stop by the incubation list we
could talk to the projects directly.

Thanks again and talk soon


[1] osgeo/marketing/branding at master · OSGeo/osgeo · GitHub

Marketing mailing list
Marketing Info Page

Hi all,

I have updated the OSGeo symbols set according to your feedbacks.

Updated Preview:

Updated material:

Basic changelog:

  • Removed every symbols considered as non-compliant to our brand guidelines
  • Removed the Get-It project logo which is not a community project at all
  • Corrected PostGIS and PgRouting elephant logos (so a bit less scalable now)
  • Corrected mapfish and pywps logos (added missing text)
  • Renamed live to osgeolive

As nothing that may considered as non compliant to our guidelines remains, and that the first batch of community feedbacks have been taken into account, may i suggest that the OSGeo symbols set could now be pulled into the branding repo ?

Thanks in advance for any comment



Le mer. 21 nov. 2018 à 00:30, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett@gmail.com> a écrit :

Hi Jody,

Thank you for your constructive feedbacks.

I am a bit confused on this one - part of the point of having our mark was to use it everywhere on all the OSGeo things.

Our mark is our beloved compass, and these variations on the compass are meant to represent all the OSGeo things :slight_smile:

I get your point here, but i think these symbols could be great to help differenciate the many facets of OSGeo.
Imagine a new comer that could for example identify each of our activity very clearly. I think that symbols might help him to
understand the foundation and find his way, with always the compass shape in mind of course :slight_smile:

I understand, and indeed I assumed we would go with the sub brand approach myself. As such I am not the best person to do the pros/cons between the ideas :slight_smile:

This is a case where I love your work, and want to double check our strategy.

The style guide is here: https://github.com/OSGeo/osgeo/tree/master/marketing/branding

The summary has:

Logos are as provided for OSGeo and sub-brands (all of which include the unalterned OSGeo mark). Distinct brands (such as GeoForAll and OSGeo Live) maintain their own mark.
While logos have been produced with Miriam Libre Bold and Sintony Regular the resulting shapes have been reduced to outlines for use on systems that do not have the correct fonts available. A template has been provided for the generation of additional sub-brand logos.

aside: We really need this converted to html for our website.

You are right, and i think Boundless did a great elephant design on the old OpenGeo Suite, so i got inspired :slight_smile:

Slonik is a lovely but very detailed SVG, so difficult to integrate in such a symbol set. That’s why i decided to use a simpler one.
I will try to modify it before the PostGIS folks complain :slight_smile:

Chance for collaboration rather than complaints, I think everyone can see the design limitation.

Our OSGeo compass outline does not “quite” work, since there is not much room for the project identify inside. I think we had sub branding as a priority we would of done it a little bit different.

  • get-it just added themselves to the website wrong and have not yet asked to be a community project? I am trying to confirm now …

Whoa, my bad, sorry ! i didn’t know one could become a Community Project so easily :slight_smile:

We like projects to ask, the code and project is reviewed on the incubation list, etc…

Yes, please confirm with the Incubation Committee about their application. I see you already removed it from the website so i will remove it from the set.

Yeah I may of messed up there, trying to figure it out.

  • Loader is being added (it is approved but still has a draft web page)

Good point, will plan to integrate the Loader logo, but i can’t find it by now :frowning:

To be honest I do not think they have a logo.

  • GC2/Vidi was just added yesterday

Yes, and the Mapcentia logo is already in the set. I understand both GC2 and Vidi use the same logotype right ?

Yeah and that is the logo of the company so … not the best logo for the project? Actually if you wanted to stop by the incubation list we could talk to the projects directly.

Thanks again and talk soon


Hi Nicolas

These are great! Thanks for making them happen, and thanks everyone for working to make them better


On Sun, 16 Dec 2018 at 15:03, nicolas bozon <nicolas.bozon@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi all,

Hi Nick,

I have updated the OSGeo symbols set according to your feedbacks.

Updated Preview:

Updated material:

Basic changelog:

- Removed every symbols considered as non-compliant to our brand guidelines
- Removed the Get-It project logo which is not a community project at all
- Corrected PostGIS and PgRouting elephant logos (so a bit less scalable now)
- Corrected mapfish and pywps logos (added missing text)
- Renamed live to osgeolive

As nothing that may considered as non compliant to our guidelines remains, and that the first batch of community feedbacks have been taken into account, may i suggest that the OSGeo symbols set could now be pulled into the branding repo ?

Thanks in advance for any comment

Great job, thanks a lot for your effort





As I understand it, this kind of greyish styles are used when you want to show the full list but don’t want people to get distracted with each and every icon. But I’m not a designer expert.

On Mon, Dec 17, 2018 at 2:05 AM Vicky Vergara <vicky@georepublic.de> wrote:

I still dont understand why does pgRouting logo and many others have to lose the colors.

On Sun, Dec 16, 2018 at 8:03 AM nicolas bozon <nicolas.bozon@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi all,

I have updated the OSGeo symbols set according to your feedbacks.

Updated Preview:

Updated material:

Basic changelog:

  • Removed every symbols considered as non-compliant to our brand guidelines
  • Removed the Get-It project logo which is not a community project at all
  • Corrected PostGIS and PgRouting elephant logos (so a bit less scalable now)
  • Corrected mapfish and pywps logos (added missing text)
  • Renamed live to osgeolive

As nothing that may considered as non compliant to our guidelines remains, and that the first batch of community feedbacks have been taken into account, may i suggest that the OSGeo symbols set could now be pulled into the branding repo ?

Thanks in advance for any comment



Le mer. 21 nov. 2018 à 00:30, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett@gmail.com> a écrit :

Hi Jody,

Thank you for your constructive feedbacks.

I am a bit confused on this one - part of the point of having our mark was to use it everywhere on all the OSGeo things.

Our mark is our beloved compass, and these variations on the compass are meant to represent all the OSGeo things :slight_smile:

I get your point here, but i think these symbols could be great to help differenciate the many facets of OSGeo.
Imagine a new comer that could for example identify each of our activity very clearly. I think that symbols might help him to
understand the foundation and find his way, with always the compass shape in mind of course :slight_smile:

I understand, and indeed I assumed we would go with the sub brand approach myself. As such I am not the best person to do the pros/cons between the ideas :slight_smile:

This is a case where I love your work, and want to double check our strategy.

The style guide is here: https://github.com/OSGeo/osgeo/tree/master/marketing/branding

The summary has:

Logos are as provided for OSGeo and sub-brands (all of which include the unalterned OSGeo mark). Distinct brands (such as GeoForAll and OSGeo Live) maintain their own mark.
While logos have been produced with Miriam Libre Bold and Sintony Regular the resulting shapes have been reduced to outlines for use on systems that do not have the correct fonts available. A template has been provided for the generation of additional sub-brand logos.

aside: We really need this converted to html for our website.

You are right, and i think Boundless did a great elephant design on the old OpenGeo Suite, so i got inspired :slight_smile:

Slonik is a lovely but very detailed SVG, so difficult to integrate in such a symbol set. That’s why i decided to use a simpler one.
I will try to modify it before the PostGIS folks complain :slight_smile:

Chance for collaboration rather than complaints, I think everyone can see the design limitation.

Our OSGeo compass outline does not “quite” work, since there is not much room for the project identify inside. I think we had sub branding as a priority we would of done it a little bit different.

  • get-it just added themselves to the website wrong and have not yet asked to be a community project? I am trying to confirm now …

Whoa, my bad, sorry ! i didn’t know one could become a Community Project so easily :slight_smile:

We like projects to ask, the code and project is reviewed on the incubation list, etc…

Yes, please confirm with the Incubation Committee about their application. I see you already removed it from the website so i will remove it from the set.

Yeah I may of messed up there, trying to figure it out.

  • Loader is being added (it is approved but still has a draft web page)

Good point, will plan to integrate the Loader logo, but i can’t find it by now :frowning:

To be honest I do not think they have a logo.

  • GC2/Vidi was just added yesterday

Yes, and the Mapcentia logo is already in the set. I understand both GC2 and Vidi use the same logotype right ?

Yeah and that is the logo of the company so … not the best logo for the project? Actually if you wanted to stop by the incubation list we could talk to the projects directly.

Thanks again and talk soon


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Nicolas Bozon did a great work on the OSGeo symbols set as we planned for 2018.

Thanks a lot!

Updated Preview:

Updated material:

Nicolas received a lot of feedback already.

MOTION: With this email I would like to make the motion to approve the OSGeo symbols so we can transfer the payment from the marketing budget to Nicolas.

Please Marketing members have a look and give feedback as soon as possible.


Astrid Emde
OSGeo Board Member and OSGeo Secretary
Open Source Geospatial Foundation


If we are signing off on payment, can you please provide the criteria provided to Nicolas, so that we can confirm that he has met that criteria.

I personally am really impressed with Nicolas' work. I love the consistency Nicolas has brought to the symbol set, and the fact that it is using SVG which can be scaled. I can see it as being something we can use in an aggregate situation (such as OSGeoLive).

I also see extra things which I'd like to see happen for this task. (Maybe as a next engagement for Nicolas).

1. I feel the grey logos could be much better if we added the source colours to them.

2. For the symbol set to be sustainable, it will need to be able to be updated long term, by more people than Nicolas. We would want new projects to be able to create their own logos. Hence, we should provide a HOWTO page which explains the process for creating a new logo that a project (typically a software developer) could follow. Ideally the barrier to entry in creating the logo will be low.

On 18/12/18 6:57 am, Astrid Emde (OSGeo) wrote:


Nicolas Bozon did a great work on the OSGeo symbols set as we planned for 2018.

Thanks a lot!

Updated Preview:

Updated material:

Nicolas received a lot of feedback already.

MOTION: With this email I would like to make the motion to approve the OSGeo symbols so we can transfer the payment from the marketing budget to Nicolas.

Please Marketing members have a look and give feedback as soon as possible.


Astrid Emde
OSGeo Board Member and OSGeo Secretary
Open Source Geospatial Foundation

Marketing mailing list

Cameron Shorter
Technology Demystifier
Open Technologies and Geospatial Consultant

M +61 (0) 419 142 254

Hello Cameron,

thanks for your feedback.

Am 19.12.2018 19:23 schrieb Cameron Shorter:


If we are signing off on payment, can you please provide the criteria
provided to Nicolas, so that we can confirm that he has met that

This it what we asked for with the OSGeo Budget 2018
* 5000 extra for website/logo/other design items to keep it current and not find ourselves again with outdated website in 4 years, which costs more time and money.
* see OSGeo Budget 2018 - OSGeo
* and in the spreadsheet it says: 5000 Enhancements and additional graphic design

I personally am really impressed with Nicolas' work. I love the
consistency Nicolas has brought to the symbol set, and the fact that
it is using SVG which can be scaled. I can see it as being something
we can use in an aggregate situation (such as OSGeoLive).

I also see extra things which I'd like to see happen for this task.
(Maybe as a next engagement for Nicolas).

Yes - maybe we can make a new engagement. But maybe we can look first how we can use the logos that we have now.

1. I feel the grey logos could be much better if we added the source
colours to them.

Explanation: Only some logos are provided with source colors

Background: Nicolas mission was only to provide the ttf-files and extend mapsk.in with the OSGeo logos/ project logos
* 1XBET India | Online Betting & Casino Site | Registration

2. For the symbol set to be sustainable, it will need to be able to be
updated long term, by more people than Nicolas. We would want new
projects to be able to create their own logos. Hence, we should
provide a HOWTO page which explains the process for creating a new
logo that a project (typically a software developer) could follow.
Ideally the barrier to entry in creating the logo will be low.

Someone would work with Nicolas to transfer the solution to our osgeo-github presentation.
Nicolas created already two pull requests to transfer the code.

Maybe the Howto page has to be added. We can ask Nicolas.


On 18/12/18 6:57 am, Astrid Emde (OSGeo) wrote:


Nicolas Bozon did a great work on the OSGeo symbols set as we planned for 2018.

Thanks a lot!

Updated Preview:
OSGeo Symbols Set

Updated material:
OSGeo symbols set by nbozon · Pull Request #206 · OSGeo/osgeo · GitHub Nicolas received a lot of feedback already.

MOTION: With this email I would like to make the motion to approve the OSGeo symbols so we can transfer the payment from the marketing budget to Nicolas.

Please Marketing members have a look and give feedback as soon as possible.


Astrid Emde
OSGeo Board Member and OSGeo Secretary
Open Source Geospatial Foundation
Astrid Emde, auteur op OSGeo

Marketing mailing list
Marketing Info Page

+1 for releasing payment to Nicolas. I feel the value he has contributed is worthy of the budget.

My suggestions for improvements still stand.

On 20/12/18 5:40 am, Astrid Emde (OSGeo) wrote:

Hello Cameron,

thanks for your feedback.

Am 19.12.2018 19:23 schrieb Cameron Shorter:


If we are signing off on payment, can you please provide the criteria
provided to Nicolas, so that we can confirm that he has met that

This it what we asked for with the OSGeo Budget 2018
* 5000 extra for website/logo/other design items to keep it current and not find ourselves again with outdated website in 4 years, which costs more time and money.
* see https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Budget_2018#OSGeo_Committees
* and in the spreadsheet it says: 5000 Enhancements and additional graphic design

I personally am really impressed with Nicolas' work. I love the
consistency Nicolas has brought to the symbol set, and the fact that
it is using SVG which can be scaled. I can see it as being something
we can use in an aggregate situation (such as OSGeoLive).

I also see extra things which I'd like to see happen for this task.
(Maybe as a next engagement for Nicolas).

Yes - maybe we can make a new engagement. But maybe we can look first how we can use the logos that we have now.

1. I feel the grey logos could be much better if we added the source
colours to them.

Explanation: Only some logos are provided with source colors

Background: Nicolas mission was only to provide the ttf-files and extend mapsk.in with the OSGeo logos/ project logos
* http://mapsk.in/#icons

2. For the symbol set to be sustainable, it will need to be able to be
updated long term, by more people than Nicolas. We would want new
projects to be able to create their own logos. Hence, we should
provide a HOWTO page which explains the process for creating a new
logo that a project (typically a software developer) could follow.
Ideally the barrier to entry in creating the logo will be low.

Someone would work with Nicolas to transfer the solution to our osgeo-github presentation.
Nicolas created already two pull requests to transfer the code.

Maybe the Howto page has to be added. We can ask Nicolas.


On 18/12/18 6:57 am, Astrid Emde (OSGeo) wrote:


Nicolas Bozon did a great work on the OSGeo symbols set as we planned for 2018.

Thanks a lot!

Updated Preview:

Updated material:
https://github.com/OSGeo/osgeo/pull/206/commits/d4cf2ebc76e34293333953980a38dd047d3003a7 Nicolas received a lot of feedback already.

MOTION: With this email I would like to make the motion to approve the OSGeo symbols so we can transfer the payment from the marketing budget to Nicolas.

Please Marketing members have a look and give feedback as soon as possible.


Astrid Emde
OSGeo Board Member and OSGeo Secretary
Open Source Geospatial Foundation

Marketing mailing list

Marketing mailing list

Cameron Shorter
Technology Demystifier
Open Technologies and Geospatial Consultant

M +61 (0) 419 142 254

Hello MArketing-members,

please give also feedback.

+1 from my side.


Am 19.12.2018 19:50 schrieb Cameron Shorter:

+1 for releasing payment to Nicolas. I feel the value he has
contributed is worthy of the budget.

My suggestions for improvements still stand.

On 20/12/18 5:40 am, Astrid Emde (OSGeo) wrote:

Hello Cameron,

thanks for your feedback.

Am 19.12.2018 19:23 schrieb Cameron Shorter:


If we are signing off on payment, can you please provide the criteria
provided to Nicolas, so that we can confirm that he has met that

This it what we asked for with the OSGeo Budget 2018
* 5000 extra for website/logo/other design items to keep it current and not find ourselves again with outdated website in 4 years, which costs more time and money.
* see OSGeo Budget 2018 - OSGeo
* and in the spreadsheet it says: 5000 Enhancements and additional graphic design

I personally am really impressed with Nicolas' work. I love the
consistency Nicolas has brought to the symbol set, and the fact that
it is using SVG which can be scaled. I can see it as being something
we can use in an aggregate situation (such as OSGeoLive).

I also see extra things which I'd like to see happen for this task.
(Maybe as a next engagement for Nicolas).

Yes - maybe we can make a new engagement. But maybe we can look first how we can use the logos that we have now.

1. I feel the grey logos could be much better if we added the source
colours to them.

Explanation: Only some logos are provided with source colors
osgeo/marketing/branding/symbols/svg/black at OSGeo-symbols-set · nbozon/osgeo · GitHub Background: Nicolas mission was only to provide the ttf-files and extend mapsk.in with the OSGeo logos/ project logos
* 1XBET India | Online Betting & Casino Site | Registration

2. For the symbol set to be sustainable, it will need to be able to be
updated long term, by more people than Nicolas. We would want new
projects to be able to create their own logos. Hence, we should
provide a HOWTO page which explains the process for creating a new
logo that a project (typically a software developer) could follow.
Ideally the barrier to entry in creating the logo will be low.

Someone would work with Nicolas to transfer the solution to our osgeo-github presentation.
Nicolas created already two pull requests to transfer the code.
OSGeo symbols set by nbozon · Pull Request #206 · OSGeo/osgeo · GitHub
OSGeo web style guide by nbozon · Pull Request #208 · OSGeo/osgeo · GitHub

Maybe the Howto page has to be added. We can ask Nicolas.


On 18/12/18 6:57 am, Astrid Emde (OSGeo) wrote:


Nicolas Bozon did a great work on the OSGeo symbols set as we planned for 2018.

Thanks a lot!

Updated Preview:
OSGeo Symbols Set

Updated material:
OSGeo symbols set by nbozon · Pull Request #206 · OSGeo/osgeo · GitHub Nicolas received a lot of feedback already.

MOTION: With this email I would like to make the motion to approve the OSGeo symbols so we can transfer the payment from the marketing budget to Nicolas.

Please Marketing members have a look and give feedback as soon as possible.


Astrid Emde
OSGeo Board Member and OSGeo Secretary
Open Source Geospatial Foundation
Astrid Emde, auteur op OSGeo

Marketing mailing list
Marketing Info Page

Marketing mailing list
Marketing Info Page

+1 from me. They look great, and from my reading Nicolas has worked to accommodate everyone as much as possible.

On Wed., 26 Dec. 2018, 01:52 Astrid Emde (OSGeo) <astrid_emde@osgeo.org wrote:

Hello MArketing-members,

please give also feedback.

+1 from my side.


Am 19.12.2018 19:50 schrieb Cameron Shorter:

+1 for releasing payment to Nicolas. I feel the value he has
contributed is worthy of the budget.

My suggestions for improvements still stand.

On 20/12/18 5:40 am, Astrid Emde (OSGeo) wrote:

Hello Cameron,

thanks for your feedback.

Am 19.12.2018 19:23 schrieb Cameron Shorter:


If we are signing off on payment, can you please provide the criteria
provided to Nicolas, so that we can confirm that he has met that

This it what we asked for with the OSGeo Budget 2018

  • 5000 extra for website/logo/other design items to keep it current
    and not find ourselves again with outdated website in 4 years, which
    costs more time and money.
  • see https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Budget_2018#OSGeo_Committees
  • and in the spreadsheet it says: 5000 Enhancements and
    additional graphic design

I personally am really impressed with Nicolas’ work. I love the
consistency Nicolas has brought to the symbol set, and the fact that
it is using SVG which can be scaled. I can see it as being something
we can use in an aggregate situation (such as OSGeoLive).

I also see extra things which I’d like to see happen for this task.
(Maybe as a next engagement for Nicolas).

Yes - maybe we can make a new engagement. But maybe we can look first
how we can use the logos that we have now.

  1. I feel the grey logos could be much better if we added the source
    colours to them.

Explanation: Only some logos are provided with source colors
Background: Nicolas mission was only to provide the ttf-files and
extend mapsk.in with the OSGeo logos/ project logos

  1. For the symbol set to be sustainable, it will need to be able to
    updated long term, by more people than Nicolas. We would want new
    projects to be able to create their own logos. Hence, we should
    provide a HOWTO page which explains the process for creating a new
    logo that a project (typically a software developer) could follow.
    Ideally the barrier to entry in creating the logo will be low.

Someone would work with Nicolas to transfer the solution to our
osgeo-github presentation.
Nicolas created already two pull requests to transfer the code.

Maybe the Howto page has to be added. We can ask Nicolas.


On 18/12/18 6:57 am, Astrid Emde (OSGeo) wrote:


Nicolas Bozon did a great work on the OSGeo symbols set as we
planned for 2018.

Thanks a lot!

Updated Preview:

Updated material:
Nicolas received a lot of feedback already.

MOTION: With this email I would like to make the motion to approve
the OSGeo symbols so we can transfer the payment from the marketing
budget to Nicolas.

Please Marketing members have a look and give feedback as soon as


Astrid Emde
OSGeo Board Member and OSGeo Secretary
Open Source Geospatial Foundation

Marketing mailing list

Marketing mailing list

Marketing mailing list

+1 thank you for the work

Astrid if we have enough votes we should be able to ask the treasure to act ( enough - for the incubation committee we ask for at least half of the committee to respond)


Jody Garnett