[Marketing] OSGeo will support 4 more podcasts in 2021

Hello Daniel,

we had a discussion in our Marketing Committee about new podcasts and the support of the podcasts.

We are happy that OSGeo can support 4 more podcasts in 2021.

We created a page on osgeo.org where we are going to add information about the podcasts

Could you tell us which podcasts were sponsored last time from the budget. Looks like one is missing in our list.

For the process in 2021 we would do it the same way as in 2020. We will send a mail to the OSGeo projects and will encourage them to contact you. Here is the mail from last year:


Is the still mail ok for you?

For the money you can contact our treasurer like you did last year.

We love your podcasts

Greetings from the Marketing Committee



I have been back through my back catalog and it looks like the episode with Paul Ramsey about Postgis and spatial SQL has been given the wrong sponsor. I understand that this sounds crazy but I have someone helping me with the editing and publishing, we had just started working together at that point.

If It’s OK with you I will produce 5 episodes this year featuring OSGeo projects to make up for this mistake.

I have already found an expert guest to talk about Geoserver and Geonode and have just published an episode about GDAL.

Again, I am really sorry for this mistake



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On Tue, May 4, 2021 at 9:16 AM Enock Seth Nyamador <enockseth@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello Daniel,

we had a discussion in our Marketing Committee about new podcasts and the support of the podcasts.

We are happy that OSGeo can support 4 more podcasts in 2021.

We created a page on osgeo.org where we are going to add information about the podcasts

Could you tell us which podcasts were sponsored last time from the budget. Looks like one is missing in our list.

For the process in 2021 we would do it the same way as in 2020. We will send a mail to the OSGeo projects and will encourage them to contact you. Here is the mail from last year:


Is the still mail ok for you?

For the money you can contact our treasurer like you did last year.

We love your podcasts

Greetings from the Marketing Committee


Hello Daniel,

Thank you for the heads up and no worries. I think this is no issue and 5 podcasts is fine.

Again, thank you very much and no worries, we are all doing a lot. Have a great week.


