[Marketing] OSGeoLive 2019 budget request

Dear Marketing committee,

On the behalf of the OSGeoLive project, I would like to present its proposal for 2019 budget available here:


This projected expenses are funding of community events and advertising like stickers, tshirts and USB keys.
This budget will be also use for the project development, as we would like to port OSGeoLive on the cloud and help our translators with machine translation, so part of the budget will be used for those purposes.

If the OSGeoLive is requested to provides USB keys to conference as suggested, we’ll probably need to ask for an advance for those unexpected costs.

Thanks for considering this request.

Best regards,

Nicolas Roelandt
OSGeoLive PSC Member
OSGeo Charter member

I don’t think it matters which group (marketing or osgeo live) gets the budget so long as it goes to the activity. i think they will be used at more conferences if OSGeo creates them rather thank asking each conference for funding?

If OSGeoLive is willing to coordinate a run of bootable sticks for the events we can adjust the budget appropriately. While we tentatively put aside budget for this (
https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Marketing_Committee_Budget_2019) the board meeting was cutting back anything tentative I order to try and pass a reasonable budget.

So let me ask is this something OSGeoLive (or marketing) would be willing to offer events? It occurs to me we could also ask for sponsorship for this activity.


Jody Garnett

I Hi Jody,

Thanks for your response! We will discuss that at OSGeoLive meeting today if you want to join.



Le lun. 28 janv. 2019 à 01:20, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett@gmail.com> a écrit :

I don’t think it matters which group (marketing or osgeo live) gets the budget so long as it goes to the activity. i think they will be used at more conferences if OSGeo creates them rather thank asking each conference for funding?

If OSGeoLive is willing to coordinate a run of bootable sticks for the events we can adjust the budget appropriately. While we tentatively put aside budget for this (
https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Marketing_Committee_Budget_2019) the board meeting was cutting back anything tentative I order to try and pass a reasonable budget.

So let me ask is this something OSGeoLive (or marketing) would be willing to offer events? It occurs to me we could also ask for sponsorship for this activity.

On Sun, Jan 27, 2019 at 3:50 AM Nicolas Roelandt <roelandtn.pro@gmail.com> wrote:

Dear Marketing committee,

On the behalf of the OSGeoLive project, I would like to present its proposal for 2019 budget available here:


This projected expenses are funding of community events and advertising like stickers, tshirts and USB keys.
This budget will be also use for the project development, as we would like to port OSGeoLive on the cloud and help our translators with machine translation, so part of the budget will be used for those purposes.

If the OSGeoLive is requested to provides USB keys to conference as suggested, we’ll probably need to ask for an advance for those unexpected costs.

Thanks for considering this request.

Best regards,

Nicolas Roelandt
OSGeoLive PSC Member
OSGeo Charter member

Marketing mailing list

Jody Garnett

Hi all,

It seems I send the request to the wrong comitee (Marketing instead of Board).
I’m sorry for the inconvenience.

Best regards,

Nicolas Roelandt


Bien cordialement,

Nicolas Roelandt

mail: roelandtn.pro@gmail.com

mobile: +33 (0)6 42 40 42 55

twitter: @RoelandtN42