[Marketing] PlanetOSGeo twitter account: 1.000 followers

Hi All,

I would like to inform you that the PlanetOSGeo account on Twitter has reached in the last week the mark of 1000 followers.

We started on the platform in November 2019, and since then there have been more than 1350 publications.

Fernando Quadro

Hello Fernando,

this is great news. Congratulations. 1000 follower and more than 1350 publications - that is amazing.

Well done. Thanks a lot!


Am 06.07.2020 15:21 schrieb Fernando Quadro:

Hi All,

I would like to inform you that the PlanetOSGeo account on Twitter has
reached in the last week the mark of 1000 followers.

We started on the platform in November 2019, and since then there have
been more than 1350 publications.

Fernando Quadro
http://www.fernandoquadro.com.br [1]
Fernando Quadro - Geocursos | LinkedIn [2]

[1] http://www.fernandoquadro.com.br
[2] Fernando Quadro - Geocursos | LinkedIn

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Hello again,

maybe you could send a note about it at the discuss list or make a foundation news item to promote the channel a bit more.



Am 06.07.2020 21:20 schrieb Astrid Emde (OSGeo):

Hello Fernando,

this is great news. Congratulations. 1000 follower and more than 1350
publications - that is amazing.

Well done. Thanks a lot!


Am 06.07.2020 15:21 schrieb Fernando Quadro:

Hi All,

I would like to inform you that the PlanetOSGeo account on Twitter has
reached in the last week the mark of 1000 followers.

We started on the platform in November 2019, and since then there have
been more than 1350 publications.

Fernando Quadro
http://www.fernandoquadro.com.br [1]
Fernando Quadro - Geocursos | LinkedIn [2]

[1] http://www.fernandoquadro.com.br
[2] https://www.linkedin.com/in/fernandoquadro/

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