[Marketing] PlanetOSGeo twitter account

Hi All,

I would like to inform you that the PlanetOSGeo account on Twitter has reached the mark of 500 followers.

We started on the platform in November 2019, and since then there have been more than 480 publications (an average of 2.3 posts per day).



Best Regards,

Fernando Quadro

That is good news! I can also report that the few things shared by osgeo on linkedin end up with good visibility. Facebook has been less productive.



Jody Garnett

Hello Fernando,

great news! Thanks for sharing.

@fernando, @jjody - could you please add information about twitter, facebook , linked in accounts at the following wiki-page:


Thanks Astrid

Am 03.07.2019 14:39 schrieb Jody Garnett:

That is good news! I can also report that the few things shared by
osgeo on linkedin end up with good visibility. Facebook has been less

Jody Garnett

On Wed, 3 Jul 2019 at 05:17, Fernando Quadro <fsquadro@gmail.com>

Hi All,

I would like to inform you that the PlanetOSGeo account on Twitter
has reached the mark of 500 followers.

We started on the platform in November 2019, and since then there
have been more than 480 publications (an average of 2.3 posts per

Best Regards,

Fernando Quadro
http://www.fernandoquadro.com.br [1]
Fernando Quadro - Geocursos | LinkedIn [2]
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[1] http://www.fernandoquadro.com.br
[2] Fernando Quadro - Geocursos | LinkedIn
[3] Marketing Info Page

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