[Marketing] questions from foss4g europe meetings

We had one question coming out of the osgeo board meeting.

  • Q: For the events (and keeping track of them all) is there a map of the event locations (similar to member map and geoforall lab map)?

We two questions coming out of the geoforall BOF:

A lot of discussion about ease of use, existing setup assumed labs could operate a wiki and instead the regional volunteers are doing it. Request to make a web form, those with word press experience indicated the geoforall lab page template would be much easier than wiki.

  • Q: For the map of geoforall labs, do they fill in the lab lat/lon as part of the form?

  • Q: For training, Boston is too expensive for many to attend, will there be a video of how to use wordpress for osgeo volunteers?

aside: I checked the contract about knowledge transfer occuring in July; I would like to make sure Peter is included so he can answer geoforall questions.


Jody Garnett