[Marketing] [RE: [Foss4g2008loc] RE: FOSS4G Call for papers]

this is for broad distribution and we might be able to help from a
Marketing side. Unfortunately it seems like we are not yet being
recognized as the folks to do this which might be caused by our lack of


Anybody fell like helping?

Best regards,

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: RE: [Foss4g2008loc] RE: FOSS4G Call for papers
From: "Carrin Martin" <carrin.avri@iceeafrica.co.za>
Date: Thu, March 20, 2008 13:52
To: "FOSS4G2008 local organising committee"

Hi Inge

Please can you prepare some short marketing notices about the conference
to distribute to EIS Africa and other online distribution lists. I'm
sure that Sives will give us good coverage and I'll see if we can get a
front page slot from him. For those of you not familiar with EIS Africa
see http://www.eis-africa.org/EIS-Africa/

The African Geo-Information have also said that the will market the
conference and we need to provide them with material

Also have a look at Geology of North Africa and Arabia Information,
Exchange and Research http://www.northafrica.de/gis.htm


http://www.gisdevelopment.net/news/viewn.asp?id=GIS:N_ncwmpjaltd may be
a bit optimistic with Map Africa, given that they are holding their
annual, non GISSA supported November conference now in August!

Please would you also contact Antony and see if there are any other
international forums that he sits on that we could use to market the

I suggest that Inge keeps track of where we advertise, so if you do send
out a notice, please let her know. Could be a useful resource to pass
on to the next organising committee instead of reinventing the wheel.


Carrin Martin

FOSS4G2008LOC mailing list

Arnulf Christl

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