[Marketing] Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Defining an OSGeo Ambassador role

Following on from ideas from this previous email thread, and in particular picking up on Stefano's ideas, I'd like to make the following proposal:

I suggest that we define an OSGeo Ambassador role very widely, but also have different levels of Ambassador - so that conference organisors can still feel like they are getting someone distinguished and pick someone exclusive.

The OSGeo Ambassador categories would be:

1. OSGeo Board Member
2. Ex OSGeo Board Member
These are the elite of the OSGeo community. We only have 8 active board members in the world, which have been peer selected based upon their outstanding leadership in the greater OSGeo community.

3. Charter member
Charter membership is obtained through a strongly contested selective process. Members tend to be developers and leaders in one or more OSGeo projects, and/or OSGeo business leaders, and have a deep understanding in many of the OSGeo projects and principles of Open Source.

4. Voted position in an OSGeo community
These people hold a position of responsibility within one of the OSGeo sub-communities. This may be a chair of an OSGeo Regional Chapter, or as a member of a project's Project Steering Committee.

5. OSGeo community member
These people are actively involved in one or more OSGeo communities, acting as a developer, user or supporter of OSGeo software.

Anyone fitting one of the above categories, may put themselves forward as an OSGeo Ambassador. Each ambassador would be expected to create a profile for themselves on an OSGeo Ambassador wiki page, which includes:

* Name
* City and Country of residence
* Phone, Email
* Photo
* OSGeo relevant experience. (~150 words)

I also propose that the OSGeo Marketing committee would be responsible for overseeing the Ambassador wiki page, once the guidelines have been put into place.

I welcome feedback from all, and call upon the board to make a final vote on whether this proposal (or a variant) should be put into action.

On 21/04/12 20:47, Stefano Costa wrote:

Il 21/04/2012 12:28, Jody Garnett ha scritto:

I would hope that our charter members (who have been through a public
nomination process in part for their involvement) are already acting in
the capacity of "Ambassador" for OSGeo.

I totally agree on this point. The fact that charter members only official role is to nominate new charter members and the Board is IMHO a weakness. Their role as OSGeo champions (and "Ambassadors" if there's consensus on that) should be emphasised. Quick ideas:

- personal pages on osgeo.org (osgeo.org/members/johndoe)
- @osgeo.org e-mail address (even an alias is fine) to be used as their primary address
- interviews on the main blog
- a track record of their public activity wrt OSGeo promotion, software development, management, documentation and what else

In this way the charter members could gain a higher visibility in the wider geospatial community and be recognised as official representatives.


BTW is there any process in place to "remove" charter members if they become inactive, move to another planet or are deemed unfit for the purpose by the community?
Discuss mailing list

On 20/04/12 07:24, Cameron Shorter wrote:

On 20/04/2012 4:06 AM, Michael P. Gerlek wrote:

Do we have any policies and cost structures for the Ambassador function yet?

I've seen a few people talking about creating an OSGeo Ambassador role. Arnulf I think might have been the first to mention it, and I think it is an excellent idea. I'm also aware that the OGC are considering developing OGC ambassadors too.

So I'd like to open the floor and see what people think an ambassador's role could involve, which leads into the qualities we would wish our ambassador's to have, which leads into the ways we may select an ambassador.

Let me start by noting some of the driving factors:
1. Arnulf has noted that as OSGeo president, he has spent a significant amount of time on areoplanes travelling around the world to talk on behalf of OSGeo. He has suggested that this role should be shared.
Conference organisors, who have a primary goal of attracting attendees, look for authoritative figureheads to talk at conferences. They are expected to have a deep insight into a specific domain, such as OSGeo. They should also speak well, even better if they are entertaining.

2. OSGeo is a sexy topic has many conferences, and there are hundreds, if not thousands of conferences around the world which would like to see an OSGeo presence.

3. OSGeo is fortunate to draw membership from around the world, including boasting a number of very healthy local chapters. As such, we are likely to have potential ambassadors in most counties. (We might be a bit short in Antarctica)

4. There are times when negotiating MOUs or similar with other countries, it would be useful to have someone local speak with authority on behalf of OSGeo.

5. Note that there are conflicting interests here of wanting to open up the role for anyone who volunteers, verses maintaining a selectiveness and prestige for the role which is the key selection criteria for conferences asking for an ambassador.

As such, I think it important that ambassadors can only be voted into the position, and not handed out to anyone. We already vote for a board, and charter members.
I think board members should be considered ambassadors by default.
Should charter members be considered ambassadors? Charter members only get this role after demonstrating a commitment to OSGeo, so will likely have a reasonable depth of OSGeo knowledge. Maybe we should ask for a history of speaking well (as demonstrated at conferences), to the ambassador criteria.

Then lastly, do we wish to invite ambassadors from a greater circle? At this point, I'd probably err on saying no, as if the entry bar to becoming an ambassador is too easy, then the mystic of the role will be lost.

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source


Your points have actually been discussed, but so far there hasn’t apparently been enough interest to further push the idea of stronger charter member roles.

(Your points (1) and (3) are already the case, and some people (myself included) feel that (2) is not desirable right now.)


From: board-bounces@lists.osgeo.org [mailto:board-bounces@lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Venkatesh Raghavan
Sent: Saturday, May 05, 2012 5:46 AM
Cc: discuss@lists.osgeo.org; OSGeo-Board; marketing
Subject: [Board] Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Defining an OSGeo Ambassador role

There was a discussion about responsibility of Charter members

and a wiki page (see below) was initiated (at the request of a Board member)
but not much input after that.

I also made several suggestions to the board which till date is answered by anyone
on the OSGeo board.
See thread http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/board/2012-January/009337.html


On 2012/05/05 21:01, Margherita Di Leo wrote:

Hi all,

I support the ideas exposed by Cameron and Stefano. Particularly for what
concerns charter members, as a charter member, I am aware that voting the
boarding members is a strong responsibility, but I think we should have
more responsibilities linked to our role. Personally, since I have been
voted as a charter member, I have considered myself somehow
an OSGeo "ambassador", for example including the Foundation in my
presentations, spreading out FOSS4G among the academy (students and
colleagues) and professionals, organizing events and conferences, etc..
Also, I think it would be nice to have a dedicated wiki page and email
address (or alias).


On Sat, May 5, 2012 at 7:33 AM, Cameron Shorter

Following on from ideas from this previous email thread, and in particular
picking up on Stefano's ideas, I'd like to make the following proposal:

I suggest that we define an OSGeo Ambassador role very widely, but also
have different levels of Ambassador - so that conference organisors can
still feel like they are getting someone distinguished and pick someone

The OSGeo Ambassador categories would be:

1. OSGeo Board Member
2. Ex OSGeo Board Member
These are the elite of the OSGeo community. We only have 8 active board
members in the world, which have been peer selected based upon their
outstanding leadership in the greater OSGeo community.

3. Charter member
Charter membership is obtained through a strongly contested selective
process. Members tend to be developers and leaders in one or more OSGeo
projects, and/or OSGeo business leaders, and have a deep understanding in
many of the OSGeo projects and principles of Open Source.

4. Voted position in an OSGeo community
These people hold a position of responsibility within one of the OSGeo
sub-communities. This may be a chair of an OSGeo Regional Chapter, or as a
member of a project's Project Steering Committee.

5. OSGeo community member
These people are actively involved in one or more OSGeo communities,
acting as a developer, user or supporter of OSGeo software.

Anyone fitting one of the above categories, may put themselves forward as
an OSGeo Ambassador. Each ambassador would be expected to create a profile
for themselves on an OSGeo Ambassador wiki page, which includes:

* Name
* City and Country of residence
* Phone, Email
* Photo
* OSGeo relevant experience. (~150 words)

I also propose that the OSGeo Marketing committee would be responsible for
overseeing the Ambassador wiki page, once the guidelines have been put into

I welcome feedback from all, and call upon the board to make a final vote
on whether this proposal (or a variant) should be put into action.

On 21/04/12 20:47, Stefano Costa wrote:

Il 21/04/2012 12:28, Jody Garnett ha scritto:

I would hope that our charter members (who have been through a public
nomination process in part for their involvement) are already acting in
the capacity of "Ambassador" for OSGeo.

I totally agree on this point. The fact that charter members only
official role is to nominate new charter members and the Board is IMHO a
weakness. Their role as OSGeo champions (and "Ambassadors" if there's
consensus on that) should be emphasised. Quick ideas:

- personal pages on osgeo.org (osgeo.org/members/johndoe)
- @osgeo.org e-mail address (even an alias is fine) to be used as their
primary address
- interviews on the main blog
- a track record of their public activity wrt OSGeo promotion, software
development, management, documentation and what else

In this way the charter members could gain a higher visibility in the
wider geospatial community and be recognised as official representatives.


BTW is there any process in place to "remove" charter members if they
become inactive, move to another planet or are deemed unfit for the purpose
by the community?
Discuss mailing list

On 20/04/12 07:24, Cameron Shorter wrote:

On 20/04/2012 4:06 AM, Michael P. Gerlek wrote:

Do we have any policies and cost structures for the Ambassador function

I've seen a few people talking about creating an OSGeo Ambassador role.
Arnulf I think might have been the first to mention it, and I think it is
an excellent idea. I'm also aware that the OGC are considering developing
OGC ambassadors too.

So I'd like to open the floor and see what people think an ambassador's
role could involve, which leads into the qualities we would wish our
ambassador's to have, which leads into the ways we may select an ambassador.

Let me start by noting some of the driving factors:
1. Arnulf has noted that as OSGeo president, he has spent a significant
amount of time on areoplanes travelling around the world to talk on behalf
of OSGeo. He has suggested that this role should be shared.
Conference organisors, who have a primary goal of attracting attendees,
look for authoritative figureheads to talk at conferences. They are
expected to have a deep insight into a specific domain, such as OSGeo. They
should also speak well, even better if they are entertaining.

2. OSGeo is a sexy topic has many conferences, and there are hundreds, if
not thousands of conferences around the world which would like to see an
OSGeo presence.

3. OSGeo is fortunate to draw membership from around the world, including
boasting a number of very healthy local chapters. As such, we are likely to
have potential ambassadors in most counties. (We might be a bit short in

4. There are times when negotiating MOUs or similar with other countries,
it would be useful to have someone local speak with authority on behalf of

5. Note that there are conflicting interests here of wanting to open up
the role for anyone who volunteers, verses maintaining a selectiveness and
prestige for the role which is the key selection criteria for conferences
asking for an ambassador.

As such, I think it important that ambassadors can only be voted into the
position, and not handed out to anyone. We already vote for a board, and
charter members.
I think board members should be considered ambassadors by default.
Should charter members be considered ambassadors? Charter members only
get this role after demonstrating a commitment to OSGeo, so will likely
have a reasonable depth of OSGeo knowledge. Maybe we should ask for a
history of speaking well (as demonstrated at conferences), to the
ambassador criteria.

Then lastly, do we wish to invite ambassadors from a greater circle? At
this point, I'd probably err on saying no, as if the entry bar to becoming
an ambassador is too easy, then the mystic of the role will be lost.

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

Discuss mailing list

Discuss mailing list

As far as I’m aware, the original “Ambassador” concept came up during a board meeting, where it was intended to just address the question that the board very occasionally needs to send a board member, or someone equally prominent, to certain events we’d been invited to participate in. For purposes of discussion and assigning a budget to it, we just called it “being an ambassador”.

This discussion seems to envision a wider, more general role, however.

I’m very much in favor of having members act as ambassadors for the ideas of open source in the geo marketplace, but I’m not sure I understand yet the value of making this a formal function. It is already the case that members can – and do! – give talks and such all the time about open source and GIS; indeed, it is expected that active members, especially Charter Members, of the community would do so.

I don’t see that OSGeo, as a formal body, should be in the position of limiting this function to certain people. Philosophically I’m against that, and practically I don’t see how we could anyway.

We once brought up the idea of having a “speakers bureau”: a list of people who can speak to certain topics, much like the Service Providers Directory. Something like that I’d be in favor of…


From: discuss-bounces@lists.osgeo.org [mailto:discuss-bounces@lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Margherita Di Leo
Sent: Saturday, May 05, 2012 5:02 AM
To: Cameron Shorter
Cc: discuss@lists.osgeo.org; OSGeo-Board; marketing
Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Defining an OSGeo Ambassador role

Hi all,

I support the ideas exposed by Cameron and Stefano. Particularly for what concerns charter members, as a charter member, I am aware that voting the boarding members is a strong responsibility, but I think we should have more responsibilities linked to our role. Personally, since I have been voted as a charter member, I have considered myself somehow an OSGeo “ambassador”, for example including the Foundation in my presentations, spreading out FOSS4G among the academy (students and colleagues) and professionals, organizing events and conferences, etc…

Also, I think it would be nice to have a dedicated wiki page and email address (or alias).



On Sat, May 5, 2012 at 7:33 AM, Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter@gmail.com> wrote:

Following on from ideas from this previous email thread, and in particular picking up on Stefano’s ideas, I’d like to make the following proposal:

I suggest that we define an OSGeo Ambassador role very widely, but also have different levels of Ambassador - so that conference organisors can still feel like they are getting someone distinguished and pick someone exclusive.

The OSGeo Ambassador categories would be:

  1. OSGeo Board Member

  2. Ex OSGeo Board Member
    These are the elite of the OSGeo community. We only have 8 active board members in the world, which have been peer selected based upon their outstanding leadership in the greater OSGeo community.

  3. Charter member
    Charter membership is obtained through a strongly contested selective process. Members tend to be developers and leaders in one or more OSGeo projects, and/or OSGeo business leaders, and have a deep understanding in many of the OSGeo projects and principles of Open Source.

  4. Voted position in an OSGeo community
    These people hold a position of responsibility within one of the OSGeo sub-communities. This may be a chair of an OSGeo Regional Chapter, or as a member of a project’s Project Steering Committee.

  5. OSGeo community member
    These people are actively involved in one or more OSGeo communities, acting as a developer, user or supporter of OSGeo software.

Anyone fitting one of the above categories, may put themselves forward as an OSGeo Ambassador. Each ambassador would be expected to create a profile for themselves on an OSGeo Ambassador wiki page, which includes:

  • Name
  • City and Country of residence
  • Phone, Email
  • Photo
  • OSGeo relevant experience. (~150 words)

I also propose that the OSGeo Marketing committee would be responsible for overseeing the Ambassador wiki page, once the guidelines have been put into place.

I welcome feedback from all, and call upon the board to make a final vote on whether this proposal (or a variant) should be put into action.

On 21/04/12 20:47, Stefano Costa wrote:

Il 21/04/2012 12:28, Jody Garnett ha scritto:

I would hope that our charter members (who have been through a public
nomination process in part for their involvement) are already acting in
the capacity of “Ambassador” for OSGeo.

I totally agree on this point. The fact that charter members only official role is to nominate new charter members and the Board is IMHO a weakness. Their role as OSGeo champions (and “Ambassadors” if there’s consensus on that) should be emphasised. Quick ideas:

  • personal pages on osgeo.org (osgeo.org/members/johndoe)
  • @osgeo.org e-mail address (even an alias is fine) to be used as their primary address
  • interviews on the main blog
  • a track record of their public activity wrt OSGeo promotion, software development, management, documentation and what else

In this way the charter members could gain a higher visibility in the wider geospatial community and be recognised as official representatives.


BTW is there any process in place to “remove” charter members if they become inactive, move to another planet or are deemed unfit for the purpose by the community?

Discuss mailing list

On 20/04/12 07:24, Cameron Shorter wrote:

On 20/04/2012 4:06 AM, Michael P. Gerlek wrote:

Do we have any policies and cost structures for the Ambassador function yet?

I’ve seen a few people talking about creating an OSGeo Ambassador role. Arnulf I think might have been the first to mention it, and I think it is an excellent idea. I’m also aware that the OGC are considering developing OGC ambassadors too.

So I’d like to open the floor and see what people think an ambassador’s role could involve, which leads into the qualities we would wish our ambassador’s to have, which leads into the ways we may select an ambassador.

Let me start by noting some of the driving factors:

  1. Arnulf has noted that as OSGeo president, he has spent a significant amount of time on areoplanes travelling around the world to talk on behalf of OSGeo. He has suggested that this role should be shared.
    Conference organisors, who have a primary goal of attracting attendees, look for authoritative figureheads to talk at conferences. They are expected to have a deep insight into a specific domain, such as OSGeo. They should also speak well, even better if they are entertaining.

  2. OSGeo is a sexy topic has many conferences, and there are hundreds, if not thousands of conferences around the world which would like to see an OSGeo presence.

  3. OSGeo is fortunate to draw membership from around the world, including boasting a number of very healthy local chapters. As such, we are likely to have potential ambassadors in most counties. (We might be a bit short in Antarctica)

  4. There are times when negotiating MOUs or similar with other countries, it would be useful to have someone local speak with authority on behalf of OSGeo.

  5. Note that there are conflicting interests here of wanting to open up the role for anyone who volunteers, verses maintaining a selectiveness and prestige for the role which is the key selection criteria for conferences asking for an ambassador.

As such, I think it important that ambassadors can only be voted into the position, and not handed out to anyone. We already vote for a board, and charter members.
I think board members should be considered ambassadors by default.
Should charter members be considered ambassadors? Charter members only get this role after demonstrating a commitment to OSGeo, so will likely have a reasonable depth of OSGeo knowledge. Maybe we should ask for a history of speaking well (as demonstrated at conferences), to the ambassador criteria.

Then lastly, do we wish to invite ambassadors from a greater circle? At this point, I’d probably err on saying no, as if the entry bar to becoming an ambassador is too easy, then the mystic of the role will be lost.

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

Discuss mailing list

Ing. Margherita Di Leo, Ph.D.

> Your points have actually been discussed, but so far there hasn't apparently been enough
> interest to further push the idea of stronger charter member roles.
"enough interest" in the community or the OSGeo Board?


> (Your points (1) and (3) are already the case, and some people (myself included) feel that (2) is not desirable right now.)
About (2), why is it not desirable?

The board is elected by the charter members to make policy. When the system was set up, it was not the intent that charter members had any role other than to preserve the nature and mission of the foundation by electing appropriate board members.

Other than that, many of us did not want to create any sort of "special" status for members of the community: we wanted to be as open and inclusive as possible. To that end, we have a public board mailing list where issues can be raised and discussed by all, and the monthly board meetings are also held openly on #irc.


-----Original Message-----
From: board-bounces@lists.osgeo.org [mailto:board-bounces@lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Venkatesh Raghavan
Sent: Saturday, May 05, 2012 9:58 AM
To: discuss@lists.osgeo.org; 'OSGeo-Board'; 'marketing'
Subject: Re: [Board] Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Defining an OSGeo Ambassador role


On 2012/05/05 23:58, Michael P. Gerlek wrote:
> Your points have actually been discussed, but so far there hasn't apparently been enough interest to further push the idea of
stronger charter member roles.
"enough interest" in the community or the OSGeo Board?
> (Your points (1) and (3) are already the case, and some people (myself included) feel that (2) is not desirable right now.)
About (2), why is it not desirable?

> -mpg
> From: board-bounces@lists.osgeo.org [mailto:board-bounces@lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Venkatesh Raghavan
> Sent: Saturday, May 05, 2012 5:46 AM
> Cc: discuss@lists.osgeo.org; OSGeo-Board; marketing
> Subject: [Board] Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Defining an OSGeo Ambassador role
> There was a discussion about responsibility of Charter members
> http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/board/2011-December/009239.html
> and a wiki page (see below) was initiated (at the request of a Board member)
> but not much input after that.
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_charter_member_page_instruction
> I also made several suggestions to the board which till date is answered by anyone
> on the OSGeo board.
> See thread http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/board/2012-January/009337.html
> Venka

Board mailing list

As far as I’m aware, the original “Ambassador” concept came up during a board meeting, where it was intended to just address the question that the board very occasionally needs to send a board member, or someone equally prominent, to certain events we’d been invited to participate in. For purposes of discussion and assigning a budget to it, we just called it “being an ambassador”.

This discussion seems to envision a wider, more general role, however.

I’m very much in favor of having members act as ambassadors for the ideas of open source in the geo marketplace, but I’m not sure I understand yet the value of making this a formal function. It is already the case that members can – and do! – give talks and such all the time about open source and GIS; indeed, it is expected that active members, especially Charter Members, of the community would do so.

I don’t see that OSGeo, as a formal body, should be in the position of limiting this function to certain people. Philosophically I’m against that, and practically I don’t see how we could anyway.

We once brought up the idea of having a “speakers bureau”: a list of people who can speak to certain topics, much like the Service Providers Directory. Something like that I’d be in favor of…



From: discuss-bounces@lists.osgeo.org [mailto:discuss-bounces@lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Margherita Di Leo
Sent: Saturday, May 05, 2012 5:02 AM
To: Cameron Shorter
Cc: discuss@lists.osgeo.org; OSGeo-Board; marketing
Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Defining an OSGeo Ambassador role

Hi all,

I support the ideas exposed by Cameron and Stefano. Particularly for what concerns charter members, as a charter member, I am aware that voting the boarding members is a strong responsibility, but I think we should have more responsibilities linked to our role. Personally, since I have been voted as a charter member, I have considered myself somehow an OSGeo “ambassador”, for example including the Foundation in my presentations, spreading out FOSS4G among the academy (students and colleagues) and professionals, organizing events and conferences, etc…

Also, I think it would be nice to have a dedicated wiki page and email address (or alias).



On Sat, May 5, 2012 at 7:33 AM, Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter@gmail.com> wrote:

Following on from ideas from this previous email thread, and in particular picking up on Stefano’s ideas, I’d like to make the following proposal:

I suggest that we define an OSGeo Ambassador role very widely, but also have different levels of Ambassador - so that conference organisors can still feel like they are getting someone distinguished and pick someone exclusive.

The OSGeo Ambassador categories would be:

  1. OSGeo Board Member

  2. Ex OSGeo Board Member
    These are the elite of the OSGeo community. We only have 8 active board members in the world, which have been peer selected based upon their outstanding leadership in the greater OSGeo community.

  3. Charter member
    Charter membership is obtained through a strongly contested selective process. Members tend to be developers and leaders in one or more OSGeo projects, and/or OSGeo business leaders, and have a deep understanding in many of the OSGeo projects and principles of Open Source.

  4. Voted position in an OSGeo community
    These people hold a position of responsibility within one of the OSGeo sub-communities. This may be a chair of an OSGeo Regional Chapter, or as a member of a project’s Project Steering Committee.

  5. OSGeo community member
    These people are actively involved in one or more OSGeo communities, acting as a developer, user or supporter of OSGeo software.

Anyone fitting one of the above categories, may put themselves forward as an OSGeo Ambassador. Each ambassador would be expected to create a profile for themselves on an OSGeo Ambassador wiki page, which includes:

  • Name
  • City and Country of residence
  • Phone, Email
  • Photo
  • OSGeo relevant experience. (~150 words)

I also propose that the OSGeo Marketing committee would be responsible for overseeing the Ambassador wiki page, once the guidelines have been put into place.

I welcome feedback from all, and call upon the board to make a final vote on whether this proposal (or a variant) should be put into action.

On 21/04/12 20:47, Stefano Costa wrote:

Il 21/04/2012 12:28, Jody Garnett ha scritto:

I would hope that our charter members (who have been through a public
nomination process in part for their involvement) are already acting in
the capacity of “Ambassador” for OSGeo.

I totally agree on this point. The fact that charter members only official role is to nominate new charter members and the Board is IMHO a weakness. Their role as OSGeo champions (and “Ambassadors” if there’s consensus on that) should be emphasised. Quick ideas:

  • personal pages on osgeo.org (osgeo.org/members/johndoe)
  • @osgeo.org e-mail address (even an alias is fine) to be used as their primary address
  • interviews on the main blog
  • a track record of their public activity wrt OSGeo promotion, software development, management, documentation and what else

In this way the charter members could gain a higher visibility in the wider geospatial community and be recognised as official representatives.


BTW is there any process in place to “remove” charter members if they become inactive, move to another planet or are deemed unfit for the purpose by the community?

Discuss mailing list

On 20/04/12 07:24, Cameron Shorter wrote:

On 20/04/2012 4:06 AM, Michael P. Gerlek wrote:

Do we have any policies and cost structures for the Ambassador function yet?

I’ve seen a few people talking about creating an OSGeo Ambassador role. Arnulf I think might have been the first to mention it, and I think it is an excellent idea. I’m also aware that the OGC are considering developing OGC ambassadors too.

So I’d like to open the floor and see what people think an ambassador’s role could involve, which leads into the qualities we would wish our ambassador’s to have, which leads into the ways we may select an ambassador.

Let me start by noting some of the driving factors:

  1. Arnulf has noted that as OSGeo president, he has spent a significant amount of time on areoplanes travelling around the world to talk on behalf of OSGeo. He has suggested that this role should be shared.
    Conference organisors, who have a primary goal of attracting attendees, look for authoritative figureheads to talk at conferences. They are expected to have a deep insight into a specific domain, such as OSGeo. They should also speak well, even better if they are entertaining.

  2. OSGeo is a sexy topic has many conferences, and there are hundreds, if not thousands of conferences around the world which would like to see an OSGeo presence.

  3. OSGeo is fortunate to draw membership from around the world, including boasting a number of very healthy local chapters. As such, we are likely to have potential ambassadors in most counties. (We might be a bit short in Antarctica)

  4. There are times when negotiating MOUs or similar with other countries, it would be useful to have someone local speak with authority on behalf of OSGeo.

  5. Note that there are conflicting interests here of wanting to open up the role for anyone who volunteers, verses maintaining a selectiveness and prestige for the role which is the key selection criteria for conferences asking for an ambassador.

As such, I think it important that ambassadors can only be voted into the position, and not handed out to anyone. We already vote for a board, and charter members.
I think board members should be considered ambassadors by default.
Should charter members be considered ambassadors? Charter members only get this role after demonstrating a commitment to OSGeo, so will likely have a reasonable depth of OSGeo knowledge. Maybe we should ask for a history of speaking well (as demonstrated at conferences), to the ambassador criteria.

Then lastly, do we wish to invite ambassadors from a greater circle? At this point, I’d probably err on saying no, as if the entry bar to becoming an ambassador is too easy, then the mystic of the role will be lost.

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

Discuss mailing list

Ing. Margherita Di Leo, Ph.D.

Hash: SHA1

in preparation for tomorrow's meeting please read through the mail
that Cameron sent wrt defining the Ambassador role:


At first my impression was that this is complicating things a bit (my
thoughts were more like: anyone can become an ambassador). But the
discussion on the lists confirmed that this looks like a good way
forward and addresses most issues brought up. I also like the idea
that Marketing runs with it once the board has decided that the
general direction is in line with our mission and policies.

So far we should be 6 out of 8 directors at the meeting tomorrow
meaning that we have quorum. But even if more drop out we can still
vote via mail which worked quite well over the past few meetings.

Talk to you tomorrow.


On 05.05.2012 07:33, Cameron Shorter wrote:

Following on from ideas from this previous email thread, and in
particular picking up on Stefano's ideas, I'd like to make the
following proposal:

I suggest that we define an OSGeo Ambassador role very widely, but
also have different levels of Ambassador - so that conference
organisors can still feel like they are getting someone
distinguished and pick someone exclusive.

The OSGeo Ambassador categories would be:

1. OSGeo Board Member 2. Ex OSGeo Board Member These are the elite
of the OSGeo community. We only have 8 active board members in the
world, which have been peer selected based upon their outstanding
leadership in the greater OSGeo community.

3. Charter member Charter membership is obtained through a strongly
contested selective process. Members tend to be developers and
leaders in one or more OSGeo projects, and/or OSGeo business
leaders, and have a deep understanding in many of the OSGeo
projects and principles of Open Source.

4. Voted position in an OSGeo community These people hold a
position of responsibility within one of the OSGeo sub-communities.
This may be a chair of an OSGeo Regional Chapter, or as a member of
a project's Project Steering Committee.

5. OSGeo community member These people are actively involved in one
or more OSGeo communities, acting as a developer, user or supporter
of OSGeo software.

Anyone fitting one of the above categories, may put themselves
forward as an OSGeo Ambassador. Each ambassador would be expected
to create a profile for themselves on an OSGeo Ambassador wiki
page, which includes:

* Name * City and Country of residence * Phone, Email * Photo *
OSGeo relevant experience. (~150 words)

I also propose that the OSGeo Marketing committee would be
responsible for overseeing the Ambassador wiki page, once the
guidelines have been put into place.

I welcome feedback from all, and call upon the board to make a
final vote on whether this proposal (or a variant) should be put
into action.

On 21/04/12 20:47, Stefano Costa wrote:

Il 21/04/2012 12:28, Jody Garnett ha scritto:

I would hope that our charter members (who have been through a
public nomination process in part for their involvement) are
already acting in the capacity of "Ambassador" for OSGeo.

I totally agree on this point. The fact that charter members
only official role is to nominate new charter members and the
Board is IMHO a weakness. Their role as OSGeo champions (and
"Ambassadors" if there's consensus on that) should be emphasised.
Quick ideas:

- personal pages on osgeo.org (osgeo.org/members/johndoe) -
@osgeo.org e-mail address (even an alias is fine) to be used as
their primary address - interviews on the main blog - a track
record of their public activity wrt OSGeo promotion, software
development, management, documentation and what else

In this way the charter members could gain a higher visibility in
the wider geospatial community and be recognised as official

Ciao steko

BTW is there any process in place to "remove" charter members if
they become inactive, move to another planet or are deemed unfit
for the purpose by the community?
_______________________________________________ Discuss mailing
list Discuss@lists.osgeo.org

On 20/04/12 07:24, Cameron Shorter wrote:

On 20/04/2012 4:06 AM, Michael P. Gerlek wrote:

Do we have any policies and cost structures for the Ambassador
function yet?

I've seen a few people talking about creating an OSGeo
Ambassador role. Arnulf I think might have been the first to
mention it, and I think it is an excellent idea. I'm also aware
that the OGC are considering developing OGC ambassadors too.

So I'd like to open the floor and see what people think an
ambassador's role could involve, which leads into the qualities
we would wish our ambassador's to have, which leads into the ways
we may select an ambassador.

Let me start by noting some of the driving factors: 1. Arnulf has
noted that as OSGeo president, he has spent a significant amount
of time on areoplanes travelling around the world to talk on
behalf of OSGeo. He has suggested that this role should be
shared. Conference organisors, who have a primary goal of
attracting attendees, look for authoritative figureheads to talk
at conferences. They are expected to have a deep insight into a
specific domain, such as OSGeo. They should also speak well, even
better if they are entertaining.

2. OSGeo is a sexy topic has many conferences, and there are
hundreds, if not thousands of conferences around the world which
would like to see an OSGeo presence.

3. OSGeo is fortunate to draw membership from around the world,
including boasting a number of very healthy local chapters. As
such, we are likely to have potential ambassadors in most
counties. (We might be a bit short in Antarctica)

4. There are times when negotiating MOUs or similar with other
countries, it would be useful to have someone local speak with
authority on behalf of OSGeo.

5. Note that there are conflicting interests here of wanting to
open up the role for anyone who volunteers, verses maintaining a
selectiveness and prestige for the role which is the key
selection criteria for conferences asking for an ambassador.

As such, I think it important that ambassadors can only be voted
into the position, and not handed out to anyone. We already vote
for a board, and charter members. I think board members should be
considered ambassadors by default. Should charter members be
considered ambassadors? Charter members only get this role after
demonstrating a commitment to OSGeo, so will likely have a
reasonable depth of OSGeo knowledge. Maybe we should ask for a
history of speaking well (as demonstrated at conferences), to the
ambassador criteria.

Then lastly, do we wish to invite ambassadors from a greater
circle? At this point, I'd probably err on saying no, as if the
entry bar to becoming an ambassador is too easy, then the mystic
of the role will be lost.

- --
Exploring Space, Time and Mind
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/


As per Board logs discussing Ambassador role:

17:51:48 archaeogeek: We need to go back to Cameron too- but not be too discouraging...
17:52:08 darkblue_b: it seems Cameron is following the Board list

Yes, I did catch up on the board IRC logs as have been monitoring the board email list. (Meeting at is 3am, which doesn't work well for me).

Re discussion around definition of the Ambassador role, I'm more than happy to see the role being completely redefined from my original proposal.

From logs, I'm hearing what people don't want from the Ambassador role, but I don't think someone has clearly defined what is wanted.

Regarding funding, I think that by default, we should assume that no travel funds are allocated to Ambassadors. This will result in either:
1. Conferences paying for highly experienced ambassadors as keynotes
2. Conference attendees, who are already ambassadors (and usually local) acting as presenters
3. In special cases, such as sending someone to set up an Eclipse MOU, the board may approve one of the highly qualified ambassadors (a board member, or maybe a charter member)

With regards to setting up a process for selecting quality ambassadors, the tricky part is in setting a criteria for which we exclude people. There will always be volunteers wishing to be an ambassador, who is going to say someone is not qualified?
Do we introduce the overhead of another annual vote, getting the community to vote for the 10 best ambassadors?
Do we ask the board to approve or not approve applications from individuals to become ambassadors? It could be politically very alienating for individuals to be rejected by the board for such requests.

We then need to work out how Ambassadors are refreshed or retired. I propose that every year Ambassadors are removed, from our list. If Ambassadors still consider themselves active, they may update their profile, and re-introduce themselves into our Ambassador wiki.

Working around these limitations was what drove the proposal of:
* Allow any volunteer to become an Ambassador
* However, support categorisation by voted OSGeo categories (Board, Charter, OSGeo PSC, etc). We could introduce another category of "Entertaining Speaker" or similar, with some associated criteria.
* Force a refresh of Ambassador roles every year, and get Ambassadors to update their profile if they are still interested.

If someone can suggest a better, more practical idea, then I'd be keen to hear it.

On 9/05/2012 6:10 PM, Seven (aka Arnulf) wrote:

Hash: SHA1

in preparation for tomorrow's meeting please read through the mail
that Cameron sent wrt defining the Ambassador role:


At first my impression was that this is complicating things a bit (my
thoughts were more like: anyone can become an ambassador). But the
discussion on the lists confirmed that this looks like a good way
forward and addresses most issues brought up. I also like the idea
that Marketing runs with it once the board has decided that the
general direction is in line with our mission and policies.

So far we should be 6 out of 8 directors at the meeting tomorrow
meaning that we have quorum. But even if more drop out we can still
vote via mail which worked quite well over the past few meetings.

Talk to you tomorrow.


On 05.05.2012 07:33, Cameron Shorter wrote:

Following on from ideas from this previous email thread, and in
particular picking up on Stefano's ideas, I'd like to make the
following proposal:

I suggest that we define an OSGeo Ambassador role very widely, but
also have different levels of Ambassador - so that conference
organisors can still feel like they are getting someone
distinguished and pick someone exclusive.

The OSGeo Ambassador categories would be:

1. OSGeo Board Member 2. Ex OSGeo Board Member These are the elite
of the OSGeo community. We only have 8 active board members in the
world, which have been peer selected based upon their outstanding
leadership in the greater OSGeo community.

3. Charter member Charter membership is obtained through a strongly
contested selective process. Members tend to be developers and
leaders in one or more OSGeo projects, and/or OSGeo business
leaders, and have a deep understanding in many of the OSGeo
projects and principles of Open Source.

4. Voted position in an OSGeo community These people hold a
position of responsibility within one of the OSGeo sub-communities.
This may be a chair of an OSGeo Regional Chapter, or as a member of
a project's Project Steering Committee.

5. OSGeo community member These people are actively involved in one
or more OSGeo communities, acting as a developer, user or supporter
of OSGeo software.

Anyone fitting one of the above categories, may put themselves
forward as an OSGeo Ambassador. Each ambassador would be expected
to create a profile for themselves on an OSGeo Ambassador wiki
page, which includes:

* Name * City and Country of residence * Phone, Email * Photo *
OSGeo relevant experience. (~150 words)

I also propose that the OSGeo Marketing committee would be
responsible for overseeing the Ambassador wiki page, once the
guidelines have been put into place.

I welcome feedback from all, and call upon the board to make a
final vote on whether this proposal (or a variant) should be put
into action.

On 21/04/12 20:47, Stefano Costa wrote:

Il 21/04/2012 12:28, Jody Garnett ha scritto:

I would hope that our charter members (who have been through a
public nomination process in part for their involvement) are
already acting in the capacity of "Ambassador" for OSGeo.

I totally agree on this point. The fact that charter members
only official role is to nominate new charter members and the
Board is IMHO a weakness. Their role as OSGeo champions (and
"Ambassadors" if there's consensus on that) should be emphasised.
Quick ideas:

- personal pages on osgeo.org (osgeo.org/members/johndoe) -
@osgeo.org e-mail address (even an alias is fine) to be used as
their primary address - interviews on the main blog - a track
record of their public activity wrt OSGeo promotion, software
development, management, documentation and what else

In this way the charter members could gain a higher visibility in
the wider geospatial community and be recognised as official

Ciao steko

BTW is there any process in place to "remove" charter members if
they become inactive, move to another planet or are deemed unfit
for the purpose by the community?
_______________________________________________ Discuss mailing
list Discuss@lists.osgeo.org

On 20/04/12 07:24, Cameron Shorter wrote:

On 20/04/2012 4:06 AM, Michael P. Gerlek wrote:

Do we have any policies and cost structures for the Ambassador
function yet?

I've seen a few people talking about creating an OSGeo
Ambassador role. Arnulf I think might have been the first to
mention it, and I think it is an excellent idea. I'm also aware
that the OGC are considering developing OGC ambassadors too.

So I'd like to open the floor and see what people think an
ambassador's role could involve, which leads into the qualities
we would wish our ambassador's to have, which leads into the ways
we may select an ambassador.

Let me start by noting some of the driving factors: 1. Arnulf has
noted that as OSGeo president, he has spent a significant amount
of time on areoplanes travelling around the world to talk on
behalf of OSGeo. He has suggested that this role should be
shared. Conference organisors, who have a primary goal of
attracting attendees, look for authoritative figureheads to talk
at conferences. They are expected to have a deep insight into a
specific domain, such as OSGeo. They should also speak well, even
better if they are entertaining.

2. OSGeo is a sexy topic has many conferences, and there are
hundreds, if not thousands of conferences around the world which
would like to see an OSGeo presence.

3. OSGeo is fortunate to draw membership from around the world,
including boasting a number of very healthy local chapters. As
such, we are likely to have potential ambassadors in most
counties. (We might be a bit short in Antarctica)

4. There are times when negotiating MOUs or similar with other
countries, it would be useful to have someone local speak with
authority on behalf of OSGeo.

5. Note that there are conflicting interests here of wanting to
open up the role for anyone who volunteers, verses maintaining a
selectiveness and prestige for the role which is the key
selection criteria for conferences asking for an ambassador.

As such, I think it important that ambassadors can only be voted
into the position, and not handed out to anyone. We already vote
for a board, and charter members. I think board members should be
considered ambassadors by default. Should charter members be
considered ambassadors? Charter members only get this role after
demonstrating a commitment to OSGeo, so will likely have a
reasonable depth of OSGeo knowledge. Maybe we should ask for a
history of speaking well (as demonstrated at conferences), to the
ambassador criteria.

Then lastly, do we wish to invite ambassadors from a greater
circle? At this point, I'd probably err on saying no, as if the
entry bar to becoming an ambassador is too easy, then the mystic
of the role will be lost.

- -- Exploring Space, Time and Mind
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/


Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

I think it's a good idea to try to better define the role but I have no clue how to do it right. FWIW here is what I wrote about this question during the board meeting:

"i think for the ambassador label to have some value then it needs to not be too inclusive otherwise if anyone can name themselves an ambassador then we'll need to create a new label for the real higher profile "ambassadors" that event organizers will want to go after"

"for the time being [i.e. until a better mechanism can be defined], I'm happy with ambassador being someone appointed by the board to represent OSGeo at an official function or event, with or without funding. The first examples that come to mind are Arnulf's various ambassadorship duties, and MPG's upcoming meeting with Eclipse"


On 12-05-10 7:05 PM, Cameron Shorter wrote:

As per Board logs discussing Ambassador role:

17:51:48 archaeogeek: We need to go back to Cameron too- but not be too
17:52:08 darkblue_b: it seems Cameron is following the Board list

Yes, I did catch up on the board IRC logs as have been monitoring the
board email list. (Meeting at is 3am, which doesn't work well for me).

Re discussion around definition of the Ambassador role, I'm more than
happy to see the role being completely redefined from my original proposal.

From logs, I'm hearing what people don't want from the Ambassador role,
but I don't think someone has clearly defined what is wanted.

Regarding funding, I think that by default, we should assume that no
travel funds are allocated to Ambassadors. This will result in either:
1. Conferences paying for highly experienced ambassadors as keynotes
2. Conference attendees, who are already ambassadors (and usually local)
acting as presenters
3. In special cases, such as sending someone to set up an Eclipse MOU,
the board may approve one of the highly qualified ambassadors (a board
member, or maybe a charter member)

With regards to setting up a process for selecting quality ambassadors,
the tricky part is in setting a criteria for which we exclude people.
There will always be volunteers wishing to be an ambassador, who is
going to say someone is not qualified?
Do we introduce the overhead of another annual vote, getting the
community to vote for the 10 best ambassadors?
Do we ask the board to approve or not approve applications from
individuals to become ambassadors? It could be politically very
alienating for individuals to be rejected by the board for such requests.

We then need to work out how Ambassadors are refreshed or retired. I
propose that every year Ambassadors are removed, from our list. If
Ambassadors still consider themselves active, they may update their
profile, and re-introduce themselves into our Ambassador wiki.

Working around these limitations was what drove the proposal of:
* Allow any volunteer to become an Ambassador
* However, support categorisation by voted OSGeo categories (Board,
Charter, OSGeo PSC, etc). We could introduce another category of
"Entertaining Speaker" or similar, with some associated criteria.
* Force a refresh of Ambassador roles every year, and get Ambassadors to
update their profile if they are still interested.

If someone can suggest a better, more practical idea, then I'd be keen
to hear it.

On 9/05/2012 6:10 PM, Seven (aka Arnulf) wrote:

Hash: SHA1

in preparation for tomorrow's meeting please read through the mail
that Cameron sent wrt defining the Ambassador role:


At first my impression was that this is complicating things a bit (my
thoughts were more like: anyone can become an ambassador). But the
discussion on the lists confirmed that this looks like a good way
forward and addresses most issues brought up. I also like the idea
that Marketing runs with it once the board has decided that the
general direction is in line with our mission and policies.

So far we should be 6 out of 8 directors at the meeting tomorrow
meaning that we have quorum. But even if more drop out we can still
vote via mail which worked quite well over the past few meetings.

Talk to you tomorrow.


On 05.05.2012 07:33, Cameron Shorter wrote:

Following on from ideas from this previous email thread, and in
particular picking up on Stefano's ideas, I'd like to make the
following proposal:

I suggest that we define an OSGeo Ambassador role very widely, but
also have different levels of Ambassador - so that conference
organisors can still feel like they are getting someone
distinguished and pick someone exclusive.

The OSGeo Ambassador categories would be:

1. OSGeo Board Member 2. Ex OSGeo Board Member These are the elite
of the OSGeo community. We only have 8 active board members in the
world, which have been peer selected based upon their outstanding
leadership in the greater OSGeo community.

3. Charter member Charter membership is obtained through a strongly
contested selective process. Members tend to be developers and
leaders in one or more OSGeo projects, and/or OSGeo business
leaders, and have a deep understanding in many of the OSGeo
projects and principles of Open Source.

4. Voted position in an OSGeo community These people hold a
position of responsibility within one of the OSGeo sub-communities.
This may be a chair of an OSGeo Regional Chapter, or as a member of
a project's Project Steering Committee.

5. OSGeo community member These people are actively involved in one
or more OSGeo communities, acting as a developer, user or supporter
of OSGeo software.

Anyone fitting one of the above categories, may put themselves
forward as an OSGeo Ambassador. Each ambassador would be expected
to create a profile for themselves on an OSGeo Ambassador wiki
page, which includes:

* Name * City and Country of residence * Phone, Email * Photo *
OSGeo relevant experience. (~150 words)

I also propose that the OSGeo Marketing committee would be
responsible for overseeing the Ambassador wiki page, once the
guidelines have been put into place.

I welcome feedback from all, and call upon the board to make a
final vote on whether this proposal (or a variant) should be put
into action.

On 21/04/12 20:47, Stefano Costa wrote:

Il 21/04/2012 12:28, Jody Garnett ha scritto:

I would hope that our charter members (who have been through a
public nomination process in part for their involvement) are
already acting in the capacity of "Ambassador" for OSGeo.

I totally agree on this point. The fact that charter members
only official role is to nominate new charter members and the
Board is IMHO a weakness. Their role as OSGeo champions (and
"Ambassadors" if there's consensus on that) should be emphasised.
Quick ideas:

- personal pages on osgeo.org (osgeo.org/members/johndoe) -
@osgeo.org e-mail address (even an alias is fine) to be used as
their primary address - interviews on the main blog - a track
record of their public activity wrt OSGeo promotion, software
development, management, documentation and what else

In this way the charter members could gain a higher visibility in
the wider geospatial community and be recognised as official

Ciao steko

BTW is there any process in place to "remove" charter members if
they become inactive, move to another planet or are deemed unfit
for the purpose by the community?
_______________________________________________ Discuss mailing
list Discuss@lists.osgeo.org

On 20/04/12 07:24, Cameron Shorter wrote:

On 20/04/2012 4:06 AM, Michael P. Gerlek wrote:

Do we have any policies and cost structures for the Ambassador
function yet?

I've seen a few people talking about creating an OSGeo
Ambassador role. Arnulf I think might have been the first to
mention it, and I think it is an excellent idea. I'm also aware
that the OGC are considering developing OGC ambassadors too.

So I'd like to open the floor and see what people think an
ambassador's role could involve, which leads into the qualities
we would wish our ambassador's to have, which leads into the ways
we may select an ambassador.

Let me start by noting some of the driving factors: 1. Arnulf has
noted that as OSGeo president, he has spent a significant amount
of time on areoplanes travelling around the world to talk on
behalf of OSGeo. He has suggested that this role should be
shared. Conference organisors, who have a primary goal of
attracting attendees, look for authoritative figureheads to talk
at conferences. They are expected to have a deep insight into a
specific domain, such as OSGeo. They should also speak well, even
better if they are entertaining.

2. OSGeo is a sexy topic has many conferences, and there are
hundreds, if not thousands of conferences around the world which
would like to see an OSGeo presence.

3. OSGeo is fortunate to draw membership from around the world,
including boasting a number of very healthy local chapters. As
such, we are likely to have potential ambassadors in most
counties. (We might be a bit short in Antarctica)

4. There are times when negotiating MOUs or similar with other
countries, it would be useful to have someone local speak with
authority on behalf of OSGeo.

5. Note that there are conflicting interests here of wanting to
open up the role for anyone who volunteers, verses maintaining a
selectiveness and prestige for the role which is the key
selection criteria for conferences asking for an ambassador.

As such, I think it important that ambassadors can only be voted
into the position, and not handed out to anyone. We already vote
for a board, and charter members. I think board members should be
considered ambassadors by default. Should charter members be
considered ambassadors? Charter members only get this role after
demonstrating a commitment to OSGeo, so will likely have a
reasonable depth of OSGeo knowledge. Maybe we should ask for a
history of speaking well (as demonstrated at conferences), to the
ambassador criteria.

Then lastly, do we wish to invite ambassadors from a greater
circle? At this point, I'd probably err on saying no, as if the
entry bar to becoming an ambassador is too easy, then the mystic
of the role will be lost.

- -- Exploring Space, Time and Mind
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/


Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

Hi All,
I tend to agree with Daniel here. I think Ambassadors should be selected by the board and preferably be drawn from the "select" group of Charter members. Ambassador should be similar to being an honorary member if you ask me (unless we also start creating honorary members that are our Super Ambassadors :wink: )

Furthermore, the selection process does IMO _not_ have to be transparent! I consider the in-crowd, that the board is, able to make such decisions perfectly well without public discussions that may only hurt potential candidates. Those candidates are likely people that did a lot of good for OSGeo, so they should not be exposed to public discussions on how suitable they are or not.

Appointing Ambassadors can be something that is privately discussed with the potential candidate privately, and if s/he agrees that should be a role for life. Or at least until an Ambassador decides to withdraw. I see no problem in having an Ambassador that has been less active for a couple of years, but come back as senior person in 10 years from now when s/he suddenly has more time to spare on supporting OSGeo's mission. They bring a history that will be to the benefit of OSGeo.

So in summary Ambassadors:
- Are our honorary members
- Are recognized by the community
- Willing to promote OSGeo's mission
- Become Ambassador for life
- Be privately selected and proposed by the board

I realize that this is about 180 degrees different from Arnulf's idea of an ambassador :slight_smile: So maybe we actually need both Honorary members for life and (many more) Ambassadors that only act in that role for a short, active period of time.

My 2 cents, cheers,

On 11 mei 2012, at 04:16, Daniel Morissette wrote:

I think it's a good idea to try to better define the role but I have no clue how to do it right. FWIW here is what I wrote about this question during the board meeting:

"i think for the ambassador label to have some value then it needs to not be too inclusive otherwise if anyone can name themselves an ambassador then we'll need to create a new label for the real higher profile "ambassadors" that event organizers will want to go after"

"for the time being [i.e. until a better mechanism can be defined], I'm happy with ambassador being someone appointed by the board to represent OSGeo at an official function or event, with or without funding. The first examples that come to mind are Arnulf's various ambassadorship duties, and MPG's upcoming meeting with Eclipse"


On 12-05-10 7:05 PM, Cameron Shorter wrote:

As per Board logs discussing Ambassador role:

17:51:48 archaeogeek: We need to go back to Cameron too- but not be too
17:52:08 darkblue_b: it seems Cameron is following the Board list

Yes, I did catch up on the board IRC logs as have been monitoring the
board email list. (Meeting at is 3am, which doesn't work well for me).

Re discussion around definition of the Ambassador role, I'm more than
happy to see the role being completely redefined from my original proposal.

From logs, I'm hearing what people don't want from the Ambassador role,
but I don't think someone has clearly defined what is wanted.

Regarding funding, I think that by default, we should assume that no
travel funds are allocated to Ambassadors. This will result in either:
1. Conferences paying for highly experienced ambassadors as keynotes
2. Conference attendees, who are already ambassadors (and usually local)
acting as presenters
3. In special cases, such as sending someone to set up an Eclipse MOU,
the board may approve one of the highly qualified ambassadors (a board
member, or maybe a charter member)

With regards to setting up a process for selecting quality ambassadors,
the tricky part is in setting a criteria for which we exclude people.
There will always be volunteers wishing to be an ambassador, who is
going to say someone is not qualified?
Do we introduce the overhead of another annual vote, getting the
community to vote for the 10 best ambassadors?
Do we ask the board to approve or not approve applications from
individuals to become ambassadors? It could be politically very
alienating for individuals to be rejected by the board for such requests.

We then need to work out how Ambassadors are refreshed or retired. I
propose that every year Ambassadors are removed, from our list. If
Ambassadors still consider themselves active, they may update their
profile, and re-introduce themselves into our Ambassador wiki.

Working around these limitations was what drove the proposal of:
* Allow any volunteer to become an Ambassador
* However, support categorisation by voted OSGeo categories (Board,
Charter, OSGeo PSC, etc). We could introduce another category of
"Entertaining Speaker" or similar, with some associated criteria.
* Force a refresh of Ambassador roles every year, and get Ambassadors to
update their profile if they are still interested.

If someone can suggest a better, more practical idea, then I'd be keen
to hear it.

On 9/05/2012 6:10 PM, Seven (aka Arnulf) wrote:

Hash: SHA1

in preparation for tomorrow's meeting please read through the mail
that Cameron sent wrt defining the Ambassador role:


At first my impression was that this is complicating things a bit (my
thoughts were more like: anyone can become an ambassador). But the
discussion on the lists confirmed that this looks like a good way
forward and addresses most issues brought up. I also like the idea
that Marketing runs with it once the board has decided that the
general direction is in line with our mission and policies.

So far we should be 6 out of 8 directors at the meeting tomorrow
meaning that we have quorum. But even if more drop out we can still
vote via mail which worked quite well over the past few meetings.

Talk to you tomorrow.


On 05.05.2012 07:33, Cameron Shorter wrote:

Following on from ideas from this previous email thread, and in
particular picking up on Stefano's ideas, I'd like to make the
following proposal:

I suggest that we define an OSGeo Ambassador role very widely, but
also have different levels of Ambassador - so that conference
organisors can still feel like they are getting someone
distinguished and pick someone exclusive.

The OSGeo Ambassador categories would be:

1. OSGeo Board Member 2. Ex OSGeo Board Member These are the elite
of the OSGeo community. We only have 8 active board members in the
world, which have been peer selected based upon their outstanding
leadership in the greater OSGeo community.

3. Charter member Charter membership is obtained through a strongly
contested selective process. Members tend to be developers and
leaders in one or more OSGeo projects, and/or OSGeo business
leaders, and have a deep understanding in many of the OSGeo
projects and principles of Open Source.

4. Voted position in an OSGeo community These people hold a
position of responsibility within one of the OSGeo sub-communities.
This may be a chair of an OSGeo Regional Chapter, or as a member of
a project's Project Steering Committee.

5. OSGeo community member These people are actively involved in one
or more OSGeo communities, acting as a developer, user or supporter
of OSGeo software.

Anyone fitting one of the above categories, may put themselves
forward as an OSGeo Ambassador. Each ambassador would be expected
to create a profile for themselves on an OSGeo Ambassador wiki
page, which includes:

* Name * City and Country of residence * Phone, Email * Photo *
OSGeo relevant experience. (~150 words)

I also propose that the OSGeo Marketing committee would be
responsible for overseeing the Ambassador wiki page, once the
guidelines have been put into place.

I welcome feedback from all, and call upon the board to make a
final vote on whether this proposal (or a variant) should be put
into action.

On 21/04/12 20:47, Stefano Costa wrote:

Il 21/04/2012 12:28, Jody Garnett ha scritto:

I would hope that our charter members (who have been through a
public nomination process in part for their involvement) are
already acting in the capacity of "Ambassador" for OSGeo.

I totally agree on this point. The fact that charter members
only official role is to nominate new charter members and the
Board is IMHO a weakness. Their role as OSGeo champions (and
"Ambassadors" if there's consensus on that) should be emphasised.
Quick ideas:

- personal pages on osgeo.org (osgeo.org/members/johndoe) -
@osgeo.org e-mail address (even an alias is fine) to be used as
their primary address - interviews on the main blog - a track
record of their public activity wrt OSGeo promotion, software
development, management, documentation and what else

In this way the charter members could gain a higher visibility in
the wider geospatial community and be recognised as official

Ciao steko

BTW is there any process in place to "remove" charter members if
they become inactive, move to another planet or are deemed unfit
for the purpose by the community?
_______________________________________________ Discuss mailing
list Discuss@lists.osgeo.org

On 20/04/12 07:24, Cameron Shorter wrote:

On 20/04/2012 4:06 AM, Michael P. Gerlek wrote:

Do we have any policies and cost structures for the Ambassador
function yet?

I've seen a few people talking about creating an OSGeo
Ambassador role. Arnulf I think might have been the first to
mention it, and I think it is an excellent idea. I'm also aware
that the OGC are considering developing OGC ambassadors too.

So I'd like to open the floor and see what people think an
ambassador's role could involve, which leads into the qualities
we would wish our ambassador's to have, which leads into the ways
we may select an ambassador.

Let me start by noting some of the driving factors: 1. Arnulf has
noted that as OSGeo president, he has spent a significant amount
of time on areoplanes travelling around the world to talk on
behalf of OSGeo. He has suggested that this role should be
shared. Conference organisors, who have a primary goal of
attracting attendees, look for authoritative figureheads to talk
at conferences. They are expected to have a deep insight into a
specific domain, such as OSGeo. They should also speak well, even
better if they are entertaining.

2. OSGeo is a sexy topic has many conferences, and there are
hundreds, if not thousands of conferences around the world which
would like to see an OSGeo presence.

3. OSGeo is fortunate to draw membership from around the world,
including boasting a number of very healthy local chapters. As
such, we are likely to have potential ambassadors in most
counties. (We might be a bit short in Antarctica)

4. There are times when negotiating MOUs or similar with other
countries, it would be useful to have someone local speak with
authority on behalf of OSGeo.

5. Note that there are conflicting interests here of wanting to
open up the role for anyone who volunteers, verses maintaining a
selectiveness and prestige for the role which is the key
selection criteria for conferences asking for an ambassador.

As such, I think it important that ambassadors can only be voted
into the position, and not handed out to anyone. We already vote
for a board, and charter members. I think board members should be
considered ambassadors by default. Should charter members be
considered ambassadors? Charter members only get this role after
demonstrating a commitment to OSGeo, so will likely have a
reasonable depth of OSGeo knowledge. Maybe we should ask for a
history of speaking well (as demonstrated at conferences), to the
ambassador criteria.

Then lastly, do we wish to invite ambassadors from a greater
circle? At this point, I'd probably err on saying no, as if the
entry bar to becoming an ambassador is too easy, then the mystic
of the role will be lost.

- -- Exploring Space, Time and Mind
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/


Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

Marketing mailing list

I can see that there are at least 2 interpretations of "Ambassador" which seems to be clouding the issue. It might help if we refined as:

Senior Ambassador:
* Someone with extensive OSGeo qualifications, probably a board member, or ex board member, but might be extended to a select few others. Ideally will have excellent communication and presentation skills.
* This role will keynote conferences, and negotiate on behalf of OSGeo (eg for a MOU).

General Ambassador:
* One of the thousands of OSGeo leaders, developers and users who are passionate about Geospatial Open Source, who wishes to promote OSGeo
* These people will present on behalf of OSGeo at one of the hundreds of relevant conferences and workshops around the world.
* Selection of this role could be anyone who applies, or could be limited to a voted group, such as Charter members.

On 11/05/2012 12:16 PM, Daniel Morissette wrote:

I think it's a good idea to try to better define the role but I have no clue how to do it right. FWIW here is what I wrote about this question during the board meeting:

"i think for the ambassador label to have some value then it needs to not be too inclusive otherwise if anyone can name themselves an ambassador then we'll need to create a new label for the real higher profile "ambassadors" that event organizers will want to go after"

"for the time being [i.e. until a better mechanism can be defined], I'm happy with ambassador being someone appointed by the board to represent OSGeo at an official function or event, with or without funding. The first examples that come to mind are Arnulf's various ambassadorship duties, and MPG's upcoming meeting with Eclipse"


On 12-05-10 7:05 PM, Cameron Shorter wrote:

As per Board logs discussing Ambassador role:

17:51:48 archaeogeek: We need to go back to Cameron too- but not be too
17:52:08 darkblue_b: it seems Cameron is following the Board list

Yes, I did catch up on the board IRC logs as have been monitoring the
board email list. (Meeting at is 3am, which doesn't work well for me).

Re discussion around definition of the Ambassador role, I'm more than
happy to see the role being completely redefined from my original proposal.

From logs, I'm hearing what people don't want from the Ambassador role,
but I don't think someone has clearly defined what is wanted.

Regarding funding, I think that by default, we should assume that no
travel funds are allocated to Ambassadors. This will result in either:
1. Conferences paying for highly experienced ambassadors as keynotes
2. Conference attendees, who are already ambassadors (and usually local)
acting as presenters
3. In special cases, such as sending someone to set up an Eclipse MOU,
the board may approve one of the highly qualified ambassadors (a board
member, or maybe a charter member)

With regards to setting up a process for selecting quality ambassadors,
the tricky part is in setting a criteria for which we exclude people.
There will always be volunteers wishing to be an ambassador, who is
going to say someone is not qualified?
Do we introduce the overhead of another annual vote, getting the
community to vote for the 10 best ambassadors?
Do we ask the board to approve or not approve applications from
individuals to become ambassadors? It could be politically very
alienating for individuals to be rejected by the board for such requests.

We then need to work out how Ambassadors are refreshed or retired. I
propose that every year Ambassadors are removed, from our list. If
Ambassadors still consider themselves active, they may update their
profile, and re-introduce themselves into our Ambassador wiki.

Working around these limitations was what drove the proposal of:
* Allow any volunteer to become an Ambassador
* However, support categorisation by voted OSGeo categories (Board,
Charter, OSGeo PSC, etc). We could introduce another category of
"Entertaining Speaker" or similar, with some associated criteria.
* Force a refresh of Ambassador roles every year, and get Ambassadors to
update their profile if they are still interested.

If someone can suggest a better, more practical idea, then I'd be keen
to hear it.

On 9/05/2012 6:10 PM, Seven (aka Arnulf) wrote:

Hash: SHA1

in preparation for tomorrow's meeting please read through the mail
that Cameron sent wrt defining the Ambassador role:


At first my impression was that this is complicating things a bit (my
thoughts were more like: anyone can become an ambassador). But the
discussion on the lists confirmed that this looks like a good way
forward and addresses most issues brought up. I also like the idea
that Marketing runs with it once the board has decided that the
general direction is in line with our mission and policies.

So far we should be 6 out of 8 directors at the meeting tomorrow
meaning that we have quorum. But even if more drop out we can still
vote via mail which worked quite well over the past few meetings.

Talk to you tomorrow.


On 05.05.2012 07:33, Cameron Shorter wrote:

Following on from ideas from this previous email thread, and in
particular picking up on Stefano's ideas, I'd like to make the
following proposal:

I suggest that we define an OSGeo Ambassador role very widely, but
also have different levels of Ambassador - so that conference
organisors can still feel like they are getting someone
distinguished and pick someone exclusive.

The OSGeo Ambassador categories would be:

1. OSGeo Board Member 2. Ex OSGeo Board Member These are the elite
of the OSGeo community. We only have 8 active board members in the
world, which have been peer selected based upon their outstanding
leadership in the greater OSGeo community.

3. Charter member Charter membership is obtained through a strongly
contested selective process. Members tend to be developers and
leaders in one or more OSGeo projects, and/or OSGeo business
leaders, and have a deep understanding in many of the OSGeo
projects and principles of Open Source.

4. Voted position in an OSGeo community These people hold a
position of responsibility within one of the OSGeo sub-communities.
This may be a chair of an OSGeo Regional Chapter, or as a member of
a project's Project Steering Committee.

5. OSGeo community member These people are actively involved in one
or more OSGeo communities, acting as a developer, user or supporter
of OSGeo software.

Anyone fitting one of the above categories, may put themselves
forward as an OSGeo Ambassador. Each ambassador would be expected
to create a profile for themselves on an OSGeo Ambassador wiki
page, which includes:

* Name * City and Country of residence * Phone, Email * Photo *
OSGeo relevant experience. (~150 words)

I also propose that the OSGeo Marketing committee would be
responsible for overseeing the Ambassador wiki page, once the
guidelines have been put into place.

I welcome feedback from all, and call upon the board to make a
final vote on whether this proposal (or a variant) should be put
into action.

On 21/04/12 20:47, Stefano Costa wrote:

Il 21/04/2012 12:28, Jody Garnett ha scritto:

I would hope that our charter members (who have been through a
public nomination process in part for their involvement) are
already acting in the capacity of "Ambassador" for OSGeo.

I totally agree on this point. The fact that charter members
only official role is to nominate new charter members and the
Board is IMHO a weakness. Their role as OSGeo champions (and
"Ambassadors" if there's consensus on that) should be emphasised.
Quick ideas:

- personal pages on osgeo.org (osgeo.org/members/johndoe) -
@osgeo.org e-mail address (even an alias is fine) to be used as
their primary address - interviews on the main blog - a track
record of their public activity wrt OSGeo promotion, software
development, management, documentation and what else

In this way the charter members could gain a higher visibility in
the wider geospatial community and be recognised as official

Ciao steko

BTW is there any process in place to "remove" charter members if
they become inactive, move to another planet or are deemed unfit
for the purpose by the community?
_______________________________________________ Discuss mailing
list Discuss@lists.osgeo.org

On 20/04/12 07:24, Cameron Shorter wrote:

On 20/04/2012 4:06 AM, Michael P. Gerlek wrote:

Do we have any policies and cost structures for the Ambassador
function yet?

I've seen a few people talking about creating an OSGeo
Ambassador role. Arnulf I think might have been the first to
mention it, and I think it is an excellent idea. I'm also aware
that the OGC are considering developing OGC ambassadors too.

So I'd like to open the floor and see what people think an
ambassador's role could involve, which leads into the qualities
we would wish our ambassador's to have, which leads into the ways
we may select an ambassador.

Let me start by noting some of the driving factors: 1. Arnulf has
noted that as OSGeo president, he has spent a significant amount
of time on areoplanes travelling around the world to talk on
behalf of OSGeo. He has suggested that this role should be
shared. Conference organisors, who have a primary goal of
attracting attendees, look for authoritative figureheads to talk
at conferences. They are expected to have a deep insight into a
specific domain, such as OSGeo. They should also speak well, even
better if they are entertaining.

2. OSGeo is a sexy topic has many conferences, and there are
hundreds, if not thousands of conferences around the world which
would like to see an OSGeo presence.

3. OSGeo is fortunate to draw membership from around the world,
including boasting a number of very healthy local chapters. As
such, we are likely to have potential ambassadors in most
counties. (We might be a bit short in Antarctica)

4. There are times when negotiating MOUs or similar with other
countries, it would be useful to have someone local speak with
authority on behalf of OSGeo.

5. Note that there are conflicting interests here of wanting to
open up the role for anyone who volunteers, verses maintaining a
selectiveness and prestige for the role which is the key
selection criteria for conferences asking for an ambassador.

As such, I think it important that ambassadors can only be voted
into the position, and not handed out to anyone. We already vote
for a board, and charter members. I think board members should be
considered ambassadors by default. Should charter members be
considered ambassadors? Charter members only get this role after
demonstrating a commitment to OSGeo, so will likely have a
reasonable depth of OSGeo knowledge. Maybe we should ask for a
history of speaking well (as demonstrated at conferences), to the
ambassador criteria.

Then lastly, do we wish to invite ambassadors from a greater
circle? At this point, I'd probably err on saying no, as if the
entry bar to becoming an ambassador is too easy, then the mystic
of the role will be lost.

- -- Exploring Space, Time and Mind
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/


Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

On 12-05-11 7:13 AM, Cameron Shorter wrote:

I can see that there are at least 2 interpretations of "Ambassador"
which seems to be clouding the issue. It might help if we refined as:

Senior Ambassador:
* Someone with extensive OSGeo qualifications, probably a board member,
or ex board member, but might be extended to a select few others.
Ideally will have excellent communication and presentation skills.
* This role will keynote conferences, and negotiate on behalf of OSGeo
(eg for a MOU).

General Ambassador:
* One of the thousands of OSGeo leaders, developers and users who are
passionate about Geospatial Open Source, who wishes to promote OSGeo
* These people will present on behalf of OSGeo at one of the hundreds of
relevant conferences and workshops around the world.
* Selection of this role could be anyone who applies, or could be
limited to a voted group, such as Charter members.

That sounds like a good summary/starting point to me. However multiple classes of "ambassadors" may be a bit confusing so we may just want to use different words/names for both categories to avoid confusion.

Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

Thank you for moving this thread along.

In answering question "why make the role of a charter member stronger?":
I see it more as "increasing the profile" of our voted members, rather than "increasing the role". It is a service we provide to our OSGeo members to help them be recognised as "authoritative" and "experts" by conference organisers, as conference organisers are continually asking for experts to attract audiences. That is why Arnulf is continually asked to speak at conferences. If we can raise the profile of our voted members, giving them a title that conference organisors can latch onto, then we can spread the task of evangelising Open Source to a much wider base.

Note: I'm not including "Negotiating MOU" type tasks in this "General Ambassador" role. I suggest this be addressed by a "Negotiator" role (if we define it at all), and as Jeroen suggests, the board could assign that responsibility to a trusted member of the community (possibly on a case by case basis).

As a side note: Could we please start drawing this thread through to conclusion. If there are board members who object, could you please put your objections forward, preferably with a suggested alternative.

On 16/05/2012 11:16 PM, Seven (aka Arnulf) wrote:

Hash: SHA1

One of the board members has regular objections to making the Charter
Members have a stronger role in OSGeo. I did not understand the
rationale and had to ask. The answer is straight forward purely based
on community considerations: By making Charter Member roles more
important we alienate / reduce the role of the "regular member" which
is something we always strive to avoid (being broadly open, etc.).

So instead of increasing the role of the Charter Members we might
rather want to strive for more involvement of all members (including
Charter Members, ex Board Members, honorary members and whatever else
we might come up with).

Makes sense?

Let's ask the other way round: What good would it do make the role of
Charter Members (and ex boad members, etc.) stronger?


On 16.05.2012 12:12, Ravi Kumar wrote:

----- Forwarded Message ----- *From:* Ravi Kumar
<ravivundavalli48@yahoo.com> *To:* osgeo-discuss
<discuss-request@lists.osgeo.org> *Sent:* Sunday, May 13, 2012 5:44
PM *Subject:* Re: [Board] Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Defining an OSGeo
Ambassador role

+1 Markus In due course, evolution of OSGeo will need more
participation from the Charter members. The charter members who are
expected to elect the board at the helm of OSGeo can be tapped for
more involvement. So are the ex-board members. Ravi


*From:* Markus Neteler<neteler@osgeo.org>

*To:* mpg@flaxen.com *Cc:* discuss@lists.osgeo.org; OSGeo-Board
<board@lists.osgeo.org>; marketing<marketing@lists.osgeo.org>
*Sent:* Saturday, May 12, 2012 2:34 AM *Subject:* Re: [Board] Re:
[OSGeo-Discuss] Defining an OSGeo Ambassador role

On Sat, May 5, 2012 at 9:15 PM, Michael P. Gerlek<mpg@flaxen.com
<mailto:mpg@flaxen.com>> wrote: ...

The board is elected by the charter members to make policy. When

system was set up, it was not the intent that charter members had
any role other than to preserve the nature and mission of the
foundation by electing appropriate board members.

Things may evolve: A a founding member of OSGeo I was always very
interested to keep the community strongly involved. This implies
that with the years charter members may obtain a stronger role than
"just" electing the board members.


What others do:

... but Jody has just send around some links...

Markus _______________________________________________ Board
mailing list Board@lists.osgeo.org<mailto:Board@lists.osgeo.org>

_______________________________________________ Board mailing list

- -- Exploring Space, Time and Mind
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/

Board mailing list

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 10:03 PM, Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter@gmail.com> wrote:

Thank you for moving this thread along.

In answering question “why make the role of a charter member stronger?”:
I see it more as “increasing the profile” of our voted members, rather than “increasing the role”. It is a service we provide to our OSGeo members to help them be recognised as “authoritative” and “experts” by conference organisers, as conference organisers are continually asking for experts to attract audiences. That is why Arnulf is continually asked to speak at conferences. If we can raise the profile of our voted members, giving them a title that conference organisors can latch onto, then we can spread the task of evangelising Open Source to a much wider base.

Note: I’m not including “Negotiating MOU” type tasks in this “General Ambassador” role. I suggest this be addressed by a “Negotiator” role (if we define it at all), and as Jeroen suggests, the board could assign that responsibility to a trusted member of the community (possibly on a case by case basis).

As a side note: Could we please start drawing this thread through to conclusion. If there are board members who object, could you please put your objections forward, preferably with a suggested alternative.

In the spirit of trying to move this along- I don’t object to the role, but want the procedure to be as simple as possible. Personally I’d rather it was done on a case-by-case basis than anything more formal than that, but I’d also like to see it limited to charter members to give people the incentive to have get more involved in OSGeo. If it’s not limited I don’t see how we can make an informed decision about whether someone is going to be a good representative or not. I do understand that other’s have objections to this though, which is why it’s harder than you might think to get a firm decision…


Jo Cook
Astun Technology Ltd, The Coach House, 17 West Street, Epsom, Surrey, KT18 7RL, UK
t:+44 750 095 8167

iShare - Data integration and publishing platform

Company registration no. 5410695. Registered in England and Wales. Registered office: 120 Manor Green Road, Epsom, Surrey, KT19 8LN VAT no. 864201149.