[Marketing] Re: Promoting OSGEO in New Zealand

Harley, (CCing the OSGeo marketing committee)

Tyler is away till Monday (Tuesday for us), so you are unlikely to get a response from him before then.

From what I can gather, all the marketing information we have is linked from this page:
in particular:

Unfortunately these fliers are a bit out of date and don't reflect the latest list of OSGeo projects.

The wiki page is quite a mess and we need to go through and clean it up. In particular we should have a step by step guide on How to provide an OSGeo presence at a conference, including links to resources and recommendations on funding.

If you have the budget, I suspect the most valuable marketing tool you would have is to do a print run of the LiveDVD and hand that out.

The second thing that we as a Marketing Committee need to address is guidelines on how we maximise return on investment from OSGeo's relatively small funds.

Harley Prowse wrote:

Hi Tyler,

GBS will have a stand at the NZ ESRI User Group Conference (21-23 October 2008). We have permission from the ESRI user group chairperson to have some low key information available for the FOSS4G2009 conference and OSGEO on our stand. This event will attract over 300 spatial types and is the largest gathering of its kind in NZ. The user group is beginning to open up a bit and allow non ESRI based presentations and discussions to more accurately reflect what is happening within industry (i.e. best of breed, up take of opens source etc).

To that end, can you please advise me on how to get, or provide me with, an OSGEO logo or artwork that would be suitable to make into a banner and some kind of flyer or material that we can print with info on OSGEO (we will have A4 brochures of our stuff, so something like that would be ideal).

If you have other ideas or material then please advise.


*Harley Prowse*



Telephone: +64 9 570 3875

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harleyp@geobiz.co.nz <mailto:harleyp@geobiz.co.nz>

www.geobiz.co.nz <http://www.geobiz.co.nz/&gt;

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Systems Architect
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

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