[Marketing] Re: Subject: [General Info] Partnership

On 12-03-17 12:42 AM, igor@gispeople.com.au wrote:

Category: General Info

Hi there,

I'm the managing director of GIS People - an Australian company providing
geospatial software development and consulting services. Several of our
developers have worked with Open Source Geospatial Technologies, and good
example of our work can be seen at http://www.umap-r.net/ - a spatial
system that we are building for our client and partner R.E.M. using almost
the entire Web Mapping technology stack.

Our company is interested in exploring opportunities to partner with OSGeo
and to actively promote open source technologies with our partners and
clients. To that extent, we would like to enlist OSGeo as our partner on
our "Partners page". How do we go about gaining this permission?


That is an excellent question! I'm not exactly sure what it would mean for
us to be a partner. In some contexts we have signed a memorandum of
understanding with other organizations (like OGC or universities) but so
far nothing exactly like that with a commercial service provider. We do
offer sponsorship opportunities which come with the ability for you to
demonstrate your connection with an OSGeo sponsor logo.


We also offer the opportunity for you to list your organization in our
service provider directory so folks looking for organizations with
particular capabilities can more easily find you.


Beyond that it is not exactly clear to me how partnership would work.
I am cc:ing our Marketing committee in case they have some ideas.
Hopefully the items I've raised already will be helpful.

BTW, I just skimmed the umap-r.net app and there is quite a bit of
capability and data there!

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam@pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://home.gdal.org/warmerda
and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Software Developer