[Marketing] Re: Teach-in 2009

lets move all further discussion to public lists.

On Fri, May 30, 2008 18:11, Jeff McKenna wrote:

Unfortunately I've been on the road all week and I haven't read all of
the private and public responses to our proposal yet. But I did read
Arnulf's (great feedback as usual, thanks Arnulf).

Briefly, all I can say is that it is a good problem to have isn't it?
All of these small companies (I include my own in this group now!)
around the world looking to spread the word of FOSS4G through training. I
am very glad to be involved.


Thanks for the positive feedback. And yes - it is a good problem to have.
I do feel a bit like "fooey on me" yet again but if thats my job, so be

Hopefully pushing the idea through an OSGeo committee and developing a
process will help to sort out how to do it right. Unfortunately I tend to
be provocative in responses and unclear in my own proposals. Therefore I
would be very happy if you could join collecting ideas how to process
"OSGEo Teach-ins" or whatever they maybe become in future. I have proposed
two general directions on the Marketing list, if you can see a third,
fourth or seventh option, please add it and refine or remove the ones I
suggested. Once there are (arbitrarily) three or four comments by
different folks on the proposal I would like to move it the process to the
Wiki and continue to refine there.

What time line do you have in mind for the Teach-in, when do you need to
go public, reserve locations, etc.? I guess that we do need some time to
go through the details so the sooner we start and the more dedicated
people join the process and shape what we want to do the better.

Best regards,

Arnulf Christl

On Sun, Jun 1, 2008 at 4:26 PM, Paul Ramsey <pramsey@cleverelephant.ca> wrote:

On Sun, Jun 1, 2008 at 3:03 AM, Arnulf Christl
<arnulf.christl@wheregroup.com> wrote:

Hopefully pushing the idea through an OSGeo committee and developing a
process will help to sort out how to do it right. Unfortunately I tend to
be provocative in responses and unclear in my own proposals. Therefore I
would be very happy if you could join collecting ideas how to process
"OSGEo Teach-ins" or whatever they maybe become in future.

Why not try it out first, and save developing policy until you're sure
what you have on offer is actually going to be attractive?

It can be attractive in one place, in another less. That's not a real
measure IMHO.

No one is going to be using the brand "OSGeo Teach-in" without
OSGeo's approval, so it's not like having a pilot test run is going to
open flood gates.

It's not clear to me why we cannot set up a draft policy NOW to
transparently handle such requests. It can be refined then of course
from lessons learned.

                ^^^^^ - looks like brand to me
is offering a seminar which is quite close to the "OSGeo Teach-in" idea.
Sure, it's not (yet?) in the title of the seminar.

Well, we are going in circles. Paul says "no policy", I say "please let's
define it first", Paul says "no policy", I say ... I'll stop that now.
Or we make it simply a board motion if we want or don't want a policy
before the first branded "OSGeo Teach-in" happens.

(btw. owner of osgeo.it which he kindly redirects to gfoss.it)

Markus Neteler wrote:

Well, we are going in circles. Paul says "no policy", I say "please let's
define it first", Paul says "no policy", I say ... I'll stop that now.
Or we make it simply a board motion if we want or don't want a policy
before the first branded "OSGeo Teach-in" happens.


Perhaps you would like to outline a draft policy?

I would be pleased if we had some sort of policy on this sort of
activity before making a decision, though I don't consider it critical.

My hope is that we can reach some conclusion on this topic at our
upcoming board meeting scheduled for June 6th. Till then it isn't
necessary for us to reach consensus, though I'd appreciate folks at
least getting their opinions out for consideration before then so
we aren't hearing too many ideas for the first time in the phone call.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam@pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush | President OSGeo, http://osgeo.org

On Sun, Jun 1, 2008 at 6:15 PM, Frank Warmerdam <warmerdam@pobox.com> wrote:

Markus Neteler wrote:

Well, we are going in circles. Paul says "no policy", I say "please let's
define it first", Paul says "no policy", I say ... I'll stop that now.
Or we make it simply a board motion if we want or don't want a policy
before the first branded "OSGeo Teach-in" happens.


Perhaps you would like to outline a draft policy?

Well, I have added notes/questions to

This needs to be extended. Since I myself don't have all
answers, please hack the Wiki.

I would be pleased if we had some sort of policy on this sort of
activity before making a decision, though I don't consider it critical.

IMHO making a decision is already the first part of a new policy.
Once approved you cannot easily say no to the next request,
even if the proposed event would become a financial failure (which
I doubt). Anyone else could suggest to do better...

My hope is that we can reach some conclusion on this topic at our
upcoming board meeting scheduled for June 6th. Till then it isn't
necessary for us to reach consensus, though I'd appreciate folks at
least getting their opinions out for consideration before then so
we aren't hearing too many ideas for the first time in the phone call.

The Wiki page is open.
