[Marketing] Service provider registration

Hello, Team!

We want to become an additional service provider of GeoServer in Russia Federation.

Please, add Service Provider Author role to our UserID: technocom in OSGeo portal.

Best regards, TECHNOCOM LLC

e-mail: mail@technocom.tech

www: https://www.technocom.tech/

Logo small


I added you to the Service Provider Role.

Please add some more information to your profile.

Welcome to the OSGeo community
Best regards

Astrid Emde
Astrid Emde
OSGeo Secretary
Open Source Geospatial Foundation

Am 17.01.2022 14:39 schrieb Приемная ООО "Техноком":

Hello, Team!

We want to become an additional service provider of GeoServer in
Russia Federation.

Please, add _Service Provider Author_ role to our UserID: technocom in
OSGeo portal.

_Best regards, TECHNOCOM LLC _

_e-mail: mail@technocom.tech _

_www: https://www.technocom.tech/ [1] _

[1] https://www.technocom.tech/

Marketing mailing list
Marketing Info Page

Hello, Team!

On February 7, we added a new technocom service provider to the Service Providers list in the OSGeo portal, our publication is still in the Pending status, please approve.

Best regards, TECHNOCOM LLC

e-mail: mail@technocom.tech

www: https://www.technocom.tech/

Logo small


От: Приемная ООО “Техноком”
Отправлено: 17 января 2022 г. 18:39
Кому: marketing@lists.osgeo.org
Тема: Service provider registration

Hello, Team!

We want to become an additional service provider of GeoServer in Russia Federation.

Please, add Service Provider Author role to our UserID: technocom in OSGeo portal.

Best regards, TECHNOCOM LLC

e-mail: mail@technocom.tech

www: https://www.technocom.tech/

Logo small


sorry for the delay.

The side is available now.

Thank you for promoting OSGeo Software.

Best regards

Astrid Emde
Astrid Emde
OSGeo Secretary
Open Source Geospatial Foundation

Am 22.02.2022 13:56 schrieb Приемная ООО "Техноком":

Hello, Team!

On February 7, we added a new technocom service provider to the
Service Providers list in the OSGeo portal, our publication is still
in the Pending status, please approve.

_Best regards, TECHNOCOM LLC_

_e-mail: mail@technocom.tech_

_www: https://www.technocom.tech/ [1]_


ОТ: Приемная ООО "Техноком"
ОТПРАВЛЕНО: 17 января 2022 г. 18:39
КОМУ: marketing@lists.osgeo.org
ТЕМА: Service provider registration

Hello, Team!

We want to become an additional service provider of GeoServer in
Russia Federation.

Please, add _Service Provider Author_ role to our UserID: technocom in
OSGeo portal.

_Best regards, TECHNOCOM LLC _

_e-mail: mail@technocom.tech _

_www: https://www.technocom.tech/ [1] _

[1] https://www.technocom.tech/

Marketing mailing list
Marketing Info Page