[Marketing] [SotM 2020] Call for Lightning talks and self organised sessions

We can organise an OSGeo lightening talk and booth at SotM 2020. See message below copied from https://lists.openstreetmap.ch/pipermail/talk-ch/2020-June/010608.html

Hi everyone,

as most of you likely already know, SotM 2020 [1] will be a virtual conference
[2]. Nevertheless, in addition to regular talks, there will also be lightning
talks and self organised sessions. Of course, the format of those will be quite
a bit different:

  • Lightning talks: As usual, those will be short ~5 minute talks. However,
    these talks have to be pre-recorded and uploaded before 28 June 2020. You
    can find more information about this and the registration for lightning
    talks on the OSM wiki [3]. We’re also providing a short tutorial about the
    production of such pre-recorded talks [4] that is based on OBS Studio [5].

  • Self organised sessions: These will be done as audio or video conferences -
    which many of you are probably quite used to by now. More information can
    also be found on the OSM wiki [6] where we have also prepared a howto for
    these sessions [7].

If you happen to run a Jitsi, BigBlueButton or Mumble instance that could be
used to run these sessions during the SotM conference, please add it to the
list of public servers [8]. Thanks!

We’re very much looking forward to your lightning talk and self organised

session submissions for the virtual SotM 2020 :)!

for the SotM 2020 Program Committee


