[Marketing] Todays Meeting Agenda 2017-06-14 - Finalized Collateral & Feedback

Meeting is starting, here is the link: https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/getinteractive.nl/weekly-meeting?authuser=0


On 14 June 2017 at 03:26, Patrick Kepel <p.kepel@getinteractive.nl> wrote:

Hi all,

We’ve added the agenda and action/discussion items for todays meeting to the ‘Website/Rebranding meetings’ document.

Here’s the link to the document:

The basic agenda will be as follows:

  • Review Finalized Collateral:
  • Wireframe: ‘Interaction Design V9’.- Review feedback Kris.
  • Review feedback Helena.
  • Review Pim’s Action Items:
    Links and more detailed information on todays agenda can be found in the ‘Website/Rebranding meetings’ document.

Unfortunately I will not be able to participate in today’s meeting, Pim will represent our team on behalf of Get Interactive.

Kind regards,

Patrick Kepel

+31 (0)30 60 808 48


Dorpsstraat 50, 3433 CM Nieuwegein

Jody Garnett