[Marketing] updated OSGeo flyers in EN and DE

I added two versions of the flyer with general information about OSGeo to SVN available here: https://svn.osgeo.org/osgeo/marketing/flyer/osgeo/

This should be good to print and hand out as an OSGeo single pager at any event. Please go through it and correct anything you might want to change or at least confirm its OK so that we can add PDF versions. I suggest to then upload the PDF versions to the portal for general use. In the long run I hope to at least get this flyer translated to as many languages as we can. Any suggestions on how to organize this?

We are still missing information about gvSIG and deegree in the project brochure section at:

Basically all that needs to be done is copy the web site description to the Skribus file or ODP template. It seems like the deegree infos (http://www.osgeo.org/deegree) might fit onto one page, the gvSIG information (http://www.osgeo.org/gvsig) needs to be shortened. Anybody fell like committing?

Best regards, Arnulf.