[Marketing] website partners and friends review ahead of tomorrows meeting


  • bug: partner pages show website URL in list, but not on the individual page. Workaround is to duplicate information with a call out button.
  • enhancement: several partners list more than one contract person, template only support one
  • content: contacting individual partners and board members as appropriate

Going through partner pages:


the relationship text described in the template → is not shown anywhere! Oh wait when I add a link URL it shows up, guess that is not supposed to be a paragraph

  • action cut and paste into the content area for now
  • no facility to list projects events, added to content area


  • partner link on gltn website is broken, sent email to arnulf/board


  • added text from google doc, stole some text from the wiki to describe osgeo relationship
  • sending to helena for review


  • as above, sent message to maria
  • link to geoforall initiative is handy here


  • unable to find appropriate sized logo, emailed sanghee
  • content / description not provided, made an educated guess from wiki
  • new feature request, this MOU proivdes a primary and secondary contacts for lh-corp and osgeo


  • another partner with multiple contact points
  • was unable to come up with a good relationship with osgeo summary


  • could not locate a logo on white background, results seems okay
  • could not find a contact person for either agile or osgeo


  • could not find a large logo, filled in website contact form with the request
  • was unable to link to Press Release IGU OSGeo MoU (miss the functionality when we could link to news items etc…)
  • no contact points for IGU mentioned on the wiki?



  • need a larger logo, perhaps osgeo india chapter can help?
  • could not find link to signed MOU or news anouncement
  • MOU requires contact representatives but I do not know who they are


  • first example of a friend not a partner!


  • as above, cross linking to osgeo-live use


  • will need some help from gvSig representative on this one
  • could not find gvSig representative on our foundation officers - listing Manuel Madrid now.


  • passing tim Tim for review

Jody Garnett