[Marketing] Website / Rebranding Meeting May 3rd 2017

Thank you Patrick, I am just going to call out the action items and next agenda topics from the meeting (so we can keep the ball rolling).

Action Items- JG: Send logo feedback to marketing email list

  • PT: Share ‘Required content OSGeo website’ document

  • JJ: Collect tags as part of the visitor journey spreadsheet - aim for 20.

  • JJ: Fill in one project for GeoNode, GeoServer

  • JG: Provide content example for a service provider (GeoCat,Boundless)

  • PM: Provide content example for a GeoForAll Lab

  • PM: Provider content example example for a LocalChapter

  • XX: Source sample case studies for content

  • JJ/JG: Providing Get Interactive with information for ‘Case Studies’ wireframes.

  • JG: Share Corporate Presentation on Core Values etc. with Get Interactive.

  • PT: Processing feedback into Wireframes V3

  • PT: Processing feedback Initial Branding

  • PT: GeoForAll & OSGeo Live - Logo Design

Next Meeting Agenda Items- Finalize Visitor Journey (OSGeo)

  • Review Wireframes V3 & Sitemap

  • Review GeoForAll & OSGeo Live logo design

  • Decision making Logo Design (OSGeo)

  • Review content Case Studies

  • Review content Project

  • Discuss/review outcome LDAP meeting

  • Review content Service Providers

  • (Decision making on ‘Guided project search’)


On 5 May 2017 at 05:54, Patrick Kepel <p.kepel@getinteractive.nl> wrote:

Hi all,

Meeting minutes are available from last Wednesday’s meeting.

The document can be found here:

Kind regards,
Patrick Kepel

+31 (0)30 60 808 48


Dorpsstraat 50, 3433 CM Nieuwegein

Jody Garnett

Jody, all,

I’m concerned about the the long term sustainability introduced by adding a sample case study section.

If you think it is difficult to source initial case studies, it will be 10x more difficult to keep the list of case studies up to date and relevant.

It also runs the risk of having so many case studies, that you are faced with either finding it hard for users to locate good case studies from a huge list, or having someone step up to remove old case studies (and the tough community backlash when each project finds their personal case study has been removed).

To date, we have had a “self help” list of case studies, in a wiki (which is quite dated):



On 6/5/17 5:47 am, Jody Garnett wrote:

Thank you Patrick, I am just going to call out the action items and next agenda topics from the meeting (so we can keep the ball rolling).

Action Items- JG: Send logo feedback to marketing email list

  • PT: Share ‘Required content OSGeo website’ document

  • JJ: Collect tags as part of the visitor journey spreadsheet - aim for 20.

  • JJ: Fill in one project for GeoNode, GeoServer

  • JG: Provide content example for a service provider (GeoCat,Boundless)

  • PM: Provide content example for a GeoForAll Lab

  • PM: Provider content example example for a LocalChapter

  • XX: Source sample case studies for content

  • JJ/JG: Providing Get Interactive with information for ‘Case Studies’ wireframes.

  • JG: Share Corporate Presentation on Core Values etc. with Get Interactive.

  • PT: Processing feedback into Wireframes V3

  • PT: Processing feedback Initial Branding

  • PT: GeoForAll & OSGeo Live - Logo Design

Next Meeting Agenda Items- Finalize Visitor Journey (OSGeo)

  • Review Wireframes V3 & Sitemap

  • Review GeoForAll & OSGeo Live logo design

  • Decision making Logo Design (OSGeo)

  • Review content Case Studies

  • Review content Project

  • Discuss/review outcome LDAP meeting

  • Review content Service Providers

  • (Decision making on ‘Guided project search’)

Jody Garnett

On 5 May 2017 at 05:54, Patrick Kepel <p.kepel@getinteractive.nl> wrote:

Hi all,

Meeting minutes are available from last Wednesday’s meeting.

The document can be found here:

Kind regards,
Patrick Kepel

+31 (0)30 60 808 48


Dorpsstraat 50, 3433 CM Nieuwegein

Marketing mailing list
Cameron Shorter
M +61 419 142 254


Projects like QGIS and others maintain a set of case studies [1] and indeed they do seem a bit dated. Rather than simply not include them, we should take the effort to try to collect more and remove stumbling blocks that prevent people from sharing their success stories.


[1] http://qgis.org/en/site/about/case_studies/index.html


On Sat, May 6, 2017 at 2:23 PM, Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter@gmail.com> wrote:

Jody, all,

I’m concerned about the the long term sustainability introduced by adding a sample case study section.

If you think it is difficult to source initial case studies, it will be 10x more difficult to keep the list of case studies up to date and relevant.

It also runs the risk of having so many case studies, that you are faced with either finding it hard for users to locate good case studies from a huge list, or having someone step up to remove old case studies (and the tough community backlash when each project finds their personal case study has been removed).

To date, we have had a “self help” list of case studies, in a wiki (which is quite dated):


On 6/5/17 5:47 am, Jody Garnett wrote:

Thank you Patrick, I am just going to call out the action items and next agenda topics from the meeting (so we can keep the ball rolling).

Action Items- JG: Send logo feedback to marketing email list

  • PT: Share ‘Required content OSGeo website’ document

  • JJ: Collect tags as part of the visitor journey spreadsheet - aim for 20.

  • JJ: Fill in one project for GeoNode, GeoServer

  • JG: Provide content example for a service provider (GeoCat,Boundless)

  • PM: Provide content example for a GeoForAll Lab

  • PM: Provider content example example for a LocalChapter

  • XX: Source sample case studies for content

  • JJ/JG: Providing Get Interactive with information for ‘Case Studies’ wireframes.

  • JG: Share Corporate Presentation on Core Values etc. with Get Interactive.

  • PT: Processing feedback into Wireframes V3

  • PT: Processing feedback Initial Branding

  • PT: GeoForAll & OSGeo Live - Logo Design

Next Meeting Agenda Items- Finalize Visitor Journey (OSGeo)

  • Review Wireframes V3 & Sitemap

  • Review GeoForAll & OSGeo Live logo design

  • Decision making Logo Design (OSGeo)

  • Review content Case Studies

  • Review content Project

  • Discuss/review outcome LDAP meeting

  • Review content Service Providers

  • (Decision making on ‘Guided project search’)

Marketing mailing list
Cameron Shorter
M +61 419 142 254

Marketing mailing list

Jody Garnett

On 5 May 2017 at 05:54, Patrick Kepel <p.kepel@getinteractive.nl> wrote:

Hi all,

Meeting minutes are available from last Wednesday’s meeting.

The document can be found here:

Kind regards,
Patrick Kepel

+31 (0)30 60 808 48


Dorpsstraat 50, 3433 CM Nieuwegein

Fair point Cameron, if you review the meeting noted we have hit on the “choose a project” guided search idea as performing a similar - where should I start role. Similar to choose a license website.

I still think case studies are a super common request for those adopting open source for the first time. I wonder if we can ask our service providers to provide case studies.

I am not sure what other barriers to writing case studies are; we could provide a template or examples to help.


Jody Garnett

On 5 May 2017 at 05:54, Patrick Kepel <p.kepel@getinteractive.nl> wrote:

Hi all,

Meeting minutes are available from last Wednesday’s meeting.

The document can be found here:

Kind regards,
Patrick Kepel

+31 (0)30 60 808 48


Dorpsstraat 50, 3433 CM Nieuwegein

Yes, Case Studies are regularly asked for, and very valuable for people evaluating a technology. (I should know, I’m writing and sharing case studies regularly as the business development part of my day job).


  • The person/organisation who benefits from a case study is mostly different to the person/organisation benefiting.

  • Surprisingly, I’ve found there to be extensive diversity in the aspects of each case studies which should be presented, often needing to be tweaked to highlight requirements of the reader.

  • All this times non-trivial time and effort to maintain, and at the moment I don’t think our volunteer community will realistically be able to sustain it.

(By the way - if you do go ahead with Case Studies, I agree that creating a template is a good idea)

Cheers, Cameron


On 7/5/17 8:27 am, Jody Garnett wrote:

Fair point Cameron, if you review the meeting noted we have hit on the “choose a project” guided search idea as performing a similar - where should I start role. Similar to choose a license website.

I still think case studies are a super common request for those adopting open source for the first time. I wonder if we can ask our service providers to provide case studies.

I am not sure what other barriers to writing case studies are; we could provide a template or examples to help.

On Sat, May 6, 2017 at 2:23 PM Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter@gmail.com> wrote:

Jody, all,

I’m concerned about the the long term sustainability introduced by adding a sample case study section.

If you think it is difficult to source initial case studies, it will be 10x more difficult to keep the list of case studies up to date and relevant.

It also runs the risk of having so many case studies, that you are faced with either finding it hard for users to locate good case studies from a huge list, or having someone step up to remove old case studies (and the tough community backlash when each project finds their personal case study has been removed).

To date, we have had a “self help” list of case studies, in a wiki (which is quite dated):


On 6/5/17 5:47 am, Jody Garnett wrote:

Thank you Patrick, I am just going to call out the action items and next agenda topics from the meeting (so we can keep the ball rolling).

Action Items- JG: Send logo feedback to marketing email list

  • PT: Share ‘Required content OSGeo website’ document

  • JJ: Collect tags as part of the visitor journey spreadsheet - aim for 20.

  • JJ: Fill in one project for GeoNode, GeoServer

  • JG: Provide content example for a service provider (GeoCat,Boundless)

  • PM: Provide content example for a GeoForAll Lab

  • PM: Provider content example example for a LocalChapter

  • XX: Source sample case studies for content

  • JJ/JG: Providing Get Interactive with information for ‘Case Studies’ wireframes.

  • JG: Share Corporate Presentation on Core Values etc. with Get Interactive.

  • PT: Processing feedback into Wireframes V3

  • PT: Processing feedback Initial Branding

  • PT: GeoForAll & OSGeo Live - Logo Design

Next Meeting Agenda Items- Finalize Visitor Journey (OSGeo)

  • Review Wireframes V3 & Sitemap

  • Review GeoForAll & OSGeo Live logo design

  • Decision making Logo Design (OSGeo)

  • Review content Case Studies

  • Review content Project

  • Discuss/review outcome LDAP meeting

  • Review content Service Providers

  • (Decision making on ‘Guided project search’)

Jody Garnett

On 5 May 2017 at 05:54, Patrick Kepel <p.kepel@getinteractive.nl> wrote:

Hi all,

Meeting minutes are available from last Wednesday’s meeting.

The document can be found here:

Kind regards,
Patrick Kepel

+31 (0)30 60 808 48


Dorpsstraat 50, 3433 CM Nieuwegein

Marketing mailing list
Cameron Shorter
M +61 419 142 254

Marketing mailing list

Jody Garnett

Cameron Shorter
M +61 419 142 254
  • The person/organisation who benefits from a case study is mostly different to the person/organisation benefiting.

Can you expand on this sentence, I feel it is at the crux of your concern/experience and may provide the context for why OSGeo would have difficulty handling case studies.

(By the way - if you do go ahead with Case Studies, I agree that creating a template is a good idea)

The idea would be to feed service providers a template, a way to improve their visibility would be to write up success stories.

Cheers, Cameron

Thanksnfor the discussion.


Jody Garnett

On 5 May 2017 at 05:54, Patrick Kepel <p.kepel@getinteractive.nl> wrote:

Hi all,

Meeting minutes are available from last Wednesday’s meeting.

The document can be found here:

Kind regards,
Patrick Kepel

+31 (0)30 60 808 48


Dorpsstraat 50, 3433 CM Nieuwegein

The best time to write a case study is after a project completes, when everyone involved is still around and can remember what happened. However, the project the case study is being written about rarely benefits from the case study (as the project is already complete, and there is not budget allocated for it).
You don’t know who will be reading the case study and what they will be looking for.
Will they be looking for validation that another company like themselves (research, medical, utility, government, …) uses this technology?
Will they be interested in the open source story, open standards story, one application, stack of applications, business case, technical case, …?
If OSGeo is building up a stack of reference case studies, how are you going to ensure consistent quality (which should be a requirement). This typically requires editorial review from a person (or team) against a set of standards. This is a long term time consuming commitment.

Cameron Shorter
M +61 419 142 254

On 7 May 2017 at 13:46, Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter@gmail.com> wrote:

The best time to write a case study is after a project completes, when

everyone involved is still around and can remember what happened. However,
the project the case study is being written about rarely benefits from the
case study (as the project is already complete, and there is not budget
allocated for it).

Okay, the exception to this is when a service provider wishes to write up a
successful open source example. The service provider benefits from
showcasing their work, demonstrating their expertise to potential
customers, and can benifit even if the contract was completed previously.

Jeffrey also had a big discussion about content (to be hosted on the
website) vs resources (link to thinks like case studies, presentations and
white papers). If we expanded this to "resources" would you be happier
Cameron? Idea being we want *information* that can be used to inform
visitors on the use of open source spatial.

I may be spending too much time no this now (because it is both a risk and
interesting), when more specific information is needed to drive the
wireframe process.

You don't know who will be reading the case study and what they will be

looking for.

This ties back to our visitor journeys, and trying to see what content is

This discussion here is important as it clarifies what content is required,
tempered by what content our community is in position to provide. If we
identify a gap, where content is required, but our community is not in
position to provide we have a trouble. We can seek alternate content
(searching for another tool). Before we go there I would like to consider
our network (members, service providers, partners) and see what content is
available to answer this visitor need.

Will they be looking for validation that another company like themselves
(research, medical, utility, government, ...) uses this technology?
Will they be interested in the open source story, open standards story,
one application, stack of applications, business case, technical case, ...?

Good examples.

If OSGeo is building up a stack of reference case studies, how are you
going to ensure consistent quality (which should be a requirement). This
typically requires editorial review from a person (or team) against a set
of standards. This is a long term time consuming commitment.

This is always a tension, let's see what can be done to help:
- providing a template (so if information is missing it is obvious to the
reader that there is a gap)
- a proxy for quality is currency (an excellent article form 2005 describes
an IT landscape that does not match todays opportunities). If we auto
expire information after two years would at least cut down on this.
- ask project teams to review/approve the content that is highlighted
- expand that to other committees, provide a limited number (say 10) that
geoforall could highlight at any one time