[Marketing] Why I would vote for the winner


Cameron has arrived at the heart of the matter in our community; it all boils down to trust in each other at the end of the day. Or each has to do everything and all her/his self.

As committee chair I have been closely involved from beginning to end during the process in various roles. This ties in with the way I wish to operate in the committee where each one brings her/his own unique added value. This left and leaves me with;

  • monitoring transparency, efficiency and effectiveness of what we do/did (although Jody’s experience with the first was key)
  • checking whether our ambitions did not exceed our scarce means (in time, money, expertise, motivation)
  • attending nearly all meetings and stop gapping in case other volunteers were not able to do deliver due to premature child birth, mortgage-paying-work-loads, last minute schedule changes a.o. (life outside OSGeo goes on :wink:
  • and putting in my two cents where applicable regarding marketing objectives, methods and communication

I would vote +1 myself if we arrive at a draw for the following reasons:

1 - GetInteractive is demonstrably the only agency that made the effort to address each and everyone of our requirements both in EoI and RFP
2 - They provided a realistic cost estimate and planning as well as a continuous high quality of presentation
3 - Overall they provide the best value for money (price vs # & type of functionality) while being the cheapest and remaining within our budget
4 - I place - as Cameron is prepared to do with me - my trust in the opinions etc. provided by other committee and Board members who participated over the months.

I recommend those who wish to vote to agree with our findings or abstain. The process was fraught with (financial, technical and operational) uncertainties which were beautifully handled by all involved. Revisiting the process to date would effectively mean a delay which hurts badly FOSS4G2017 and perhaps aborting the project

While checken my mail and Hangout history, I take this opportunity to thank also Angelos, Anita, Nicolas (see his earlier redesigns), Maria , Alex (Mandel, liaison with SAC), Guido (FOSS4G2017, Astrid (collateral) and Cameron for their time and input at various stagest, as well as their trust in Jeffrey, Jody and me during the final stages.
Each one chipped in where needed and (un ;-)asked for.
I pray, I did not forget anyone…

Kind regards,

Marc Vloemans

Mobile +31(0)651 844262
LinkedIn: http://nl.linkedin.com/in/marcvloemans
Twitter: http://twitter.com/marcvloemans