Motion: Iosefa Percival to be part of the pgRouting PSC

Hello all:
Iosefa has been a pgRouting contributor since 2019, he has made valuable contributions to vrpRouting.
He has been participating on the monthly pgRouting PSC meetings, and give valuable insights. And actively participating in other vrpRouting related meetings.

You can see his OSGeo profile

For those reasons I propose the following:
MOTION: make Iosefa be part of the pgRouting PSC

Vicky Vergara

1 Like

+1 from me. Looking forward to having @iosefa on board.


+1 from me

On Sun, 3 Nov, 2024, 04:12 Regina Obe via OSGeo Discourse, <> wrote:

November 2

+1 from me. Looking forward to having @iosefa on board.


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+1 from me


Motion has passed with the following votes:
Ashish +1
Rajat +1
Regina +1
Vicky +1

Total Votes +4

Welcome Iosefa as PSC member

1 Like