Next meeting of Visibility Committee?

Can we get a meeting scheduled? We should really schedule a regular IRC meeting so that we can do a little brainstorming and vote in members. Right now I think there is a lot of stuff related to events, but we need to look at the following:

Officially vote on committee membership (list still shows ‘Potential Members’)
Process for press releases
Developing a contact list for promotions (news organizations and related web sites)
Evaluate web site stats
Work out todo list
Other things we can come up with

Daniel Brookshier | Community Manager | CollabNet, Inc.
8000 Marina Blvd. Suite 600 | Brisbane, CA 94005 | USA
O 972.422.5261 | C 214.207.6614 |

Daniel Brookshier wrote:

Can we get a meeting scheduled? We should really schedule a regular IRC meeting so that we can do a little brainstorming and vote in members.

Yes you are right. Last time we met on Skype we decided to wait until the other committees' meeting slots settled so that we don't overlap too much. I guess you will know about most other meeting dates, could you please propose a meeting for VsiCom in the Wiki?

Right now I think there is a lot of stuff related to events, but we need to look at the following:

Officially vote on committee membership (list still shows 'Potential Members')
Process for press releases
Developing a contact list for promotions (news organizations and related web sites)
Evaluate web site stats
Work out todo list
Other things we can come up with

I added these as topics to the agenda:

Best regards,

I agree regular meetings would be helpful. Personally, I'm just trying to get through until mid-next week after which I should be able to contribute more going forward.


Daniel Brookshier wrote:

Can we get a meeting scheduled? We should really schedule a regular IRC meeting so that we can do a little brainstorming and vote in members. Right now I think there is a lot of stuff related to events, but we need to look at the following:

Officially vote on committee membership (list still shows 'Potential Members')
Process for press releases
Developing a contact list for promotions (news organizations and related web sites)
Evaluate web site stats
Work out todo list
Other things we can come up with

*Daniel Brookshier | Community Manager | CollabNet, Inc.*
8000 Marina Blvd. Suite 600 | Brisbane, CA 94005 | USA
O 972.422.5261 | C 214.207.6614 | <>

Arnulf Christl wrote:

Daniel Brookshier wrote:

Can we get a meeting scheduled? We should really schedule a regular IRC meeting so that we can do a little brainstorming and vote in members.

Yes you are right. Last time we met on Skype we decided to wait until the other committees' meeting slots settled so that we don't overlap too much. I guess you will know about most other meeting dates, could you please propose a meeting for VsiCom in the Wiki?

Right now I think there is a lot of stuff related to events, but we need to look at the following:

Officially vote on committee membership (list still shows 'Potential Members')
Process for press releases
Developing a contact list for promotions (news organizations and related web sites)

Hi WebCom,
for this topic I believe that we need someone from WebCom to join in:

Evaluate web site stats

Go to:
for the agenda, it might still grow. Daniel will suggest a meeting time and date.

Regards, Arnulf.

Work out todo list
Other things we can come up with

I added these as topics to the agenda:

Best regards,

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