Next year events

We need to start brainstorming about where, when and how many various conferences we have a presence at next year. Perhaps we can start by discussing the bigs ones. Any ideas? Our biggest issue will quite possibly be the OSGeo Conference, but I'm not sure how much help a conference committee will need from us.

Other items:
-Where 2.0

Do we want to try to repeat these? Obviously in some cases we may need to solicit sponsorship to cover these off, so the sooner that we think, the better.



I think it would be good to target some conferences related to
ecology/conservation and remote sensing communities. There are several
possibilities around the globe but some fairly large ones that I have been
involved with are: Society for Conservation Biology with a meeting in South
Africa in 2007, Society for Conservation GIS (this is quite small),
Ecological Society of America who will be meeting in San Jose, California in
2007, and the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing who has
their annual conference in Tampa, Florida next year.

At some point it would also be good to talk about meeting with governmental
and other organizations to make them aware of OSGeo. Within the conservation
and NASA Earth Science community I have been noticing a significant growth
in an interest in using and developing open source geospatial tools but not
much of the work is being coordinated and not much effort is going into
fostering development communities. OSGeo has a lot to offer.


-----Original Message-----
From: Tyler Mitchell []
Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2006 1:58 PM
Subject: [VisCom] Next year events

We need to start brainstorming about where, when and how many various
conferences we have a presence at next year. Perhaps we can start by


the bigs ones. Any ideas? Our biggest issue will quite possibly be the


Conference, but I'm not sure how much help a conference committee will

need from


Other items:
-Where 2.0

Do we want to try to repeat these? Obviously in some cases we may need to


sponsorship to cover these off, so the sooner that we think, the better.


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Ned Horning wrote:

At some point it would also be good to talk about meeting with governmental
and other organizations to make them aware of OSGeo. Within the conservation
and NASA Earth Science community I have been noticing a significant growth
in an interest in using and developing open source geospatial tools but not
much of the work is being coordinated and not much effort is going into
fostering development communities. OSGeo has a lot to offer.

Ned / Tyler,

I think it would be good to coordinate some presence at the twice annual
ESIP conference on behalf of OSGeo to brief the earth science community.
I know a number of us already attend these meetings from time to time
(such as Perry N., Allan Doyle, and myself). This is a fairly technical
conference, but I'm sure we could present a paper on OSGeo technologies
and the earth sciences. They have already have had a number of papers on
MapServer, GDAL/OGR, OPeNDAP and so forth, so they are reasonable aware
of some of the options.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush | President OSGeo,

Frank Warmerdam wrote:

Ned Horning wrote:

At some point it would also be good to talk about meeting with governmental
and other organizations to make them aware of OSGeo. Within the conservation
and NASA Earth Science community I have been noticing a significant growth
in an interest in using and developing open source geospatial tools but not
much of the work is being coordinated and not much effort is going into
fostering development communities. OSGeo has a lot to offer.

Ned / Tyler,

I think it would be good to coordinate some presence at the twice annual
ESIP conference on behalf of OSGeo to brief the earth science community.
I know a number of us already attend these meetings from time to time
(such as Perry N., Allan Doyle, and myself). This is a fairly technical
conference, but I'm sure we could present a paper on OSGeo technologies
and the earth sciences. They have already have had a number of papers on
MapServer, GDAL/OGR, OPeNDAP and so forth, so they are reasonable aware
of some of the options.

Frank, folks,

Thanks for bringing this up. I meant to bring OSGeo materials to this summer's ESIP meeting but just ran out of time. I did give a workshop on MapServer and mentioned OSGeo quite a few times. Many of the institutions involved are users of OSGeo software (they may or may not know OSGeo). This is probably the best time to get even more involved in the ESIP federation as the chair of the Information Technology and Interoperability working group is a big supporter/user of open source geospatial technologies. I happen to be the vice-chair. :wink:

The next meeting (winter) is supposed to be in Portland, OR in January. I'm trying to make a LiveDVD of the many open source technologies used by many ESIP members, complete with working demos, for the winter meeting. This DVD won't be strictly OSGeo software but will include other open source tools such as OPeNDAP,netCDF, GEMPAK, etc. If others are already making a LiveDVD of OSGeo tools, I'd like to work with them.


Dear VisCom,

I would like to suggest Map World Forum (
scheduled 22-25 January 2006 in Hyderabad, India.

The organizers have expressed support for organizing a OSGeo Workshop
at the Forum (see mail from Sanjay Kumar). Details need to be worked

I would also like to suggest that we consider a F2F during Map World
Forum. It may also be easier to have Representatives of OSGeo Local Chapters in Asia (China, India, Thailand, Indonesia etc.) to participate
in the Map World Forum.



As you are aware that we are organising Map World Forum, which is a
comibnation of activities being organised by different agencies under
the Map World Forum, I would like to invite yourself and OSGeoo to
organise a wrokshop on open source initiative under the banner of
OSGeo at Map World Forum. I am enclosing a brochure for your kind

With best regards ============================ Sanjay Kumar Chief
Executive Officer GIS Development Pvt. Ltd. G-4, Sector 39, NOIDA -
India Tel:+91-120-2502180 - 87 Fax: +91-120-2502180 Cell:

Tyler Mitchell wrote:

We need to start brainstorming about where, when and how many various
conferences we have a presence at next year. Perhaps we can start
by discussing the bigs ones. Any ideas? Our biggest issue will
quite possibly be the OSGeo Conference, but I'm not sure how much
help a conference committee will need from us.

Other items: -Where 2.0 -OSCON

Do we want to try to repeat these? Obviously in some cases we may need to solicit sponsorship to cover these off, so the sooner that we
think, the better.


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Dear All,

MapAsia 2006 ( began on 29th Aug, 2006 and
will continue till 1st Sept 2006. I heard that the OSGeo Booth is
attracting lot of attention at the exhibition. The OSGeo T-Shirts
have also reached in time. The brief schedule of OSGeo related
activity at/during MapAsia is as below. Will know more in a few
days time.

Dr. Phisan Santitamnont of Chulalongkron Univ will be giving a
talk on OSGeo during MapAsia. I am not sure when it is scheduled.

China OSGeo Chapter Representative (Prof. Chen) and Japan OSGeo
Chapter (Toru Mori) have sent messages for the Press Conference.

Exhibition includes promotional material of OSGeo Projects, Open
Source related demonstrations and publication.

The intital meet of the proposed Thai OSGeo Chapter is scheduled
for the 8th September, 2006. I am attaching the poster for
the meeting for your information.

Thanks to Calvin, Phisan, Sarawut and dedicated volunteers from
Thailand for their efforts to promote OSGeo at Map Asia 2006.

Thanks to Autodesk Asia-Pacific for supporting OSGeo exhibition at
MapAsia 2006.



Venue of MapAsia 2006: Queen Sirikit National Convention Center, Bangkok
Venue of Autodesk Press Conference: Swissotel Le Concorde, Bangkok

* Tue Aug 29 (Over)
o 4.30pm, MapAsia Conference Inauguration
o 6pm, Exhibition inauguration
o 6.30pm, Exhibitor's reception
o 7.30pm, Dinner reception
* Wed Aug 30
o 3.45pm, Geoff Zeiss, Autodesk, keynote on "Enterprise GIS
    and Infrastructure Development"
* Thu Aug 31
o 10am-12pm Autodesk Press conference (ASEAN media) with
   Geoff Zeiss at Swissotel Le Concorde
o 1pm-3pm Autodesk Press conference (Thai media) with Geoff
   Zeiss at Swissotel Le Concorde
   Phisan would have joined Ithe Press Conference too, I think*


* Tue Aug 29, 10am Exhibitors move-in to the exhibition floor to
* Thu Aug 31, 6pm-10.30pm Exhibitors move out/dismantle
* OSGeo Exhibition is at booth 39, is 15 square meters shell
* OSGeo people manning the booth:
   o Sarawut Ninsawat
   o Chaipat Nenegcomma - OSGEO demo/presentation
   o 1. Sittinun Thongbai
     2. Sarunpong Musikaew
     3. Polpreecha Chidburee
     4. Supawee Piamduaytham
     5. Sawarin Lerk-u-suke
     6. Phanu Uthaisri

OS_SEMINAR_AIT_Thai.pdf (916 KB)


I put out a call for volunteers for a Map World Forum workshop, will let
you know if I get any responses.

I think a "Asian F2F" would be a great idea, too -- but, I think it
would be better if you try and organize that from your side, rather than
try to have VisCom do something for you.


-----Original Message-----
From: Venkatesh Raghavan []
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2006 12:42 AM
Subject: Re: [VisCom] Next year events

Dear VisCom,

I would like to suggest Map World Forum
scheduled 22-25 January 2006 in Hyderabad, India.

The organizers have expressed support for organizing a OSGeo Workshop
at the Forum (see mail from Sanjay Kumar). Details need to be worked

I would also like to suggest that we consider a F2F during Map World
Forum. It may also be easier to have Representatives of OSGeo Local
Chapters in Asia (China, India, Thailand, Indonesia etc.) to
in the Map World Forum.



> As you are aware that we are organising Map World Forum, which is a
> comibnation of activities being organised by different
agencies under
> the Map World Forum, I would like to invite yourself and OSGeoo to
> organise a wrokshop on open source initiative under the banner of
> OSGeo at Map World Forum. I am enclosing a brochure for your kind
> perusal.
> With best regards ============================ Sanjay Kumar Chief
> Executive Officer GIS Development Pvt. Ltd. G-4, Sector 39, NOIDA -
> India Tel:+91-120-2502180 - 87 Fax: +91-120-2502180 Cell:
> +91-9810037027

Tyler Mitchell wrote:
> We need to start brainstorming about where, when and how
many various
> conferences we have a presence at next year. Perhaps we can start
> by discussing the bigs ones. Any ideas? Our biggest issue will
> quite possibly be the OSGeo Conference, but I'm not sure how much
> help a conference committee will need from us.
> Other items: -Where 2.0 -OSCON
> Do we want to try to repeat these? Obviously in some cases we may
> need to solicit sponsorship to cover these off, so the
sooner that we
> think, the better.
> Tyler
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> For additional
> commands, e-mail:

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