OSGeo and GRASS Newsletter

Venkatesh Raghavan wrote:

Hi Arnulf (OSGEO VisCom Chair),

There was discussion about the OSGEO Newletter before.
Could we discuss this in the OSGEO "Promotion and
Visibility Committee" (VisCom)

Hi Venka,
yes, we followed it. This is a good idea and we want to support it. It will take some time to integrate all the different topics and technologies that are currently used to disseminate information. A newsletter is a good thing for several reasons, one of them is (you wont believe) that I know of many people in the German public administration who cannot access the internet but only receive email. So this newsletter should also come in an offline format (prob. PDF) so that people can get them by email.

Does VisCom allow self registration of new "Potential Members".
If that is OK, maybe Martin, Andrew and myself can sign up and
pursue the OSGEO Newsletter further.

Yes, you should be able to request for a role which one of the Project-Owners (currently Michal Gerlek and me) can confirm.

There has been some discussion (with no formal outcome as far as I can see) whether new members need to be formally intrduced/voted into the committee by the existing members or whether they can just join. Either way we are glad to have active volunteers and will see to your requested group to be able to join asap.

Please also subscribe to the dev Mailing List and post your request there again - just to be formally right (I do not care too much for this detail but as we are a corporation now we have to stick to procedures).

I would suggest that the newsletter is a good reason to start using the announce mailing list on a regular basis. We would then invite the press to subscribe to the announce list if they wish to be informed.

Best regards,

Kind regards


Martin Wegmann wrote:

Dear all,
yes, indeed it is a good idea, a few questions/ideas below

On Thursday 23 March 2006 09:42, Markus Neteler wrote:

About outreach activities, probably one of the activities that could be
considered is an online journal or magazine that could be made available
under Free document or similar licence. Maybe a popular magazine format
would be better.

what is a popular magazine format? Do you talk about the license, the design or the kind of software used (tex vs. ?)

Presently, the GRASS community is publishing a newsletter and maybe some
others in the OSGEO community are also publishing their own newsletter.
If such efforts could be combined, it maybe possible to start a OSGEO
magazine without much effort and money. Maybe Markus can discuss with
the people who are bringing out the GRASS news letter if they are
interested in combining efforts with others to bring out an expanded
OSGEO magazine. OSGEO magazine can server as a forum for reporting recent
developments and research, country reports, etc. OSGEO magazine could
also server as a advertising media for OSGEO related companies. Maybe
company sponsors can be given free advertising space in the magazine.

It sounds good but then we need several more positions (advertising coordinator, final editor (design and topics) and possibly one editor for each software package/topic). I think it would be great and a strong competitor for ESRIs etc. magazines but more informative ,-)

I would add kind of tutorial-research article, where the user can redo some scientific analysis while reading the article, this way users can more easily get in touch with the software.

Perhaps we should discuss it on the OSGeo list and have a look if other Newsletter exist and if they are interested as well. Personally I totally agree to move GRASS-News to an OSGeo-Magazine.

regards, Martin

Martin, Andrew,

On 3/27/06, Arnulf Christl <arnulf.christl@ccgis.de> wrote:

Venkatesh Raghavan wrote:
> There was discussion about the OSGEO Newletter before.
> Could we discuss this in the OSGEO "Promotion and
> Visibility Committee" (VisCom)


> Does VisCom allow self registration of new "Potential Members".
> If that is OK, maybe Martin, Andrew and myself can sign up and
> pursue the OSGEO Newsletter further.

we would like to move on with the idea of an OSGeo Newletter
with the GRASS newletter associated or joint.
Did you manage to sign up to the dev@visibilitycommittee.osgeo.org
mailing list [1]?

Then we could much easier discuss futher details instead
of doing this CC business :slight_smile: I hope that Venka is already on the list.


[1] https://visibilitycommittee.osgeo.org/servlets/ProjectMailingListList

Open Source Geospatial Foundation