OSGeo and GRASS Newsletter


I just wanted to bring to attention again the OSGeo Newletter
idea - see below. Maybe we get the ball rolling in the next


On 3/23/06, Markus Neteler <neteler.osgeo@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Martin,

one of the ideas of the OSGeo foundation is to develop a
newletter. Venkatesh Raghavan suggested to join efforts
or links newsletters somehow. Please see below for details

What do you think?

Best regards

On 3/23/06, Martin Wegmann <wegmann@biozentrum.uni-wuerzburg.de> wrote:

Dear all,

yes, indeed it is a good idea, a few questions/ideas below

On Thursday 23 March 2006 09:42, Markus Neteler wrote:
> > About outreach activities, probably one of the activities that could be
> > considered is an online journal or magazine that could be made available
> > under Free document or similar licence. Maybe a popular magazine format
> > would be better.

what is a popular magazine format? Do you talk about the license, the design
or the kind of software used (tex vs. ?)

> > Presently, the GRASS community is publishing a newsletter and maybe some
> > others in the OSGEO community are also publishing their own newsletter.
> > If such efforts could be combined, it maybe possible to start a OSGEO
> > magazine without much effort and money. Maybe Markus can discuss with
> > the people who are bringing out the GRASS news letter if they are
> > interested in combining efforts with others to bring out an expanded
> > OSGEO magazine. OSGEO magazine can server as a forum for reporting recent
> > developments and research, country reports, etc. OSGEO magazine could
> > also server as a advertising media for OSGEO related companies. Maybe
> > company sponsors can be given free advertising space in the magazine.

It sounds good but then we need several more positions (advertising
coordinator, final editor (design and topics) and possibly one editor for
each software package/topic). I think it would be great and a strong
competitor for ESRIs etc. magazines but more informative ,-)

I would add kind of tutorial-research article, where the user can redo some
scientific analysis while reading the article, this way users can more easily
get in touch with the software.

Perhaps we should discuss it on the OSGeo list and have a look if other
Newsletter exist and if they are interested as well. Personally I totally
agree to move GRASS-News to an OSGeo-Magazine.

regards, Martin

Martin Wegmann

DLR - German Aerospace Center
German Remote Sensing Data Center
Dept.of Geography
Remote Sensing and Biodiversity Unit
Dept. of Animal Ecology and Tropical Biology
University of Wuerzburg
Am Hubland
97074 Würzburg

phone: +49-(0)931 - 888 4797
mobile: +49-(0)175 2091725
fax: +49-(0)931 - 888 4961

On Monday 15 May 2006 10:03, Markus Neteler wrote:


I just wanted to bring to attention again the OSGeo Newletter
idea - see below. Maybe we get the ball rolling in the next



indeed it is good to bring the attention back to an OSGeo Newsletter, it would
be good to spread informations.

A few questions should be clarified before an OSGeo magazine/newsletter can be

1) should it be a magazine (a la http://www.tuxmagazine.com/) or rather a
newsletter ( a la http://grass.itc.it/newsletter/index.php).

  1a) concerning the layout
  1b) concerning the type of articles

-> That means: Should it be attractive enough for companies etc. for
advertising or "only" for the community.
--> Which part of the community should be addressed (devel/user)?

2) Should it deal with OSGeo stuff only (announcements etc.) or does software
chapters exist, where certain aspects/problems of one specific package is

  2a) the internal structure has to be discussed and must be clearly structured
so that the reader can easily find the (for him/her) important parts. If
sections are created, how many sections (GIS/RS/webmapping/ ...)

3) How often should it appear? monthly/quarterly

4) One of the main problem will be a) will enough people volunteer for a
certain section b) will enough users/devel. contribute to the magazine?
  4a) Certainly an OSGeo magazine edt in chief, language edt, layout (!) and
subeditors for sections have to be assigned.

5) The internal file type/structure or program have to be discussed (Latex
vs. ...).
  5a) it must be handy for edt/layout etc.
  5b) it must be easy for user/devel to contribute articles in the correct

Concerning these points I can contribute a few experiences from GRASS-News,
the newsletter of the GRASS-Project.

-> 1) GRASS-News aimed to be attractive for users and developers alike not for
companies hence no advertising.

-> 2) only announcements and articles concerning "user problems" were
discussed, rather module orientated no overview articles

-> 3) GRASS-News aimed a quarterly release but that depends strongly on the
articles submission frequency - release every 3-6 months

-> 4) There are enough people to help but it is sometimes tedious to fill a
volume, even though the people are very keen to submit an article.

-> 5) GRASS-News is written in Latex what is very handy for edt after you got
used to it but users are sometimes intimidated (sometimes Edt. have to do
some "txt-Latex-translation".)

Something along the lines to start with the "who volunteers" list: I would
volunteer for a GRASS section as Edt. if something like that exist or with
some more people to organise/edit a GIS/RS software section.

I am stronly looking forward to a OSGeo-Magazine, and I think it will increase
the visibility of OSGeo and its project enormously.

best regards, Martin

On 3/23/06, Markus Neteler <neteler.osgeo@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> one of the ideas of the OSGeo foundation is to develop a
> newletter. Venkatesh Raghavan suggested to join efforts
> or links newsletters somehow. Please see below for details
> What do you think?
> Best regards
> Markus

On 3/23/06, Martin Wegmann <wegmann@biozentrum.uni-wuerzburg.de> wrote:
> Dear all,
> yes, indeed it is a good idea, a few questions/ideas below
> On Thursday 23 March 2006 09:42, Markus Neteler wrote:
> [...]
> > > About outreach activities, probably one of the activities that could
> > > be considered is an online journal or magazine that could be made
> > > available under Free document or similar licence. Maybe a popular
> > > magazine format would be better.
> what is a popular magazine format? Do you talk about the license, the
> design or the kind of software used (tex vs. ?)
> > > Presently, the GRASS community is publishing a newsletter and maybe
> > > some others in the OSGEO community are also publishing their own
> > > newsletter. If such efforts could be combined, it maybe possible to
> > > start a OSGEO magazine without much effort and money. Maybe Markus
> > > can discuss with the people who are bringing out the GRASS news
> > > letter if they are interested in combining efforts with others to
> > > bring out an expanded OSGEO magazine. OSGEO magazine can server as a
> > > forum for reporting recent developments and research, country
> > > reports, etc. OSGEO magazine could also server as a advertising media
> > > for OSGEO related companies. Maybe company sponsors can be given free
> > > advertising space in the magazine.
> It sounds good but then we need several more positions (advertising
> coordinator, final editor (design and topics) and possibly one editor for
> each software package/topic). I think it would be great and a strong
> competitor for ESRIs etc. magazines but more informative ,-)
> I would add kind of tutorial-research article, where the user can redo
> some scientific analysis while reading the article, this way users can
> more easily get in touch with the software.
> Perhaps we should discuss it on the OSGeo list and have a look if other
> Newsletter exist and if they are interested as well. Personally I totally
> agree to move GRASS-News to an OSGeo-Magazine.
> regards, Martin
> --
> Martin Wegmann
> DLR - German Aerospace Center
> German Remote Sensing Data Center
> @
> Dept.of Geography
> Remote Sensing and Biodiversity Unit
> &&
> Dept. of Animal Ecology and Tropical Biology
> University of Wuerzburg
> Am Hubland
> 97074 Würzburg
> phone: +49-(0)931 - 888 4797
> mobile: +49-(0)175 2091725
> fax: +49-(0)931 - 888 4961
> http://www.biota-africa.org
> http://www.biogis.de

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Martin Wegmann

DLR - German Aerospace Center
German Remote Sensing Data Center
Dept.of Geography
Remote Sensing and Biodiversity Unit
Dept. of Animal Ecology and Tropical Biology
University of Wuerzburg
Am Hubland
97074 Würzburg

phone: +49-(0)931 - 888 4797
mobile: +49-(0)175 2091725
fax: +49-(0)931 - 888 4961

On Monday 15 May 2006 03:33, Martin Wegmann wrote:

On Monday 15 May 2006 10:03, Markus Neteler wrote:
> Hi,
> I just wanted to bring to attention again the OSGeo Newletter
> idea - see below. Maybe we get the ball rolling in the next
> months?
> Markus


indeed it is good to bring the attention back to an OSGeo Newsletter, it
would be good to spread informations.

I agree, this is a very key area for the foundation to help fill. It is a
dream of mine to see a newsletter with similar content to the GRASS
newsletter - it was always inspiring to see. So, kudos, to you and the GRASS
team for your work - good job.

At this point I offer a few suggestions:
1) Keep it in a more casual newsletter format for the first edition. This
will help keep it simple and will be a good test of how well volunteers can
contribute. I'm sure we'll all learn some lessons from it.

Then, if/when it is obvious we have lots of great content and contributors,
make it professional, get advertisers and roll out something in print. But
first, a tiny step to test the waters.

--> Which part of the community should be addressed (devel/user)?

I like the focus that the GRASS newsletter has had - it has kept the devel vs
user quite balance (in my opinion). We should aim for similar things.

2) Should it deal with OSGeo stuff only (announcements etc.) or does
software chapters exist, where certain aspects/problems of one specific
package is discussed.

I think that OSGeo information could be part of it, but not the majority part.
We really (!) do need a better way to communicate OSGeo happenings out to the
membership (and also to the public) - perhaps having it as part of this
common media would be good. I tend to think that it would.

  2a) the internal structure has to be discussed and must be clearly
structured so that the reader can easily find the (for him/her) important
parts. If sections are created, how many sections (GIS/RS/webmapping/ ...)

Obviously we'd need a clear mandate/purpose/vision as well.

3) How often should it appear? monthly/quarterly

For OSGeo "new" we need something monthly, but perhaps there wouldn't be
enough other material to make this monthly. Again, a good reason to do a
simplified test newsletter first.

4) One of the main problem will be a) will enough people volunteer for a
certain section b) will enough users/devel. contribute to the magazine?

  4a) Certainly an OSGeo magazine edt in chief, language edt, layout (!) and
subeditors for sections have to be assigned.

I agree. Can anyone give their experiences with the workload for an editor
and for contributors? I have a good idea on the contributor side.

-> 2) only announcements and articles concerning "user problems" were
discussed, rather module orientated no overview articles

It would probably be good to have at least one overview of a product in each
edition (as long as it is not just a copy/paste from a web site).

Something along the lines to start with the "who volunteers" list: I would
volunteer for a GRASS section as Edt. if something like that exist or with
some more people to organise/edit a GIS/RS software section.

I'm interested - not for a particular project, but maybe helping doing some
editing, organising or helping write update/news from OSGeo. We'll have to
see how it goes for time commitment, but put my name on a list somewhere :slight_smile:

I am stronly looking forward to a OSGeo-Magazine, and I think it will
increase the visibility of OSGeo and its project enormously.

I am too and really hope we can make something work.


Tyler Mitchell wrote:
  >> 2) Should it deal with OSGeo stuff only (announcements etc.) or does

software chapters exist, where certain aspects/problems of one specific
package is discussed.

I think that OSGeo information could be part of it, but not the majority part. We really (!) do need a better way to communicate OSGeo happenings out to the membership (and also to the public) - perhaps having it as part of this common media would be good. I tend to think that it would.

Martin / Tyler,

I agree that the newsletter / magazine should address a variety of projects
in OSGeo (and perhaps those closely related such as PostGIS). This will
improve the amount of content available I think, and also helps to provide
a service for the various projects that don't have the resources to produce
a quality newsletter/magazine themselves.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam@pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush | President OSGF, http://osgeo.org


sorry for the delayed reply.

On Monday 15 May 2006 17:03, Tyler Mitchell wrote:

On Monday 15 May 2006 03:33, Martin Wegmann wrote:
> On Monday 15 May 2006 10:03, Markus Neteler wrote:


At this point I offer a few suggestions:
1) Keep it in a more casual newsletter format for the first edition. This
will help keep it simple and will be a good test of how well volunteers can
contribute. I'm sure we'll all learn some lessons from it.

Then, if/when it is obvious we have lots of great content and contributors,
make it professional, get advertisers and roll out something in print. But
first, a tiny step to test the waters.

it is a good point to test the waters with a "simple" or casual newsletter and
ask for contributors. The work-load depends on the release cycle of course
and if we set up sections. This would split the work-load between several

> --> Which part of the community should be addressed (devel/user)?

I like the focus that the GRASS newsletter has had - it has kept the devel
vs user quite balance (in my opinion). We should aim for similar things.


> 2) Should it deal with OSGeo stuff only (announcements etc.) or does
> software chapters exist, where certain aspects/problems of one specific
> package is discussed.

I think that OSGeo information could be part of it, but not the majority
part. We really (!) do need a better way to communicate OSGeo happenings
out to the membership (and also to the public) - perhaps having it as part
of this common media would be good. I tend to think that it would.

> 2a) the internal structure has to be discussed and must be clearly
> structured so that the reader can easily find the (for him/her) important
> parts. If sections are created, how many sections (GIS/RS/webmapping/
> ...)

Obviously we'd need a clear mandate/purpose/vision as well.

> 3) How often should it appear? monthly/quarterly

For OSGeo "new" we need something monthly, but perhaps there wouldn't be
enough other material to make this monthly. Again, a good reason to do a
simplified test newsletter first.

I have no overview of OSGeo internals but I assume that it can fill at least
some parts of a monthly newsletter. For the other half of the newsletter,
single projects can submit articles - hence each project will be presented
perhaps every 3-6 months (like the GRASS-News cycle).

> 4) One of the main problem will be a) will enough people volunteer for a
> certain section b) will enough users/devel. contribute to the magazine?
> 4a) Certainly an OSGeo magazine edt in chief, language edt, layout (!)
> and subeditors for sections have to be assigned.

I agree. Can anyone give their experiences with the workload for an editor
and for contributors? I have a good idea on the contributor side.

It is hard to tell, but not so much, at least for GRASS-News. However if the
layout, sections etc. is organised by several people it shouldn't be a huge

> -> 2) only announcements and articles concerning "user problems" were
> discussed, rather module orientated no overview articles

It would probably be good to have at least one overview of a product in
each edition (as long as it is not just a copy/paste from a web site).

if the release cycle is once a month, I think it is too much for some


> I am stronly looking forward to a OSGeo-Magazine, and I think it will
> increase the visibility of OSGeo and its project enormously.

If you are interested we could change the GRASS-News vol. 4 to a OSGeo-News
vol. 1 which would already include a few GRASS articles/interviews.
The Latex/sty base is already ready to use and solely the Name and Logo has to
be changed. This can be a starting point for a fully grown OSGeo magazine.

The GRASS-News staff as well as the GRASS devel had no objections and are
looking forward to an OSGeo newsletter.

regards, Martin

Hi Martin, all

Martin Wegmann wrote:

If you are interested we could change the GRASS-News vol. 4 to a
OSGeo-News vol. 1 which would already include a few GRASS
articles/interviews. The Latex/sty base is already ready to use and
solely the Name and Logo has to be changed. This can be a starting
point for a fully grown OSGeo magazine.

That sounds great to me.

The GRASS-News staff as well as the GRASS devel had no objections and
are looking forward to an OSGeo newsletter.

Wonderful, look forward to OSGeo Newsletter soon.



I am definitely interested as well, just need to wait until Where 2.0 promotional is wrapped up. I would gladly help find a few more articles or contributors and help do any organising/editing.


----- Original Message -----
From: Venkatesh Raghavan <raghavan@media.osaka-cu.ac.jp>
Date: Friday, May 26, 2006 8:13 am
Subject: Re: [VisCom] Re: OSGeo Newsletter

Hi Martin, all

Martin Wegmann wrote:

> If you are interested we could change the GRASS-News vol. 4 to a
> OSGeo-News vol. 1 which would already include a few GRASS
> articles/interviews. The Latex/sty base is already ready to use and
> solely the Name and Logo has to be changed. This can be a starting
> point for a fully grown OSGeo magazine.

That sounds great to me.
> The GRASS-News staff as well as the GRASS devel had no
objections and
> are looking forward to an OSGeo newsletter.

Wonderful, look forward to OSGeo Newsletter soon.



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