[OSGeo-Announce] 2011 Charter Member Election Results

OSGeo Community,

I am ready to announce the results of the 2011 Charter Member Election.
• Note that we had a tie for the 20th slot, so I decided to welcome 21 new charter members for this year instead of 20 since that still fits within the limits of 20% new charter members set by the board at the 2011-09-17 board meeting (i.e. 20% of 104 = 20.8)

• The new charter members for 2011 are (in alphabetical order):
  • Bob Basques
  • Brian Case
  • Eric Lemoine
  • Even Rouault
  • G.Hanumantha Rao
  • Gabriel Roldán
  • Jachym Cepicky
  • Lluís Vicens
  • Luca Delucchi
  • Maning Sambale
  • Margherita Di Leo
  • Martin Daly
  • Martin Landa
  • Massimo Di Stefano
  • Nicolas Bozon
  • Sanghee Shin
  • Stephen Woodbridge
  • Suchith Anand
  • Tim Sutton
  • Xianfeng Song
  • Yoicihi Kayama

Those results are published in the wiki athttp://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Election_2011#Final_Status:_2011-11-29

The official list on the website should also be updated soon (http://www.osgeo.org/charter_members)

A warm welcome to our new charter members, and thank you to all candidates who didn't make it… it was a matter of only a few votes, so maybe next year?

Daniel Morissette (OSGeo CRO, 2011)