[OSGeo-Announce] ACM SIGSPATIAL 2016 Workshops. San Francisco, CA, Monday, October 31st, 2016

The workshops for SIGSPATIAL 2016 can be found below: http://sigspatial2016.sigspatial.org/workshops/

Workshop Title Workshop Acronym Website URL
9th ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on Computational Transportation Science (IWCTS 2016) IWCTS https://udi.ornl.gov/iwcts2016
7th ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on GeoStreaming (IWGS 2016) IWGS http://www.iwgeostream.com
2nd ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on Emergency Management using GIS (EM-GIS 2016) EM-GIS http://www.dviz.cn/em-gis2016/
5th ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on Analytics for Big Geospatial Data (BigSpatial-2016) BigSpatial http://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~chandola/workshops/bigspatial-2016/
5th ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on Mobile Geographic Information Systems (MobiGIS 2016) MobiGIS http://www.mobigis.org
2nd ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on Smart Cities and Urban Analytics (UrbanGIS) 2016 UrbanGIS https://wp.nyu.edu/urbangis/
3rd ACM SIGSPATIAL PhD Workshop PhD https://sites.google.com/site/sigspatialphd16/
8th ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on Indoor Spatial Awareness (ISA 2016) ISA https://sites.google.com/site/indoorspatialawareness2016/
ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on Location-based Social Networks (LBSN 2016) LBSN
6th ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on Mobile Entity Localization, Tracking and Analysis (MELT 2016) MELT https://sites.google.com/site/meltworks/home
10th Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval (GIR 2016) GIR http://www.geo.uzh.ch/~rsp/gir16/index.html

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Ahmed M. Aly