[OSGeo-Announce] Call for Papers: The Sixth ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on GeoStreaming

The Sixth ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on GeoStreaming (IWGS 2015)

in conjunction with the 23rd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference
on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS

November 3, 2015, Seattle, Washington


Call for Papers

Aim and Scope:
We are entering the era of "big data" thanks to the exponential growth
and availability of structured and unstructured data, among which a
large amount are real-time streaming data emitted from sensors,
imagery and mobile devices. In addition to the temporal nature of
stream data, various sources provide stream data that has geographical
locations and/or spatial extents, such as geotagging twitter streams,
mobile GPS location streams, spatial temporal image streams, and so
on. On one hand, this amount of streamed data has been a major
propeller to advance the state of the art in geographic information
systems. On the other hand, the ability to process, mine, and analyze
that massive amount of data in a timely manner prevented researchers
from making full use of the incoming stream data. The geostreaming
term refers to the ongoing effort in academia and industry to process,
mine and analyze stream data with geographic and spatial information.

This workshop addresses the research communities in both stream
processing and geographic information systems. It brings together
experts in the field from academia, industry and research labs to
discuss the lessons they have learned over the years, to demonstrate
what they have achieved so far, and to plan for the future of
"GeoStreaming". We encourage researchers from academia and industry to
submit papers that highlight the value of GeoStream data processing,
analyzing, and mining on topics that include, but not limited to the

* Spatio-temporal stream systems
* Spatio-temporal stream query processing
* Real-time mining of spatial and spatio-temporal data
* Location-aware stream systems
* Privacy preserving in mobile object databases
* Traffic monitoring and prediction
* Geosensing technologies and their application
* Geosampling and probabilistic spatial stream query processing
* Real-time geographical information extraction and retrieval
* Geosocial networks
* Main memory and/or real time indexing of moving objects
* Real-time spatial data visualization
* Spatio-temporal stream processing on cloud
* Participatory spatio-temporal data streams and Volunteered
Geographic Information (VGI) systems
* Use of hardware acceleration in real-time stream processing
* The use of stream processing in traffic management, aerospace,
earthquake physics, geodynamics, weather forecasting, asset management
and scientific applications

Note: Extended versions of selected IWGS papers will be invited for
publication at a Special Issue of GeoInformatica on GeoStreaming.

Paper Submission:
We welcome submissions of both technical papers and vision/position papers:
* Full research paper: up to 10 pages (8 pages recommended)
* Short technical or vision paper: up to 4 pages

Papers must be electronically submitted in PDF format at the following
submission site:

Note: This year there will be awards for best full paper and best
short/vision paper at the workshop.

* Farnoush Banaei-Kashani, University of Colorado Denver
* Chengyang Zhang, Teradata Inc.
* Abdeltawab Hendawi, University of Washington Tacoma

Program Committee:
* Mohamed Mokbel, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
* Zdravko Galic, University of Zagreb
* Yan Huang, University of North Texas
* Timos Sellis , RMIT University, Australia
* Mohammed Al-Kateb, Teradata
* Bao Jie, Microsoft Research Asia
* Chi-Yin Chow, City University of Hong Kong

Important Dates:
Paper Submission Deadline: August 24, 2015
Notification of Acceptance: September 21, 2015
Camera-Ready Submissions: October 1, 2015
Workshop Date: November 3, 2015