[OSGeo-Announce] FOSS4G 2021 news: We are going online!

Newsitem 2021-02-23

Dear folks interested in the FOSS4G,

We want to inform you that FOSS4G 2021 will finally take place online.
Given current circumstances, we cannot guarantee the safety of a
face-to-face conference, but we were committed to organizing a FOSS4G
come hell or high water! So online it is. This is a big change, and we
know there are a lot of questions. We will try to answer them as soon
as possible, so please be patient with us!

We can assure you that we are working to provide the best experience
for the social, business and academic facets of the conference. Online
tickets will be available to purchase as soon as we polish some

Now, celebrate with us and answer the call for papers! Remember: you
have until March 31st 2021 to send your talk and workshop proposals,
and until March 8th 2021 to submit abstracts for the academic track.

Are you using FOSS4G? We want to hear about your biggest success, your
wildest use cases, your day-to-day difficulties, the strangest
outcome, an unexpected happy finding, and your tricks to interconnect
all the pieces.

Are you contributing to a FOSS4G project? We want to learn the state
of the art, the latest fun feature, the biggest refactor failure, how
you interact with your community, what your roadmap is, how you do
code review, how fast your processes are, and how you ensure the
higher quality of the software.

We are looking both for experienced and new voices of our community.
Panels, ask-me-anything, live action dynamics,... anything you ever
wanted to try, this is the time to do it. This FOSS4G is going to be
completely different, make the most out of it.

This is our FOSS4G, this is your FOSS4G, own it!

Plus, this year all speakers will have a free ticket[1]! If you ever
wanted to come to FOSS4G this is your chance.

See you soon!
FOSS4G 2021 Local Conference Committee.

[1] One ticket per talk assigned to the main speaker. If a speaker has
more than one talk selected, they will not be able to donate the
ticket. If you are sending more than one proposal, consider making
another peer the main speaker in order to promote them.