[OSGeo-Announce] GeoStyler Code Sprint Announcement

Published at https://www.osgeo.org/foundation-news/geostyler-code-sprint-announcement/
News item by Jan Suleiman

GeoStyler Code Sprint 2022

It’s all about style

We are happy to announce our first public GeoStyler Code Sprint!

The Code Sprint will be held online from 07.-10.06.2022 - so that everyone, no matter where, can participate. There are many things that can be improved to make GeoStyler even better, this is the time to participate! We welcome everyone who is interested in coding, writing tutorials or documentation, community building and/or improving GeoStyler in general. To register for the Code Sprint, you can simply write an email to reports@geostyler.org and we will get in touch with you.

More information can be found on https://geostyler.org/

We are excited to meeting you!

The GeoStyler Core Team