[OSGeo-Announce] Geotools 8.0 Released

The Geotools community is pleased to announce the availability of
Geotools 8.0 for download on sourceforge:

* http://sourceforge.net/projects/geotools/files/GeoTools%208.0%20Releases/8.0/geotools-8.0-bin.zip/download
* http://sourceforge.net/projects/geotools/files/GeoTools%208.0%20Releases/8.0/geotools-8.0-doc.zip/download
* http://sourceforge.net/projects/geotools/files/GeoTools%208.0%20Releases/8.0/geotools-8.0-userguide.zip/download
* http://sourceforge.net/projects/geotools/files/GeoTools%208.0%20Releases/8.0/geotools-8.0-project.zip/download

If you are using Maven, this release is deployed to our OSGeo Maven Repository:

For more information on setting up your project with Maven, see the
Quickstart (included in the user guide documentation pack above).


Geotools 8.0 is a stable release made in conjunction with GeoServer
2.2-RC2 and GeoWebCache 1.3-RC4. Currently there are no additional
updates to 2.7.x planned.

Geotools 8.0 comes feature packed compared to its 2.7.x releases.
Highlights include:
* Function lookup using qualified Name
* Update to Java 6
* Add support for joins to the WFS protocol
* New ILIKE statement
* Support Multi-Valued Attributes in Filter Comparison Operators
* Temporal Filters
* Allow build with Maven 2 or Maven 3
* Describe Function with FunctionName
* Detailed Argument and Return Info for FunctionName
* Introduction for the use of ResourceId
* Sphinx generated user guide with live codes examples, tutorials and
build instructions
* MapContext refactor

More information can be found by checking out the proposals made for
this release here.


For those migrating from GeoTools 2.7, additional instructions are
available here.


We would like to take the opportunity to thank all the developers,
users and contributor that have helped to make this release possible.

The GeoTools Community