News item by FOSS4G 2021 Buenos Aires team
FOSS4G is the international edition of OSGeo’s Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial conference. The 2021 edition will be presented for the first time in South America with the collaboration of GeoLibres Asociación Civil, in Buenos Aires, Argentina from September 27 to October 3, that’s why…you shouldn’t miss it! You can get your tickets here!
If you have developed a free and open source project, implemented a FOSS4G solution or product, or participated in a project that uses free and open source software, we invite you to participate in FOSS4G Buenos Aires 2021!
You can submit three types of contributions:
Come and visit us! we are waiting for you in Buenos Aires…
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*The cancellation policy in case the event is hosted online can be found on our website