[OSGeo-Announce] OSGeo Welcomes Twenty Students for Google Summer of Code

OSGeo has selected twenty students to participate in development efforts
spread across 11 OSGeo projects as part of the Google Summer of Code for
2009. Google is providing funding for the selected students, while the
project communities are providing mentors to assist the students. A full
list of students, mentors and planned developments is available at:


OSGeo thanks Google for its support of this great program, and looks
forward to the participation of these students in our community.

The 11 projects that participate this year are:
* uDig
* OpenRouter
* GeoServer / GeoTools
* Quantum GIS
* MapServer
* Laval Uni
* gvSIG
* Mapbender
* OpenJUMP/Deegree

The project subjects range from improving web administration of
Mapbender to integrating OssimPlanet to Quantum GIS and GRASS GIS. We
also had many returning students from previous years.