[OSGeo-Board] Potential for an Incubation Sprint / OSGeo meetup


(I was interested to hear of 3 board members on the same panel today
at http://www.locationintelligence.net/agenda/ , I hope the advocacy
went well and that LI was a good thing for the Cause, I'd love to hear
more feedback about the crowd's reaction there, between the 3 of you
there must be a very convincing case for "Why Should the CXO Care
About Open Source Geospatial Products?")

warm regards,


yes higly interested too! Could you please dump your presentations into the VisCom project, either directly into the documents folder or as a written copy in the Wiki. Ideally you would create a new page [[Location Intelligence 2006]] with the presnetaitons and a link to the agenda:

Gary, if you could add some of your comments to the end as a summary that would round things up nicely.


No presnetations yesterday -- it was a panel discussion.

But today chris is giving a presentation on open source so chris would you be able to contribute?

-----Original Message-----
From: Arnulf Christl <arnulf.christl@ccgis.de>
Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2006 15:55:26
Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Board] Potential for an Incubation Sprint / OSGeo meetup


(I was interested to hear of 3 board members on the same panel today
at http://www.locationintelligence.net/agenda/ , I hope the advocacy
went well and that LI was a good thing for the Cause, I'd love to hear
more feedback about the crowd's reaction there, between the 3 of you
there must be a very convincing case for "Why Should the CXO Care
About Open Source Geospatial Products?")

warm regards,


yes higly interested too! Could you please dump your presentations into
the VisCom project, either directly into the documents folder or as a
written copy in the Wiki. Ideally you would create a new page [[Location
Intelligence 2006]] with the presnetaitons and a link to the agenda:

Gary, if you could add some of your comments to the end as a summary
that would round things up nicely.


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Dave McIlhagga (mobile) wrote:

No presnetations yesterday -- it was a panel discussion.

But today chris is giving a presentation on open source so chris would you be able to contribute?


Hi Dave,
would you be willing to put together the outcome of the panel discussion in dry words and make a Wiki page from it anyway. One screen is enough, link to all places and done.

Best, Arnulf.

-----Original Message-----
From: Arnulf Christl <arnulf.christl@ccgis.de>
Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2006 15:55:26 To:dev@visibilitycommittee.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Board] Potential for an Incubation Sprint / OSGeo meetup


(I was interested to hear of 3 board members on the same panel today
at http://www.locationintelligence.net/agenda/ , I hope the advocacy
went well and that LI was a good thing for the Cause, I'd love to hear
more feedback about the crowd's reaction there, between the 3 of you
there must be a very convincing case for "Why Should the CXO Care
About Open Source Geospatial Products?")

warm regards,


yes higly interested too! Could you please dump your presentations into the VisCom project, either directly into the documents folder or as a written copy in the Wiki. Ideally you would create a new page [[Location Intelligence 2006]] with the presnetaitons and a link to the agenda:

Gary, if you could add some of your comments to the end as a summary that would round things up nicely.


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For additional commands, e-mail: board-help@board.osgeo.org

Ok, just made the page and put up links.

I wasn't able to attach powerpoint to mediawiki, is it possible to do so Arnulf? So I just put up a wiki page on my beloved confluence:

I did a quick overview of the conference, sorry, I named it slightly wrong, forgot the 2006. See: http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/Location_Intelligence Feel free to add anything to it.

I put a bit of my feedback there as well. But basically things went well, all the feedback I got from people was very positive. Adena felt our panel managed to address all the aspects she thought was important, we complemented one another quite well. We had a bit of trouble understanding a few of the questions, but I think we eventually managed to answer what was being asked.

I also compared the OSGeo conference to a 'party', so apologies if we get a bunch of business intelligence types just looking for an excuse to get wasted :wink:


Dave McIlhagga (mobile) wrote:

No presnetations yesterday -- it was a panel discussion.

But today chris is giving a presentation on open source so chris would you be able to contribute?

-----Original Message-----
From: Arnulf Christl <arnulf.christl@ccgis.de>
Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2006 15:55:26 To:dev@visibilitycommittee.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Board] Potential for an Incubation Sprint / OSGeo meetup


(I was interested to hear of 3 board members on the same panel today
at http://www.locationintelligence.net/agenda/ , I hope the advocacy
went well and that LI was a good thing for the Cause, I'd love to hear
more feedback about the crowd's reaction there, between the 3 of you
there must be a very convincing case for "Why Should the CXO Care
About Open Source Geospatial Products?")

warm regards,


yes higly interested too! Could you please dump your presentations into the VisCom project, either directly into the documents folder or as a written copy in the Wiki. Ideally you would create a new page [[Location Intelligence 2006]] with the presnetaitons and a link to the agenda:

Gary, if you could add some of your comments to the end as a summary that would round things up nicely.


To unsubscribe, e-mail: board-unsubscribe@board.osgeo.org
For additional commands, e-mail: board-help@board.osgeo.org

Chris Holmes
The Open Planning Project
thoughts at: http://cholmes.wordpress.com

Ok, just made the page and put up links.


I wasn't able to attach powerpoint to mediawiki,
is it possible to do so

Huh, what? No I don't think that the Wiki can handle power points.

The Wiki runs on an electric device known as computer that will plug into
a power point.

So I just put up a wiki page on my beloved confluence:

I would suggest to add documents to the OSGeo domain repositories. The
Wiki only needs to (power?) point to the corresponding OSGeo document

Something like:


I did a quick overview of the conference, sorry, I named it slightly
wrong, forgot the 2006. See:
http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/Location_Intelligence Feel free to add
anything to it.

I moved it and added a redirect. Whenever somebody feels like describing
the Location Intelligence event in general just hack it.

Thanx for your input.