[OSGeo-Board] Re: [VisCom] Re: OSGF at Where 2.0

Well this is easy to fix - just move whatever was going to be said in the free 15 minutes into the paid keynote section.

— Original Message —
From: “Chris Holmes” cholmes@openplans.org
Sent: Thu 5/4/06 9:06 am
To: “board@board.osgeo.orgboard@board.osgeo.org
Cc: “dev@visibilitycommittee.osgeo.orgdev@visibilitycommittee.osgeo.org
Subject: [OSGeo-Board] Re: [VisCom] Re: OSGF at Where 2.0

Gary, so it looks like Nat wants us to sacrifice the 15 minutes slot he
offered us if Autodesk is going to use the half hour keynote for OSGeo.

So I see a couple things we could do. First come up with something more
compelling for Frank to talk about. I was hoping to maybe get VisComm
involved in figuring out what that could be, before sending this email,
but I had forgot to send it, and at the board meeting we decided to just
send something. So I could get back to him with a good reason as to why
it shouldn’t just be in a BOF, what Frank can talk about that’d be of
interest to attendees, how it’d be different than the keynote, ect.

The other thing we could do is try to get an ‘upgrade’ on GDAL or some
other foundation project. GDAL I think only has a 5 minute slot at the
moment, so we could see if we could take the 15 minute slot, and let
worldwind have the 5 minute lightning talk. Or we could just let
WorldWind have the 15 minutes slot, as they are a nice open source
project supporting open standards.


Nathan Torkington wrote:

On 4/05/2006, at 4:07 PM, Chris Holmes wrote:

Ok, so the latest word on this is that Autodesk is going to use their
keynote speech to just talk about OSGeo. So that’s going to be Gary
Lang, and do intro stuff and business case for it and all. Frank
will do the 15 minute slot on more the nitty gritty details of how to
get involved in OSGeo, what we do on a day to day basis, ect.

I’m not so keen on having two talks on OSGeo. The details of how to
get involved, etc. should be in a BOF. A lot of the audience will be
business munchkins and the chances of them having a patch to send in
are somewhere between hell freezing over and Henry Rollins being
elected President of the United States :slight_smile:

I have NASA WorldWind itching to speak about their standards-loving
open source system. If the AutoDesk session will already be about
OSGeo, I’d love to give the morning session to the WorldWind team.

Looks like autodesk is also willing to fully donate their booth space
to OSGeo, so if there’s no space for non-profits we can just make use
of it. We have quite a few people attending and/or interested in
attending, to staff the booth space, so we should have a good
presence. Though unfortunately the OGC OWS-4 kickoff is at the same
time, so some of us who are involved in both may have to go to that
(Raj is taking a red eye after doing his presentation the first day).

There are non-profit spaces too, so if you know of other projects that
should be there please let me know. There’s not enough space for every
Freshmeat project, so please prioritize rather than posting to Slashdot



Chris Holmes
The Open Planning Project