Hey, folks! Something I neglected to understand prior to putting the OSGeo Website survey link out to the groups and committees was the response potential.
Is there somewhere I can get a sense as to how many folks might receive the opportunity to respond if the link is shared to each of these groups?
Board of Directors
GeoForAll Advisory Board
Incubation Committee
Public Geospatial Data Committee
System Administration Committee (SAC) (wiki)
Standards Committee (wiki)
I can help with that as I have access to the mailman system
board: 170
geoforalll: 505 (I can’t find an Advisory Board list, just the website). The closest thing would be the geoforall-labdirectors mailing list with 15 subscribers
incubator: 109
geodata: 406
sac: 71
standards: 159
Then I run this
touch subscribers.txt
for list in board geoforall geoforall-labdirectors incubator geodata sac standards; do \
sudo list_members $list >> subscribers.txt;
cat subscribers.txt | sort | uniq -u | wc -l
As I’m summarizing the feedback we have currently, I note that we have 7 of the 11 groups we targeted represented in the responses but just one, I believe, representing Project Officers. It would be great to get greater representation from that group, I think. I hadn’t initially targeted Local Chapters but, if we could keep it to just the organizers (there may be a survey more broadly targeted to the communities once we have this initial feedback ) that would probably be very useful.
Let me know if there’s anything you would need from me to perform that outreach.
Given the timing, it would probably be worthwhile to add an end-date. The next Marketing Committee meeting is schedule July 26. That’s likely too tight, but I’d suggest maybe just a week after that (Aug 2nd) so I can pull any new responses into the summary and deliver that to the Marketing Committee to figure our next steps.
Please feel free to advise on the wording, if you think it will help:
We are resending this message to Project Officers as well as organizers of Local OSGeo Chapters in the hopes of getting greater representation in the survey responses specifically from leaders and organizers within OSGeo. If you have already completed the survey, thank you. The survey responses may be used to create a survey to be shared more broadly to the communities you represent at a later date.
We will close the survey by August 6, so we ask that you complete it before then if you have not already.
Thank you.
I’m Scott McHale. I host the small, informal, OSGeo Alberta Chapter meetup each month here in Alberta, Canada. I am reaching out to you as a Board/Committee member or Project Officer to ask your help on an initiative regarding the OSGeo website.
I am not particularly technical and until recently I have not been involved in much of the OSGeo work beyond my chapter meetup. I have a personal goal of having the majority of my meetup.com members officially sign up with OSGeo, meaning attaining their OSGeo UserID. When I took the step of getting my User ID, I found the UX to be somewhat disorienting. I found I had a hard time articulating both the benefits and the process of getting the ID, based on what I found on the website.
I approached the Marketing Committee about creating a project to make that process more easily understood by folks who, like me, aren’t particularly technical and might not know OSGeo well. The committee suggested a broader website effort might be worthwhile. To that end, I’ve committed to gathering the views and opinions of stakeholders regarding what they, and the communities they represent, need the OSGeo website to accomplish and how well it is meeting those needs.