[OSGeo-Edu] FreeGIS Book

dear Puneet, Allan, (SAC), all,

Just cc'ing this to the mysterious 'SAC'... cf. https://sac.osgeo.org/
There's a collection of blade machines there and they are running
fedora core 4. I would suggest if Astrid is up for doing the work of
setting up a mediawiki for http://wikibook.osgeo.org/ on one of them
- the sac list, cc'd here is the best place to ask for a machine to
put this on - worth searching the archives for Benjamin's emails? -
and to get a user account + privileges added to the LDAP directory.

Daniel Brookshier is no longer working for CollabNet and nor for us.
His role has been taken over by Auke Jilderda. To get support requests
answered - e.g. to add domains in the .osgeo.org pointing to places
that aren't CollabNet - try the mailing list, the request tracker, or
both (mailing list is open posting, no need to subscribe thank
goodness) at http://support.osgeo.org/

One effort to simplify the appearance of the 'byzantine structure' as
filtered through the CN site is this experimental drupal based portal
that Tyler's done a load of work on - http://frot.org/osgeo/portal/
We havent really shown this to people outside of the last WebCom
meeting. I hope that people would buy into this as a much more
contributable, translatable, tweakable alternative to the main
www.osgeo site and could be considered a replacement for it in the
short to medium term. I would definitely like to get feedback from all
the committee chairs on how they might look on this as a space to move
content from the wiki into... there is a lot of blogging/event type
stuff behind the scenes...

Can i reiterate while i am here *how much* i think OSGeo should be
producing a book... and that you guys could be talking to the
Fundraising Committee about getting sponsorship for that somehow.

back to sleep...

On Mon, Aug 07, 2006 at 09:57:34AM -0400, Allan Doyle wrote:

On Aug 7, 2006, at 09:49, P Kishor wrote:

>On 8/7/06, Allan Doyle <adoyle@eogeo.org> wrote:
>>We want to start out with a wikimedia instance. We're moving off of
>>the ZWiki at eogeo.org and don't want to have to move twice.
>Right then... osgeo.org does run on mediawiki.

I think there's a move afoot to move all the wiki space(s) to the
Telascience machines.
>>Perhaps the better thing to do is see if the SAC has the ability to
>>give us server space.
>sorry, I am blanking out, but I can't fathom what SAC is (space
>applications center? ... is kinda appropriate, no). Nevertheless, I

I'm having trouble following the byzantine structure we're building,
too... SAC = OSGeo SysAdmin Committee or something like that.

>can ask Daniel to set up wikibooks.osgeo.org much like he did
>edu.osgeo.org. Then, perhaps you can shepherd it from existence to
>adolescence. I just don't want to duplicate Astrid's or "Benjamin's"

I guess that raises a good point, who does control the DNS?

>Just let me know, and I will follow up.

If you want to, that would be great. I think it's a matter of
figuring out (a) how to get a mediawiki set up on a Telascience.org
machine (Jo may be able to help) and then to (b) point
wikibooks.osgeo.org to that instance.